Alexa Gavril Bale Vasile Poenaru Editura Epublishers
The poetry volumeNobel Prize Candidateby the Romanian contemporary poetAlexa Gavril Baleinvites the reader to step into a very personal lyrical universe, with profound emotions and sharp poetic visions. Romanian literary critics love this poet and praise his work.
Mix of the Telluric and the Intellectual
One evening, a few years ago, in the literary and plastic creation camp of Ocoliş, near Baia-Mare - a camp organized by the inexhaustible multilateral artist Ioan Marchiş; a camp whereupon sat to write and to...
The poetry volumeNobel Prize Candidateby the Romanian contemporary poetAlexa Gavril Baleinvites the reader t...
Answers to Will. Sonnets 2007-2016. In Memoriam William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of sonnets written by the Romanian poetovidiu oana-parauto commemorate 400 years since William Shakespeare's death.
In cartea sa, Răspunsuri pentru Will. Sonete 2007-2016. In Memoriam William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poetul ovidiu oana-parau reuneşte o serie de sonete realizate magistral, intrand intr-un dialog peste veacuri intre culturi şi viziuni poetice profund diferite, dar cu numeroase...
Answers to Will. Sonnets 2007-2016. In Memoriam William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of sonn...
This book is in Romanian. It shows Romanian poet ovidiu oana-parau's deep love for, and appreciation of, nature and its beautiful landscapes.
Frumoasa carte de pasteluriSurori metrese Timpului, datorată inzestratului poetovidiu oana-paraureprezintă o adevărată incantare pentru iubitorii de poezie.
In randurile de mai jos, autorul işi prezintă volumul:
Volumul de pasteluri il dedic Şcolii romaneşti, care are...
Sisters-Time's Lovers. Lyrical Landscapes
This book is in Romanian. It shows Romanian poet ovidiu oana-parau's deep love...
This book is in Romanian. It is young Romanian writer Adriana Ungureanu's third novel.
Veronica a reuşit să mangaie sufletele oamenilor cu muzica pe care a cantat-o, apoi a difuzat-o spre inimile lor, prin eter. Dacă artista Veronica a eşuat in propria existenţă, menirea ei artistică nu s-a incheiat, i-a fost dat să devină un mijlocitor perfect pentru o altă existenţă..."
A fost candva, odată, o fată ce se credea lipsită de noroc, dar, de fapt,...
The Artist. A Novel
This book is in Romanian. It is young Romanian writer Adriana Ungureanu's third novel.
This book is in Romanian. It is its second, revised, international edition. This work also has an English version, whose print edition can be accessed here: https: // The Kindle edition of the English version can also be downloaded from http: //
Cum să reuşim in viaţă este prima carte de dezvoltare personală a lui Marius Mocanu, acum la a doua ediţie, revizuită. Lucrarea este deosebit de utilă...
How to Succeed in Life: A Self-Development Book
This book is in Romanian. It is its second, revised, international edition. ...
Finding a Lost Soul Again: A Self-Development Book
This book is in Romanian.
Regăsirea unui suflet pierdut este a doua carte de dezvoltare personală a lui Marius Mocanu. Iată cum prezintă el această lucrare:
Cartea are trei părţi distincte: prima parte conţine o autobiografie, lecţii de marketing şi sfaturi pentru a fi motivat 100% ca să incepi o afacere. rmătoarele două părţi conţin indicaţii pentru dezvoltare personală şi o mai bună exprimare...
Finding a Lost Soul Again: A Self-Development Book
How to Succeed in Life by Marius Mocanu is a very useful collection of thoughts and pieces of advice that will improve our lives and enrich our life experience.
This is how the author describes this book:
I wrote this book, on which I have worked two years, to advise you how to succeed in your relationship and in your day to day life. Two years of assiduous work, documentation and detailed study, to finally write a complete book about communication and personal individual development. It's true that everything is generalized, each family and person having their...
How to Succeed in Life by Marius Mocanu is a very useful collection of thoughts and pieces of advice that will improve our lives and enric...
This book is in Romanian. It is an anthology of poems by the Romanian contemporary poet Miron Scorobete.
Miron Scorobete este, inainte de toate, un mare şi original poet, creator de viziuni cu rezonanţe profunde şi răspunzand in străvechi existenţe mitice, ca şi in prezentul tensionat de intrebări chinuitoare şi mereu reinnoite speranţe. In scrisul său, de o frumuseţe aparte se reflectă frumuseţea insăşi a poporului roman, virtuţile sale...
Poems by Miron Scorobete
This book is in Romanian. It is an anthology of poems by the Romanian contemporary poet Miron ...
This book is in Romanian. It is a poetry volume by a very original Romanian contemporary poet.
Scriitorul şi criticul literar Ladislau Daradici, care a scris o monografie substanţială intitulată Candoare şi exil in poezia şi proza Sanzianei Batişte (eLiteratura, 2015), descrie in aceşti termeni creaţia poetei Sanziana Batişte:
S-a spus că lirica Sanzianei Batişte se inscrie in hemografia stănesciană (vezi...
Wrapped up in Shrill. Poems by Sanziana Batişte
This book is in Romanian. It is a poetry volume by a very original...