Basically all properties of semiconductor devices are influenced by the distribution of point defects in their active areas. This book contains the first comprehensive review of the properties of intrinsic point defects, acceptor and donor impurities, isovalent atoms, chalcogens, and halogens in silicon, as well as of their complexes. Special emphasis is placed on compiling the structures, energetic properties, identified electrical levels and spectroscopic signatures, and the diffusion behavior from experimental and theoretical investigations. In addition, the book discusses the fundamental...
Basically all properties of semiconductor devices are influenced by the distribution of point defects in their active areas. This book contains the fi...
SISDEP-95 provides an international forum for the presentation of state-of-the-art research and development results in the area of numerical process and device simulation. Continuously shrinking device dimensions, the use of new materials, and advanced processing steps in the manufacturing of semiconductor devices require new and improved software. The trend towards increasing complexity in structures and process technology demands advanced models describing all basic effects and sophisticated two and three dimensional tools for almost arbitrarily designed geometries. The book contains the...
SISDEP-95 provides an international forum for the presentation of state-of-the-art research and development results in the area of numerical process a...
This diverse collection of gender research with an exclusive focus on spoken interaction explores how gender is reflected and accomplished in relation to other situational and larger-scale sociocultural practices, identities and structures.
This diverse collection of gender research with an exclusive focus on spoken interaction explores how gender is reflected and accomplished in relation...