Communication and information systems are subject to rapid and highly so phisticated changes. Currently semiconductor heterostructure devices, such as Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) and High Electron Mobility Transis tors (HEMTs), are among the fastest and most advanced high-frequency devices. They satisfy the requirements for low power consumption, medium integration, low cost in large quantities, and high-speed operation capabilities in circuits. In the very high-frequency range, cut-off frequencies up to 500 GHz 557] have been reported on the device level. HEMTs and HBTs are...
Communication and information systems are subject to rapid and highly so phisticated changes. Currently semiconductor heterostructure devices, such as...
In the last two decades semiconductor device simulation has become a research area, which thrives on a cooperation of physicists, electrical engineers and mathe- maticians. In this book the static semiconductor device problem is presented and analysed from an applied mathematician's point of view. I shall derive the device equations - as obtained for the first time by Van Roosbroeck in 1950 - from physical principles, present a mathematical analysis, discuss their numerical solu- tion by discretisation techniques and report on selected device simulation runs. To me personally the most...
In the last two decades semiconductor device simulation has become a research area, which thrives on a cooperation of physicists, electrical engineers...
Basically all properties of semiconductor devices are influenced by the distribution of point defects in their active areas. This book contains the first comprehensive review of the properties of intrinsic point defects, acceptor and donor impurities, isovalent atoms, chalcogens, and halogens in silicon, as well as of their complexes. Special emphasis is placed on compiling the structures, energetic properties, identified electrical levels and spectroscopic signatures, and the diffusion behavior from experimental and theoretical investigations. In addition, the book discusses the fundamental...
Basically all properties of semiconductor devices are influenced by the distribution of point defects in their active areas. This book contains the fi...
Single-electronics is a fascinating technology which reveals new physical effects of charge transport. It has many benefits and great figure of merits but also several open challenges waiting for elegant solutions . In my almost o- decade-long involvement in single-electronics I have seen a steady rise in interest measurable in the number of published articles, conference talks, and research grants from government and industry . In order to collect, categorize, and summarize a good part of this body of knowledge as well as to introduce some new points of view, variations, and extensions, I...
Single-electronics is a fascinating technology which reveals new physical effects of charge transport. It has many benefits and great figure of merits...
Expert clinicians and basic scientists with a special interest in Park insonFs disease review the current state of science and clinical thera peutics of the disease. Therefore these articles represent an authorat ive review of the current state of knowledge regarding preclinical cou rse and symptomatology, subtypes with their impact on the pathology, g enetic alterations, novel mechanisms of neuronal cell death, diagnosti c tools and old and novel therapeutic approaches with respect to neuro protection and neuroregeneration in ParkinsonFs disease. Particular em phasis has been placed on a...
Expert clinicians and basic scientists with a special interest in Park insonFs disease review the current state of science and clinical thera peutics ...
Device simulation has two main purposes: to understand and depict the physical processes in the interior of a device, and to make reliable predictions of the behavior of an anticipated new device generation. Towards these goals the quality of the physical models is decisive. The introductory chapter of this book contains a critical review on models for silicon device simulators, which rely on moments of the Boltzmann equation. With reference to fundamental experimental and theoretical work an extensive collection of widely used models is discussed in terms of physical accuracy and application...
Device simulation has two main purposes: to understand and depict the physical processes in the interior of a device, and to make reliable predictions...
This book covers modeling approaches used to describe strain in silicon. The subband structure in stressed semiconductor films is explored in devices using analytical k.p and numerical pseudopotential methods. Includes a rigorous overview of transport modeling.
This book covers modeling approaches used to describe strain in silicon. The subband structure in stressed semiconductor films is explored in devic...
In the last two decades semiconductor device simulation has become a research area, which thrives on a cooperation of physicists, electrical engineers and mathe- maticians. In this book the static semiconductor device problem is presented and analysed from an applied mathematician's point of view. I shall derive the device equations - as obtained for the first time by Van Roosbroeck in 1950 - from physical principles, present a mathematical analysis, discuss their numerical solu- tion by discretisation techniques and report on selected device simulation runs. To me personally the most...
In the last two decades semiconductor device simulation has become a research area, which thrives on a cooperation of physicists, electrical engineers...
The book contains a comprehensive review of the physics, modelling and simulation of electron transport at interfaces in semiconductor devices. Particular emphasis is put on the consistent derivation of interface or boundary conditions for semiconductor device simulation. It combines a review of existing interface charge transport models with original developments. A unified representation of charge transport at semiconductor interfaces is introduced. Models for the most important interfaces are derived, classified within the unique modelling framework, and discussed in the context of device...
The book contains a comprehensive review of the physics, modelling and simulation of electron transport at interfaces in semiconductor devices. Partic...
The book covers all aspects from the expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation with harmonic functions to application to devices, where transport in the bulk and in inversion layers is considered. The important aspects of stabilization and band structure mapping are discussed in detail. This is done not only for the full band structure of the 3D k-space, but also for the warped band structure of the quasi 2D hole gas. Efficient methods for building the Schrodinger equation for arbitrary surface or strain directions, gridding of the 2D k-space and solving it together with the other two...
The book covers all aspects from the expansion of the Boltzmann transport equation with harmonic functions to application to devices, where transport ...