This volume contains 37 contributions in which the research work is summarized which has been carried out between 1984 and 1990 in the Priority Research Program "Physik abgeloster Stromungen" of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Society). The aim of the Priority Research Program was the inten sive research of the whole range of phenomena associated with separated flows. Physi cal models as well as prediction methods had to be developed based on detailed experi mental investigations. It was in accordance with the main concept of the research program that scientists...
This volume contains 37 contributions in which the research work is summarized which has been carried out between 1984 and 1990 in the Priority Resear...
Early in 1986, the Commission of the European Community observed a number of developments in world aviation, which were seen to threaten continuing success of the European aeronautic industry. In particular, a remarkable increase in research and development activities was noticed worldwide. These observations prompted the Commission to approach nine major European aircraft companies with the sug gestion that action should be taken at Community level. It was decided that all European aircraft companies should collaborate, and a consortium was established to undertake "A Joint Study of EUROpean...
Early in 1986, the Commission of the European Community observed a number of developments in world aviation, which were seen to threaten continuing su...
Der Band enthalt den Abschlubericht des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Flusimulation mit Hochstleistungsrechnern." Es fuhrt die Arbeiten fort, die schon als Band 38 in der Reihe "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics" erschienen sind.Work is reported, which was sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft from 1993 to 1995. Scientists from numerical mathematics, fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and turbomachinery present their work on flow simulation with massively parallel systems, on the direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence, and on mathematical foundations, general solution techniques...
Der Band enthalt den Abschlubericht des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Flusimulation mit Hochstleistungsrechnern." Es fuhrt die Arbeiten fort, die schon al...
The last decade has seen a dramatic increase of our abilities to solve numerically the governing equations of fluid mechanics. In design aerodynamics the classical potential-flow methods have been complemented by higher modelling-level methods. Euler solvers, and for special purposes, already Navier-Stokes solvers are in use. The authors of this book have been working on the solution of the Euler equations for quite some time. While the first two of us have worked mainly on algorithmic problems, the third has been concerned off and on with modelling and application problems of Euler methods....
The last decade has seen a dramatic increase of our abilities to solve numerically the governing equations of fluid mechanics. In design aerodynamics ...
"Kein Antlitz in einem Sarg hat mir je gezeigt, daB der Eben-Verstorbene uns vermiBt. Das Gegenteil davon ist Uberdeutlich . . . Der Verstorbene UberlaBt mich der Erinnerung an meine Erlebnisse mit ihm . . . Er hingegen, der Verstorbene, hat inzwischen eine Erfahrung, die mir erst noch bevorsteht, und die sich nicht ver mitteln laBt - es geschehe denn durch eine Offenbarung im Glauben. " Aus der Totenrede von Max Frisch fUr Peter Noll Die Ergebnisse einer kulturvergleichenden Analyse zu Sterben und Tod, die sich die 7. Internationale Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin im April 1984 zur Aufgabe...
"Kein Antlitz in einem Sarg hat mir je gezeigt, daB der Eben-Verstorbene uns vermiBt. Das Gegenteil davon ist Uberdeutlich . . . Der Verstorbene Uberl...
The GAMM Committee l'or Efficient Numerical l1ethods l'or Partial Differential Equations (GAMM FachausschuB "Effiziente Numerische Verf'ahren fiir Partielle Differentialgleichungen") organizes conferences and serninars on subjects concerning the algorit hmic treatment of partial differential equation problerns. The two flrst serninars "Efficient Solution of Elliptic Systems" 098S) and "Efficient Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics" (986) were followed by a third one, co-organized together with the GAMM Committee l'or Dlscre tizing Methods in Solid Mechanics and the special re search...
This book is one of three volumes entitled "ECARP-European Computational Aerodynamics Research Project," which was supported by the European Union in the Aeronautics Area of the Industrial and Materials Technology Programme. This volume contains optimization techniques for a number of inviscid and viscous problems like drag reduction, inverse, multipoint, wing-pylon-nacelle and riblets (Part A); and methodologies for solving the Navier Stokes equations on parallel architectures for compressible viscous flows in two and three dimensions (Part B). The main objective of this book is to...
This book is one of three volumes entitled "ECARP-European Computational Aerodynamics Research Project," which was supported by the European Union in ...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Eighth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, held in Delft, The Netherlands, September 27-29, 1989, at Delft University of Technology. This international conference is organized bi-annually at various locations in Europe by the Committee on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics of the Gesellschaft fiir Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, chaired at present by W. Kordulla. At the moment, the organizing committee draws its-members from ten European countries. The conference attracted a worldwide attendance of about 140 registered...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Eighth GAMM Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics, held in Delft, The Netherlands, September ...
The GAMM-Commi ttee for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics (GAMM-Fachausschuss fur Numerische Methoden in der Stromungsmechanik) has sponsored the organization of a GAMM Workshop dedicated to the numerical simulation of three dimensional incompressible unsteady viscous laminar flows to test Navier-Stokes solvers. The Workshop was held in Paris from June 12th to June 14th, 1991 at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Metiers. Two test problems were set up. The first one is the flow in a driven-lid parallelepipedic cavity at Re = 3200 . The second problem is a flow around a prolate...
The GAMM-Commi ttee for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics (GAMM-Fachausschuss fur Numerische Methoden in der Stromungsmechanik) has sponsored the o...