Kant's Critique of Judgment accounts for the sharing of a common world, experienced affectively, by a diverse human plurality. In order to appreciate Kant's project, Judging Appearances retrieves the connection between appearance and judgment in the Critique ofJudgment. Kleist emphasizes the important but neglected idea of a sensus communis, which provides the indeterminate criterion for judgments regarding appearance. Judging Appearances examines the themes of appearance and judgment against the background of Kant's debt to Leibniz and...
Kant's Critique of Judgment accounts for the sharing of a common world, experienced affectively, by a diverse human plurality. In order to ap...
Ce livre etudie la refonte husserlienne de l'esthetique transcendantale kantienne, pour mettre en evidence sa fonction fondatrice dans l'idealisme phenomenologique et interroger sa legitimite. On part donc des points essentiels de la critique husserlienne de Kant (refus du renversement copernicien, du caractere originaire des intuitions pures et de toute idealisation des structures perceptives), pour degager a partir d'eux les axes de la methode husserlienne: degager les intuitions pures depuis leur connexion essentielle avec les qualites sensibles, retracer leur engendrement synthetique par...
Ce livre etudie la refonte husserlienne de l'esthetique transcendantale kantienne, pour mettre en evidence sa fonction fondatrice dans l'idealisme phe...
THE PART OF THE SUBJECT At the origin of these essays, an increasing weariness produced by all those attempts to oppose what came to be known as Foucault's 'post structuralism' to phenomenology - as if the two were incompatible and as if one could only proceed with thought after having chosen sides. And an equal reluctance to join those who pretended they could carryon as they had before since, quite obviously, there were no sides to choose, 'Foucault' being but the latest example of a relativism that one could easily ignore since it had, like all relativism, already refuted itself by daring...
THE PART OF THE SUBJECT At the origin of these essays, an increasing weariness produced by all those attempts to oppose what came to be known as Fouca...
Dass Edmund Husserl am Problem der Intersubjektivitat gescheitert ist, gilt als ausgemacht - und ebenso, welche Konsequenzen daraus zu ziehen sind. Entgegen dem allenthalben pauschal erklarten Abschied vom Subjekt' spricht aber vieles dafur, dass es in der gegenwartigen Sozialtheorie eher um eine Reformulierung transzendentaler Subjektivitat geht. Diese Interpretationsthese wirft ein neues Licht auf den sozialtheoretischen Diskurs, der im deutschen Sprachraum in den vergangenen dreissig Jahren vom Gegensatz von Jurgen Habermas' und Niklas Luhmanns Theorien bestimmt war: Diskurs' und System'...
Dass Edmund Husserl am Problem der Intersubjektivitat gescheitert ist, gilt als ausgemacht - und ebenso, welche Konsequenzen daraus zu ziehen sind. En...
Given its transcendental impulse, Husserl's analysis of the lived body has been considered by many phenomenologists and by most Husserl scholars as unable to account for our everyday intimate relationship with our own embodied self and with other embodied selves. Contrary to such a widespread contention, I want to show that Husserl's phenomenology contains unknown descriptive resources which provide a detailed account of our individual and communitarian lived body at a transcendental level proper. The purpose of Lucidite du corps, then, is to confront such an analysis...
Given its transcendental impulse, Husserl's analysis of the lived body has been considered by many phenomenologists and by most Husserl scholars as un...
Kant's Critique of Judgment accounts for the sharing of a common world, experienced affectively, by a diverse human plurality. In order to appreciate Kant's project, Judging Appearances retrieves the connection between appearance and judgment in the Critique ofJudgment. Kleist emphasizes the important but neglected idea of a sensus communis, which provides the indeterminate criterion for judgments regarding appearance. Judging Appearances examines the themes of appearance and judgment against the background of Kant's debt to Leibniz and...
Kant's Critique of Judgment accounts for the sharing of a common world, experienced affectively, by a diverse human plurality. In order to ap...
What is "scientific" about the natural and human sciences? Precisely this: the legibility of our worlds and the distinctive reading strategies that they provoke. That account of the essence of science comes from Edith Stein, who as HusserI's assistant 1916-1918 labored in vain to bring his massive Ideen to publication, and then went on to propose her own solution to the problem of finding a unified foundation for the social and physical sciences. Stein argued that human bodily life itself affords direct access to the interplay of natural causality, cultural motivation, and personal initiative...
What is "scientific" about the natural and human sciences? Precisely this: the legibility of our worlds and the distinctive reading strategies that th...
Unter dem Titel einer Phdnomenologie der Phdnomenologie' antizipiert Husserl das Programm einer phdnomenologischen Selbstkritik. Diese Kritik stellt sich dar als eine methodologische Reflexion auf die Horizonte der transzendentalen Phdnomenologie. Es ist jedoch Husserls Assistent Fink, der diese metaphilosophischen erlegungen in der VI. Cartesianischen Meditation ausf]hrt. Diese Meditation wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit als eine radikale Kritik an Husserl interpretiert. Husserl, dem diese kritische Dimension nicht verborgen geblieben ist, versucht in seinen Annotationen zu dieser Schrift...
Unter dem Titel einer Phdnomenologie der Phdnomenologie' antizipiert Husserl das Programm einer phdnomenologischen Selbstkritik. Diese Kritik stellt s...
Ce travail est parti de la prise au serieux de la philosophie "comme connaissance," a la difference de la connaissance scientifique, ou encore de la connaissance logique, par laquelle la philosophie formalise la connaissance scientifique, et se prive d'examiner son propre caractere de connaissance. Cette recherche n'a ete possible qu'a partir des cours de jeunesse de Heidegger (1919-1922), qui peuvent etre consideres comme les Recherches philosophiques de Heidegger, a la difference des Recherches logiques de Husserl par rapport auxquelles elles se concoivent. Il s'agit pour...
Ce travail est parti de la prise au serieux de la philosophie "comme connaissance," a la difference de la connaissance scientifique, ou encore de la c...
Das Buch bietet die erste systematische esamtdarstellung der Ontologie Brentanos. Es zeigt, da es in Brentanos ontologischem Denken drei Perioden gibt: die fruhe "konzeptualistische" (1862-1874), die mittlere "deskriptiv-psychologische" (1874-1904) und die spate "reistische" (1904-1917). Diese drei Perioden werden in ihrer Kontinuitat und komplizierten Dialektik unter Ruckgriff auf unveroffentlichte Manuskripte Brentanos dargestellt. Dabei wird von dem logischen Handwerkszeug der zeitgenossischen analytischen Ontologie Gebrauch gemacht. Das Buch wendet sich nicht nur an Brentano-Forscher,...
Das Buch bietet die erste systematische esamtdarstellung der Ontologie Brentanos. Es zeigt, da es in Brentanos ontologischem Denken drei Perioden gibt...