Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sich als Beitrag zur Interpretation der Phiinomenologie Edmund Husserls. Ihr Interesse gilt einem be sonderen Aspekt jenes allgemeinen Problems, vor das sich Husserl durch die Erweiterung der deskriptiven zur transzendentalen Phiino menologie schon sehr bald gestellt sah, und das spiiter zur thema tischen Mitte seines ganzen Denkens geworden ist: des Problems, in den genetischen Ursprung der wissenschaftlichen Welterfahrung zurUckzufragen, und als diesen Ursprung die Lebenswelt aufzuweisen. Wiihrend Husserl jedoch in seiner Spiitphilosophie, namentlich in...
Die vorliegende Arbeit versteht sich als Beitrag zur Interpretation der Phiinomenologie Edmund Husserls. Ihr Interesse gilt einem be sonderen Aspekt j...
" ... a universe unfinished, with doors and windows open to possibilities uncontrollable in advance." 1 A possibility which William James would certainly not have envisaged is a phenomenological reading of his philosophy. Given James's personality, one can easily imagine the explosive commen- tary he would make on any attempt to situate his deliberately unsystematic writings within anyone philosophical mainstream. Yet, in recent years, the most fruitful scholarship on William James has resulted from a confrontation between his philosophy and the phe- nomenology of Husserl. The very...
" ... a universe unfinished, with doors and windows open to possibilities uncontrollable in advance." 1 A possibility which William James would certai...
Professor H. L. Van Breda had hoped to write this preface, but his recent, unexpected and untimely death has left that task in my hands. Although my remarks will not be as eloquent and insightful as his surely would have been, some few words are clearly in order here; for the phenomenological community has not only lost the leadership of Fr. Van Breda these last years, but also the scholarship and leadership of Aron Gurwitsch and Alden Fisher - both contributors to this volume - as well as that of Dorion Cairns and John Wild. Our leaders are fewer now but Herbert Spiegelberg is still very...
Professor H. L. Van Breda had hoped to write this preface, but his recent, unexpected and untimely death has left that task in my hands. Although my r...
Substantial encouragement for this volume came from the editors and readers of the Studies for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) at Northwestern University Press. But its publi- cation has been made possible only by the unqualified and un- abridged acceptance of the Editorial Board of Phaenomen%gica, which at the time was still headed by its founder, the late Professor H. L. Van Breda, who welcomed the manuscript most generously. This makes his untimely passing even more grievous to me. The stylistic copy editing and proof reading were handled ef- ficiently by Ruth Nichols...
Substantial encouragement for this volume came from the editors and readers of the Studies for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) at N...
"Das Problem der verborgenen Vernunft" ist es, das auch dieser Aufhellung der Verantwortlichkeit den Horizont gibt, in welchem als Klarung der Einheit der Teleologie die phanomeno- logische Geduld sich entfalten kann. - Die hier vorgelegte Untersuchung wurde von der Philo so- phischen Fakultat der Universitat zu Koln im Sommer 1973 als Dissertation angenommen; sie wurde fur die Veroffentlichung durchgesehen. Danken mochte ich vor aHem Herrn Professor Dr. Ludwig Land- grebe. Seinem philosophischen Vorbild und seiner groBzugigen Forderung ist die vorliegende Arbeit entscheidend verpflichtet....
"Das Problem der verborgenen Vernunft" ist es, das auch dieser Aufhellung der Verantwortlichkeit den Horizont gibt, in welchem als Klarung der Einheit...
It was while reading HusserI's Cartesian Meditations that the subject of the present volume first occurred to me. And in a way I am offering a somewhat oblique commentary on HusserI's Meditations - "oblique" because it is not a systematic elucidation of the entire text. Nonetheless, it is primarily with the task of the Meditations that I am concerned. It is there that the antipathy between natural anguage and HusserI's quest for certainty come clearIy into focus. (Other texts are cited insofar as they shed light on this central work or illustrate the fact that HusserI did not significantly...
It was while reading HusserI's Cartesian Meditations that the subject of the present volume first occurred to me. And in a way I am offering a somewha...