It is a study of the phenomenological philosophies of Husserl and Heidegger. Through a critical discussion including practically all previously published English and German literature on the subject, the aim is to present a thorough and evenhanded account of the relation between the two. The book provides a detailed presentation of their respective projects and methods, and examines several of their key phenomenological analyses, centering on the phenomenon of being-in-the-world. It offers new perspectives on Husserlian and Heideggerian phenomenology, e.g. concerning the importance of...
It is a study of the phenomenological philosophies of Husserl and Heidegger. Through a critical discussion including practically all previously pu...
In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology," Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomenological philosophy. Unlike his previous works, in the "Crisis" Husserl embedded this formulation in an ambitious reflection on the essence and value of the idea of rational thought and culture, a reflection that he considered to be an urgent necessity in light of the political, social, and intellectual crisis of the interwar period. In this book, James Dodd pursues an interpretation of Husserl's text that emphasizes the importance of the problem...
In his last work, "Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology," Edmund Husserl formulated a radical new approach to phenomeno...
At the origin of this volume, a simple question: what to make of that surprisingly monotonous series of statements produced by our societies and our philosophers that all converge in one theme - the importance of difference?
To clarify the meaning of the difference at stake here, we have tried to rephrase it in terms of the two major and mutually competing paradigms provided by the history of phenomenology only to find both of them equally unable to accommodate this difference without violence. Neither the ethical nor the ontological approach can account for a subject that insists...
At the origin of this volume, a simple question: what to make of that surprisingly monotonous series of statements produced by our societies and ou...
At the origin of this volume, a simple question: what to make of that surprisingly monotonous series of statements produced by our societies and our philosophers that all converge in one theme - the importance of difference?
To clarify the meaning of the difference at stake here, we have tried to rephrase it in terms of the two major and mutually competing paradigms provided by the history of phenomenology only to find both of them equally unable to accommodate this difference without violence. Neither the ethical nor the ontological approach can account for a subject that insists...
At the origin of this volume, a simple question: what to make of that surprisingly monotonous series of statements produced by our societies and ou...
Cette etude tente de reconstruire la premiere phenomenologie de la religion du jeune Heidegger par l'examen du recueil de notes eparses redigees entre 1916 et 1919 et intitule retrospectivement Les fondements philosophiques de la mystique medievale. Entre sa these d'habilitation et ses premiers cours d'apres-guerre, Heidegger se consacre a l'ecriture d'une Phenomenologie de la conscience religieuse qui, pour des raisons quelque peu mysterieuses, restera finalement inachevee. Si certains de ses elements seront repris et assimiles dans les cours sur Paul et Augustin des...
Cette etude tente de reconstruire la premiere phenomenologie de la religion du jeune Heidegger par l'examen du recueil de notes eparses redigees en...
Das Husserlbild der Gegenwart ist noch weitgehend gepragt von den erkenntnistheoretischen "Logischen Untersuchungen", durch die Husserl in weitem MaBe als Begriinder einer neuen objektiven Logik gilt. Mitunter wird er sogar als einseitig orien- tierter Rationalist und Aufklarer des 20. J ahrhunderts, als der "Cartesius unserer Tage" 1 angesehen. Dieses Bild Husserls kann wohl jederzeit durch seine Veroffent- lichungen gerechtfertigt werden. Dennoch ist es einseitig und recht vordergriindig, da dabei voll und ganz iibersehen wird, daB auch der Bereich des Emotionalen flir HusserI ein...
Das Husserlbild der Gegenwart ist noch weitgehend gepragt von den erkenntnistheoretischen "Logischen Untersuchungen", durch die Husserl in weitem MaBe...
W ohl selten ist das Bild iiber das Werk eines zeitgenossischen Philosophen so1chen Wandlungen ausgesetzt gewesen, wie dies bei Edmund Hussed der Fall ist. Mit der zunehmenden FiiUe der Hussediana werden neue Aspekte den traditionellen Gesichts punkten hinzugefiigt. Keiner vermag genau zu sagen wie das Ganze einmal aussehen wird. Diese Tatsache steht aber der Moglichkeit einer Interpretation nicht im Wege. Vielmehr bereichert sie jede Auseinandersetzung mit einem gliicklichen Zug des Vorlaufigen; jede Diskussion wird ein fruchtbares Wagnis. Das entspricht ganz und gar der Lebenshaltung des...
W ohl selten ist das Bild iiber das Werk eines zeitgenossischen Philosophen so1chen Wandlungen ausgesetzt gewesen, wie dies bei Edmund Hussed der Fall...
In this work I have tried to present HusserI's Philosophy of thinking and meaning in as clear a manner as I can. In doing this, I had in mind a two-fold purpose. I wanted on the one hand to disentangle what I have come to regard as the central line of thought from the vast mass of details of the Logische Unter- suchungen and the Formale und transzendentale Logik. On the other hand, I tried to take into consideration the immense developments in logic and semantics that have taken place since HusserI's major logical studies were published. It is my belief that no one to day can look back upon...
In this work I have tried to present HusserI's Philosophy of thinking and meaning in as clear a manner as I can. In doing this, I had in mind a two-fo...
Elsewhere 1 we were concerned with fundamental aspects of the question how man can comprehend his fellow-men. We analyzed man's subjective experiences of the Other and found in them the basis for his understanding of the Other's subjective processes of consciousness. The very assumption of the existence of the Other, however, introduces the dimension of intersub- jectivity. The world is experienced by the Self as being inhabited by other Selves, as being a world for others and of others. As we had occasion to point out, intersubjective reality is by no means homogeneous. The social world in...
Elsewhere 1 we were concerned with fundamental aspects of the question how man can comprehend his fellow-men. We analyzed man's subjective experiences...