Socrates' aphorism "Know yourself" is a respectable and wise incentive. Each person is responsible for coming to know himself or herself and by doing that to know the Universe, to grow in such a way that each life and life cycle may become a step forward on the road of self fulfillment. Every person who comes to the physical level can hit crucial moments, when he is confused, he doesn't know which way to go further, doesn't manage to identify the best road to go in the future. He feels lonely, most of the time he doesn't know how to listen to his inner voice; as for a conversation with...
Socrates' aphorism "Know yourself" is a respectable and wise incentive. Each person is responsible for coming to know himself or herself and by doi...
"This book is in Romanian. It is a selection of Polish poet Aleksander Nawrocki's poems."
In generaţia poeţilor anilor '70 ai secolului trecut, autorul "Victoriilor irosite - specialitate poloneză," se Inscrie printre intelectualii foarte bine şcoliţi literar din Polonia.Şi-a Insuşit arta scrisului nu din zbor, ci de pe băncile unei facultăţi solide, cum era cea de Litere de la Varşovia, pe care a absolvit-o In anul 1966, cAnd literatura se afla la un loc de cinste In această...
"This book is in Romanian. It is a selection of Polish poet Aleksander Nawrocki's poems."
This book is in Romanian. It tells a very complex and fact-ridden story about Ceausescu's times.
Romanul Preţul evadării. Povestea Silviei prezintă viaţa omului obişnuit sub tirania lui Ceauşescu, insistand asupra efectelor negative profunde asupra psihicului uman pe care oranduirea de atunci le avea.
Cartea este scrisă cu măiestrie, personajele şi situaţiile, deşi imaginare, sunt credibile şi evocatoare. Iată un...
The Price of Escape. Sylvia's Story. A Novel
This book is in Romanian. It tells a very complex and fact-ridden story about Ceaus...
Miei de lumină - Agneaux de lumiere - Lambs of Light. Versuri - Poemes - Poems is a volume of poetry by Sanziana Batişte in three languages: English, French, and Romanian.
Sanziana Batişte's poems represent confessions, which gradually shape into a sublime portrayal of the human spirit, non-recurring, but at the same time universal. It is such a sensitive poetic discourse, that we marvel at its mere existence, at its ability to materialise in words (a testimony of our human essence, in this frivolous reality). The lambs of light, under slabs of...
Miei de lumină - Agneaux de lumiere - Lambs of Light. Versuri - Poemes - Poems is a volume of poetry by Sanziana Batişte
This book is in Romanian. It speaks about the nature and practice of happiness in our lives. The author of this book writes poetry and aphorisms apart from philosophical essays.
Cartea de faţă, Diagnostic: fericire de Laurenţiu Lupu, ne deschide calea către idealul numărul unu al vieţii noastre: obţinerea fericirii. Iată ce ne spune autorul in deschiderea lucrării:
Deşi avem, fiecare, o vagă idee despre ce ar fi fericirea, toţi credem că e...
Diagnosis: Happiness. Essays
This book is in Romanian. It speaks about the nature and practice of happiness in our lives. The au...
This book is in Romanian. It is an anthology of poems written by Polish women poets, translated into Romanian by the famous Romanian writer and diplomat Nicolae Mareş.
Lirica feminină poloneză de Nicolae Mareş este o antologie ce prezintă lirica feminină poloneză contemporană.
Iată poetele poloneze cuprinse in această lucrare:
Polish Women Poets. An Anthology
This book is in Romanian. It is an anthology of poems written by Polish women poets, translated...
The Literature of Commitment in Matei Vişniec's Works. Literary Criticism
This book is in Romanian. It is the first book-length literary criticism essay in Romanian on Matei Vişniec's plays.
Studiul Literatura angajamentului la Matei Vişniecde Mihaela Paula Olimpia Ghiţ se constituie in prima carte scrisă in Romania despre opera lui Matei Vişniec. Iată ce ne spune autoarea despre acest important studiu:
Impunandu-se printr-o operă de o uluitoare originalitate, Matei Vişniec...
The Literature of Commitment in Matei Vişniec's Works. Literary Criticism
This book is in Romanian. It is the first book-le...
This book is in Romanian. It contains sensitive spiritual poems about God and Love.
Randuri arse de iubiredeMircea Florin Caracaşeste un volum de versuri inchinate Iubirii şi lui Dumnezeu. Iată ce ne spune autorul despre această carte:
Există un concept metaforă al intregului volum de versuri, acela de Randuri arse de iubire." De ce randuri arse?
Cu siguranţă există o legătură puternică intre iubire, inimă şi...
Lines Scorched by Love. Poems
This book is in Romanian. It contains sensitive spiritual poems about God and Love.
"This book is in Romanian. It is the first collection of short stories by Stefan Kellner."
"Povestirile lui Stefan Kellner din volumul Cumva trebuie să incep se citesc cu deosebită plăcere. Reproducem aici cateva pagini care demonstrează acest lucru: "
Păunul alb
In lumea in care culorile se joacă peste tot sub soare, s-a născut un păun alb. A ieşit dintr-unul dintre cele douăsprezece ouă rozalii din cuib, aşa cum au ieşit şi ceilalţi unsprezece pui coloraţi....
I Have to Start Somehow. Short Stories
"This book is in Romanian. It is the first collection of short stories by Stefan Kellner."