This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems by writer, researcher, and ambassador Nicolae Mareş.
Nicolae Mareş este unul dintre cei mai inzestraţi scriitori, cu talent multiliterar, harnic şi prolific, eseist de inaltă ţinută intelectuală, istoric literar şi traducător, mai ales din literatura poloneză, şi nu in ultimul rand poet născut şi nu făcut din veleităţi, ca...
Sunrays at Sunset. Poems by Nicolae Mareş.
This book is in Romanian. It is a collection of poems by writer, researcher, and ...
This book is in German. It is a fascinating novel about the conflicts and tension within the car manufacturing industry.
Automacher - Menschen mit KreativitAt, DurchhaltevermOgen, Disziplin, aber auch mit Leidenschaften, TrAumen und Angsten. Sie erfinden und entwickeln die Autos fUr die Zukunft, ob mit Elektroantrieb, mit Brennstoffzellen und Wasserstoff, ob Hybride oder gar Gasturbinen, wie im Flugzeug.
Zwei Automobilgiganten stellen zwei Auerst risikoreiche Automobilkonzepte gegeneinander. Ihre Entstehungswege fUhren Uber Fabriken,...
Carmakers. A Novel
This book is in German. It is a fascinating novel about the conflicts and tension within the car manufacturin...