The Faster Stronger Wiser: Strength Training Program is a 5 day dumbbell dominate workout program that aides the development of strength by combining the best workouts to build the major, minor and stabilizer muscles at once. This training style saves time and since dumbbells are the only piece of equipment this routine can be done at the gym or in the comfort of your own home.
The Faster Stronger Wiser: Strength Training Program is a 5 day dumbbell dominate workout program that aides the development of strength by combining ...
The Faster Stronger Wiser: Bodyweight Training Program is a 5 day workout program that aides the development of muscle memory. Muscle memory allows the body to quickly build strength and endurance. Faster Stronger Wiser routines promote full body muscle development by blending all elements of training. All the routines in this book are designed to complement each other. This program is dedicated solely to body weight routines. Prepare for a lot of pushups, squats and crunches. This program is designed to build full body strength using the tool that you were born with which is your own body....
The Faster Stronger Wiser: Bodyweight Training Program is a 5 day workout program that aides the development of muscle memory. Muscle memory allows th...
The Faster Stronger Wiser Bar Routine is a routine dedicated to using the pull up and dip bars. When there is no equipment available, or no access to a gym this routine can be used at any local park or playground. The Bar Routine takes you back to old school training using nothing but pull ups and dips. The simplicity of the routine is there, but the workouts are far from easy, this routine challenges you to lift and control your body weight so it can be classified as an advanced routine. Challenge yourself by doing all 4 weeks and watch your body change into unbelievable shape.
The Faster Stronger Wiser Bar Routine is a routine dedicated to using the pull up and dip bars. When there is no equipment available, or no access to ...
The Hero Training Program is a workout program that I created to achieve the perfect blend of speed, power, and size. This program was created to transform any normal person into a superhero like figure. I use the term hero training because I don't believe in having big muscles just to look good, but to be able to be the strongest person in the gym as well. As an athlete I pride myself in being the best, so sports performance is a big part of the hero training program. Other than sports performance and becoming physically dominant, I believe that workout programs should enhance your...
The Hero Training Program is a workout program that I created to achieve the perfect blend of speed, power, and size. This program was created to tran...
Jump training is not just about having a 40 inch vertical. It's about being able to explode into the air quickly as well as being as being able to take off from a far distance. Most jump programs are 3-10 weeks and they require an organized amount of rest days and off time. This book is going to show you how to gain 2-3 inches on your vertical leap in 8 days. This routine is strenuous but it will help you develop all the muscles used to jump higher fast. Most programs are created for off season use. This program is designed to be used during the season to help you get a quick boost on your...
Jump training is not just about having a 40 inch vertical. It's about being able to explode into the air quickly as well as being as being able to tak...
The Faster Stronger Wiser Treadmill Strength routine is not your average treadmill workout. This routine will help you develop core strength, muscular endurance, stability and superior spatial awareness. The unconventional exercises will stun you at first, but they will also build you up in ways you didn't think was possible. This is my first two week program due to the intensity of it. This program can be used in any gym that has a treadmill available or in the privacy of your home. This routine will change the way you look at your cardio equipment from now on.
The Faster Stronger Wiser Treadmill Strength routine is not your average treadmill workout. This routine will help you develop core strength, muscular...
Master your body. The greatest bodybuilding tool ever created is the human body. You can work all areas of your body with body weight training, and in this workout program you will go from basic calisthenic exercises to advanced exercises that will test your strength, endurance, stability and power. This is a full body workout program that will challenge you to develop all areas of your body. This workout program has three phases that span over the course of three weeks. In phase one you will work on some basic body weight exercise to create a solid base of strength to build on. Phase two...
Master your body. The greatest bodybuilding tool ever created is the human body. You can work all areas of your body with body weight training, and in...
Body Weight Blast 2 In the first Body Weight Blast program the routine was based on mastering your body weight by completing as many reps as possible. In this workout program you will be switching gears, and testing how long you can hold your weight. This program is similar to yoga except that you won't be doing any Child's Poses, Downward Dogs or saying Namaste at the end of your workout ( no offense to yoga enthusiasts this workout was actually inspired by yoga.). This workout program is going to challenge you mentally as well as physically because it will require an extreme amount of...
Body Weight Blast 2 In the first Body Weight Blast program the routine was based on mastering your body weight by completing as many reps as possible....
The Hero Training Program is a full body workout program that incorporates body weight and boxing inspired exercises to shred fat and build long lasting muscle. This program also has a 5 week jump routine that will help you develop up to 3-4 inches on your vertical leap and add at least 3 feet to your jumping distance. The workouts are intense, but they can be mastered with practice. The Hero Training Program is 15 weeks long with every routine lasting around 45 minutes. Every workout in this program is designed to be mastered. There will be one workout given at the beginning of each week,...
The Hero Training Program is a full body workout program that incorporates body weight and boxing inspired exercises to shred fat and build long lasti...