Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the bro...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the bro...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the bro...
Der Sammelband enthaauml;lt elf Beitrage von renommierten Phraseologen und Woouml;rterbuchautoren, die ihre korpusbasierten Projekte vorstellen und Bilanz uuuml;ber den Stand der zur Zeit vorhandenen Idiomlexika und allgemeinsprachlichen Worterbucher ziehen. Untersucht werden in erster Linie im Rahmen der Korpuslinguistik und der Funktionslehre - die die Bedurfnisse der Worterbuchbenutzer in den jeweiligen Benutzungssituationen berucksichtigt -Aspekte der Makro- und Mikrostruktur wie z.B. die syntagmatische und semantische Kombinatorik, die Reprasentativitat der Korpora fur die...
Der Sammelband enthaauml;lt elf Beitrage von renommierten Phraseologen und Woouml;rterbuchautoren, die ihre korpusbasierten Projekte vorstellen und Bi...
Bilingual dictionaries are an important aid in foreign language acquisition and in interlingual communication. However, when speaking and writing one needs to be able to formulate whole sentences instead of using single words. The term syntagmatics encompasses all that surrounds a word in a sentence. The monograph Syntagmatics in the Bilingual Dictionary explores what one needs to know about a word to use it correctly in a sentence and how a dictionary should be structured to convey this information.
Bilingual dictionaries are an important aid in foreign language acquisition and in interlingual communication. However, when speaking and writing o...
This book defends two main ideas: there is a need and a market for better specialised dictionaries for learners; we need a sound theoretical framework for coping with known and unknown challenges (for example the Internet) in the realm of pedagogical specialised lexicography. Both themes were Enrique Alcaraz's driving force during his life. Hence, his memory deserves this book that has been written by leading scholars in the field - they have compiled more than 70 dictionaries and published hundreds of books and articles on the topics here discussed - although only two of them knew him in...
This book defends two main ideas: there is a need and a market for better specialised dictionaries for learners; we need a sound theoretical framework...
Dokumentiert wird die uber 200-jahrige Tradition der Aufnahme sonder-, fach- und gruppensprachlicher Lexik in allgemeine einsprachige Worterbucher des Deutschen. Im Fokus stehen die mageblichen synchronischen Worterbucher des 18.-20. Jhs.: Adelung; Campe; Sanders; Worterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache; Duden. Das groe Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Erweitert wird der zeitliche Rahmen durch den Ausgriff auf die spezielles Wortgut erfassenden Glossare und Worterbucher des 16. Jhs., die Thematisierung der Kunstworter im Programmdiskurs des 17. Jhs. und das...
Dokumentiert wird die uber 200-jahrige Tradition der Aufnahme sonder-, fach- und gruppensprachlicher Lexik in allgemeine einsprachige Worterbucher ...
This book is concerned with bilingual thematic dictionaries (BTDs). The three chief aims of the research project are: 1) to identify the characteristic features of the bilingual thematic dictionary, 2) to gauge its usefulness, and 3) to make suggestions as to how it could be improved. Various approaches are adopted in order to reveal the nature of the BTD. The typological approach considers the lexicographic genres (bilingual, thematic, and pedagogical) which have been combined to create this hybrid reference work. Particular attention is paid to the BTD's immediate forerunner and closest...
This book is concerned with bilingual thematic dictionaries (BTDs). The three chief aims of the research project are: 1) to identify the characteri...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented...
Lexiographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the bro...
This study concentrates on three major issues creating a basis for the making of the "Czech-English Law Dictionary with Explanations," namely language, including terminology, in both the Czech and Anglo-American systems of law; the process of legal translation; and the lexicographic method of producing a bilingual law dictionary. Terminology has been considered the most significant feature of language for legal purposes. It encompasses a wide range of special-purpose vocabulary and higher syntactic units, including legal jargon. Conceptual analysis is to be pursued whenever an identical...
This study concentrates on three major issues creating a basis for the making of the "Czech-English Law Dictionary with Explanations," namely langu...