Carmina Harrdemonstrates in this book that we have limitless powers within ourselves and that it stands in our power to reach out for the destiny we want for ourselves and just materialize it.
In her own words... let's see what her fundamental message is:
It takes courage to be who you are, how you are You need courage to throw out of the window all the conditioning and not to care about the things some people consider normal or abnormal. You need courage to stand face to face with yourself and to make peace with all your nuances. But when you do,...
Carmina Harrdemonstrates in this book that we have limitless powers within ourselves and that it stands in our power to reach out for ...
The Empire of Wheeled Vehicles. Children's Stories without Seven-Headed Dragons and Frightening Trolls
This book is in Romanian. It is a nice book for children.
Cartea pentru copiiImpărăţia maşinilor pe roţi. Poveşti fără balauri cu şapte capete şi fără zmei inspăimantători cuprinde 10 poveşti, cu titluri incitante pentru copii:
The Empire of Wheeled Vehicles. Children's Stories without Seven-Headed Dragons and Frightening Trolls
This book is in Romanian. It is the work of the great Romanian poet, publisher, journalist, and children's writer Petre Ghelmez. This book initiates young and very young readers in the mystery of living in the countryside.
Manzul de Vant...
Un Manz de Vant are fiecare om cu el. Om şi Manz merg din copilărie impreună, ca doi prieteni buni, la bine şi la rău - şi intamplările unuia sunt, de fiecare dată, şi ale celuilalt. Drumul lor este tot atat de...
The Colt of Wind. A Children's Novel
This book is in Romanian. It is the work of the great Romanian poet, publisher, journalist,...