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Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors: 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9789810213473 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This revised second edition on the "Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors" presents the basic elements needed to understand and engage in research in semiconductor physics. In this revised second edition misprints are corrected and some new and more detailed material is added. In order to treat the valence-band structure of semiconductors, an introduction to the k.p. theory and the related description in terms of the Luttinger Hamiltonian is included. An introductory chapter on mesoscopic semiconductor structures discussing the modifications of the envelope...
This revised second edition on the "Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors" presents the basic elements needed to u...
201,10 zł |
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Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors: 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9789810213411 / Angielski / Twarda / 492 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This revised second edition on the "Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors" presents the basic elements needed to understand and engage in research in semiconductor physics. In this revised second edition misprints are corrected and some new and more detailed material is added. In order to treat the valence-band structure of semiconductors, an introduction to the k.p. theory and the related description in terms of the Luttinger Hamiltonian is included. An introductory chapter on mesoscopic semiconductor structures discussing the modifications of the envelope...
This revised second edition on the "Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors" presents the basic elements needed to u...
407,22 zł |
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Quantum Electrodynamics
ISBN: 9789810202149 / Angielski / Miękka / 1018 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
306,67 zł |
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Elektromagnetische Felder: Mathematische Und Physikalische Grundlagen / Anwendungen in Physik Und Technik
ISBN: 9783540095972 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 670 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. form tiber einem gegebenen Vektorraum. Die Dualitat erlaubt, die metrische Bilinear form (das Skalarprodukt) durch die kanonische Bilinearform zu ersetzen. Uber die auBere Algebra der mit dem Tang ntenraum in einem Punkt assoziierten Multilinear formen gelangt man zu den von Cartan eingeftihrten auBeren Differentialformen. Dif ferentialformen sind Objekte, die ohne Bezugnahme auf geometrische Strukturen tiber Kurven, Flachen etc. integriert werden konnen. E s ist deshalb naheliegend, die elek tromagnetischen FeldgroBen als Differentialformen aufzufassen. Dabei ist es zweck maBig, . sich an...
form tiber einem gegebenen Vektorraum. Die Dualitat erlaubt, die metrische Bilinear form (das Skalarprodukt) durch die kanonische Bilinearform zu erse...
186,75 zł |
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Theory and Calculation of Electric Circuits
ISBN: 9781603863179 / Angielski / Miękka / 384 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An Unabridged First Edition To Include: Electric Conduction - Solid And Liquid Conductors - Gas And Vapor Conductors - Magnetism (Reluctivity) - Hysteresis - Magnetic Constants - Mechanical Forces - Shaping Of Waves - By Magnetic Saturation - Wave Screens - Even Harmonics - Instability Of Circuits (The Arc) - Instability Of Circuits - Reactance Of Induction Apparatus - Reactance Of Synchronous Machines - Constant Potential (Constant Current Transformation) - Constant Potential Series Operation - Load Balance Of Polyphase Systems - Circuits With Distributive Leakage - Oscillating Currents -...
An Unabridged First Edition To Include: Electric Conduction - Solid And Liquid Conductors - Gas And Vapor Conductors - Magnetism (Reluctivity) - Hyste...
68,48 zł |
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Application of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Grenoble, France, September 13-17, 1
ISBN: 9783540119968 / Angielski / Miękka / 557 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
399,69 zł |
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Lernen und Gedächtnis
ISBN: 9783639258219 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 124 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Der menschliche Gedachtnisspeicher ist ausserst komplex umfasst unter Anderem den Wortschatz und das Sprachwissen, das Faktenwissen, Erinnerungen an eigene Erfahrungen oder andere Menschen, erworbene motorische Fahigkeiten und vieles mehr. Umso tragischer ist es, diese erlernten Fahigkeiten durch eine Krankheit oder eine Verletzung zu verlieren. Lernen, Gedachtnis und damit auch Vergessen sind immer noch grosse Geheimnisse in der Neurobiologie. Zwar sind mittlerweile molekulare Funktionsweisen bekannt, die an der Veranderung von neuronalen Netzen mitwirken, wie aber genau darin detaillierte...
Der menschliche Gedachtnisspeicher ist ausserst komplex umfasst unter Anderem den Wortschatz und das Sprachwissen, das Faktenwissen, Erinnerungen an e...
262,05 zł |
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Rétine silicium pour la détection/localisation d éclats lasers
ISBN: 9786131505904 / Francuski / Miękka / 204 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dans beaucoup d'applications telles que la dA(c)tection d'obstacle pour les vA(c)hicules intelligents, le guidage, la poursuite de cible, etc, on conAoit des rA(c)tines artificielles pour dA(c)tecter et localiser un point lumineux produit par une source coopA(c)rative. La complexitA(c) du problA]me posA(c) tient aux caractA(c)ristiques de la source et A la nature plus ou moins hostile du milieu d'observation que l'on considA]re comme un bruit. Si l'environnement est par exemple de type atmosphA(c)rique, la puissance lumineuse que reAoit la rA(c)tine peut varier de 1 A 10e12 entre une nuit...
Dans beaucoup d'applications telles que la dA(c)tection d'obstacle pour les vA(c)hicules intelligents, le guidage, la poursuite de cible, etc, on conA...
306,46 zł |
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Production D�centralis�e Et R�seaux de Distribution
ISBN: 9786131510892 / Francuski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. L'ouverture des marches de l'energie ainsi que les developpements technologiques des moyens de production de petite et moyenne puissance encouragent fortement une restructuration complete du secteur electrique. Une methodologie d'etude systematique de transmission d'impact entre la basse et moyenne tension est d'abord proposee. Le plan de tension est alors identifie comme l'impact le plus critique. Afin de solutionner cet impact, une recherche des moyens d'action sur le plan de tension du reseau de distribution ainsi que leur modelisation est realisee. Les grandeurs de consigne des moyens de...
L'ouverture des marches de l'energie ainsi que les developpements technologiques des moyens de production de petite et moyenne puissance encouragent f...
306,46 zł |
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Cartographie 3D de Charges d''espace Par M�thode Flimm
ISBN: 9786131510977 / Francuski / Miękka / 184 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Durant les trois derniA]res dA(c)cennies, des nombreuses techniques non-destructives de mesure de charges d''espace et de polarisation ont A(c)tA(c) dA(c)veloppA(c)es et appliquA(c)es A un large A(c)ventail de thA]mes, tels que les phA(c)nomA]nes de rupture dans les cA bles ou les revAatements diA(c)lectriques. Notre A(c)quipe a ainsi dA(c)veloppA(c) une mA(c)thode originale, appelA(c)e FLIMM (Focused Laser Induced Modulation Method). Dans un premier temps, la mA(c)thode FLIMM a A(c)tA(c) adaptA(c)e pour rA(c)aliser des mesures sous champ A(c)lectrique appliquA(c). Ces mesures sous tension...
Durant les trois derniA]res dA(c)cennies, des nombreuses techniques non-destructives de mesure de charges d''espace et de polarisation ont A(c)tA(c) d...
262,05 zł |
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Low-dimensional Semiconductors : Materials, Physics, Technology, Devices
ISBN: 9780198517818 / Angielski Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Over the last 25 years, the performances of semiconductor devices have improved greatly; this book describes the science and technology that have made these advances possible. While mainstream silicon memory and microprocessor chips still work with uniform silicon as the starting point, the whole of both electronic and optical communication relies on multilayer semiconductor structures. The book provides a unified overview of the devices, including the relevant quantum physics and the key breakthroughs in materials science and technology. It is suitable as a text for undergraduates and...
Over the last 25 years, the performances of semiconductor devices have improved greatly; this book describes the science and technology that have made...
530,21 zł |
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Analysis of Sensitivity and Resolution in Plasmonic Microscopes
ISBN: 9783659422966 / Angielski / Miękka / 284 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. This book provides readers a theoretical framework to understand different types of surface plasmon (SP) microscope setups through the rigorous diffraction theory. The framework analyses the diffraction process through rigorous wave coupled analysis (RCWA) and a software package processes the diffracted orders to recover the microscope response for a range of different systems. In this book I will investigate the non-interferometric SP microscope, interferometric SP microscope and confocal SP microscope. I will show that the non-interferometric system exhibits a trade-off between lateral...
This book provides readers a theoretical framework to understand different types of surface plasmon (SP) microscope setups through the rigorous diffra...
266,05 zł |
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Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation
ISBN: 9783659430695 / Angielski / Miękka / 172 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. With the penetration of Distributed Generation in Electric Distribution Systems, recloser-fuse coordination problems appear due to the unplanned DG fault currents. In this book, an integrated novel strategy is proposed to solve such problems. The proposed strategy is based on two main steps; the first is to assess the coordination status at fault conditions and decide whether coordination holds or is lost. The second step provides three different solutions to decrease the cases where coordination is lost to avoid as much as possible doing major changes in the existing protection scheme. The...
With the penetration of Distributed Generation in Electric Distribution Systems, recloser-fuse coordination problems appear due to the unplanned DG fa...
319,35 zł |
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Odnim Impul'som
ISBN: 9783659436734 / Rosyjski / Miękka / 184 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Privedeny izobrazheniya metallicheskikh ob"ektov, blizko raspolozhennykh (1mm - 2mm) za metallicheskimi ekranami tolshchinoy do 1mm, zapisannye na magnitnyy nositel (MN) odnim impulsom magnitnogo polya s obratnym vybrosom i so vremenem narastaniya menee 0,0001 s. Pokazany zavisimosti elektricheskogo napryazheniya ot vremeni, sootvetstvuyushchie zavisimostyam napryazheniya ot rasstoyaniya i vosproizvedennye magnitnoy golovkoy pri skanirovanii eyu MN. Privedeny rezultaty kontrolya svoystv metallicheskikh ob"ektov v otrazhennoy i proshedshey poluvolne. Polucheny analiticheskie...
Privedeny izobrazheniya metallicheskikh ob"ektov, blizko raspolozhennykh (1mm - 2mm) za metallicheskimi ekranami tolshchinoy do 1mm, zapisannye na ma...
186,10 zł |
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Sushchestvuet Li Magnitnoe Pole?
ISBN: 9783659443084 / Rosyjski / Miękka / 72 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Magnitnoe pole yavlyaetsya odnim iz osnovnykh ponyatiy elektrodinamiki. Ono vkhodit v bolshinstvo eye uravneniy. V ego sushchestvovanii ubezhdaet nas magnitnaya strelka kompasa, kotoraya vsegda povorachivaetsya v opredelyennom napravlenii. I, kazalos by, v sushchestvovaniya realnogo materialnogo magnitnogo polya somnevatsya ne prikhoditsya. Odnako esli vspomnit te vremena, kogda magnitnoe pole priobrelo ofitsialnyy status, a vvoditsya magnitnoe pole fenomenologicheskim zakon Ampera, to nelzya ne zametit, chto mezhdu Amperom i Veberom proiskhodila ozhivlyennaya polemika po povodu prirody...
Magnitnoe pole yavlyaetsya odnim iz osnovnykh ponyatiy elektrodinamiki. Ono vkhodit v bolshinstvo eye uravneniy. V ego sushchestvovanii ubezhdaet nas ...
177,22 zł |
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Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
ISBN: 9780306439315 / Angielski / Twarda / 274 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. An overview of semimagnetic and diluted magnetic semiconductors, which are interesting because they confer many new physical properties on both bulk materials and on heterostructures, apparently by exchange interactions between magnetic moments and either magnetic ions or the spin of the charge carr
An overview of semimagnetic and diluted magnetic semiconductors, which are interesting because they confer many new physical properties on both bulk m...
398,97 zł |
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Les Fortes Puissances �lectriques Puls�es
ISBN: 9786131517075 / Francuski / Miękka / 220 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Cette thA]se est une contribution au dA(c)veloppement de dispositifs de fortes puissances A(c)lectriques pulsA(c)es. L''A(c)tude de thyristors haute tension fonctionnant en transitoires rapides est menA(c)e. Un certain nombre de commutateurs que nous avons rA(c)alisA(c)s sont prA(c)sentA(c)s ainsi qu''une application relative A un A(c)lectrofiltre. Le fonctionnement de deux dispositifs amplificateurs de tension: le gA(c)nA(c)rateur de Marx et le transformateur d''impulsions, est analysA(c). Notre A(c)tude sur leur dA(c)clenchement dA(c)bouche sur la rA(c)alisation de gA(c)nA(c)rateurs de Marx...
Cette thA]se est une contribution au dA(c)veloppement de dispositifs de fortes puissances A(c)lectriques pulsA(c)es. L''A(c)tude de thyristors haute t...
306,46 zł |
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Power Sector in India After Independence
ISBN: 9783639258042 / Angielski / Miękka / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Electricity plays a crucial role in the economy of a country, especially when the economy of a country is in its developing phase like India .In this book, an attempt has been made to investigate the causality between electricity supply and economic growth in India taking data from 1960-61 to 2006-07. In order to find out the causal relationship, Granger causality model has been adopted to find whether there is bi-directional or unidirectional causality running from electricity consumption to economic growth or vise versa. The direction of causation between electricity consumption and...
Electricity plays a crucial role in the economy of a country, especially when the economy of a country is in its developing phase like India .In t...
217,63 zł |
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Circuit Magnétique À Haut Rendement En Acier À Grains Orientés
ISBN: 9783841622495 / Francuski / Miękka / 208 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Le travail prA(c)sentA(c) porte sur la dA(c)finition et le dA(c)veloppement d'un circuit magnA(c)tique pour moteurs A haut rendement de faible et moyenne puissances. Il est rA(c)alisA(c) avec des tAles A Grains OrientA(c)s (GO) non-segmentA(c)es. Des expA(c)rimentations rA(c)alisA(c)es en champ unidirectionnel, destinA(c)es A comparer les caractA(c)ristiques globales de la structure GO A celles obtenues sur un assemblage classique composA(c) de tAles A grains Non-OrientA(c)s (NO), permettent de conclure quant A l'efficacitA(c) de l'association proposA(c)e en termes de pertes fer. Des...
Le travail prA(c)sentA(c) porte sur la dA(c)finition et le dA(c)veloppement d'un circuit magnA(c)tique pour moteurs A haut rendement de faible et moye...
261,61 zł |
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Contribution À l''étude de la Durée de Vie Des Assemblages de Puissance
ISBN: 9786131522161 / Francuski / Miękka / 200 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Dans le domaine des applications avioniques, des dispositifs d'electronique de puissance devront etre place sur le reacteur avec, dans le pire des cas, une temperature ambiante de 200C et des cycles thermiques compris entre -55C et 200C. La premiere partie presente les caracterisations electriques de composants a semi-conducteur afin de justifier les choix pour leur utilisation a haute temperature. En complement d'une campagne experimentale, s'appuyant sur un cyclage thermique de grande amplitude, une evaluation numerique des sollicitations dans l'assemblage permettra de mieux comprendre les...
Dans le domaine des applications avioniques, des dispositifs d'electronique de puissance devront etre place sur le reacteur avec, dans le pire des cas...
262,05 zł |