The electric power industry is currently undergoing an unprecedented reform. The deregulation of electricity supply industry has introduced new opportunity for competition to reduce the cost and cut the price. It is a tremendous challenge for utilities to maintain an economical and reliable supply of electricity in such an environment. Faced by an increasingly complicated existence, power utilities need efficient tools and aids to ensure that electrical energy of the desired quality can be provided at the lowest cost. The overall objective, both for short-term and long-term operations, is...
The electric power industry is currently undergoing an unprecedented reform. The deregulation of electricity supply industry has introduced new opport...
As robotic systems make their way into standard practice, they have opened the door to a wide spectrum of complex applications. Such applications usually demand that the robots be highly intelligent. Future robots are likely to have greater sensory capabilities, more intelligence, higher levels of manual dexter- ity, and adequate mobility, compared to humans. In order to ensure high-quality control and performance in robotics, new intelligent control techniques must be developed, which are capable of coping with task complexity, multi-objective decision making, large volumes of perception...
As robotic systems make their way into standard practice, they have opened the door to a wide spectrum of complex applications. Such applications usua...
As robots are becoming more and more sophisticated the interest in robot dynamics is increasing. Within this field, contact problems are among the most interesting, since contacts are present in almost any robot task and introduce serious complexity to system dynamics, strongly influencing robot behavior. The book formulates dynamic models of robot interaction with different kinds of environment, from pure geometrical constraints to complex dynamic environments. It provides a number of examples. Dynamic modeling is the primary interest of the book but control issues are treated as well....
As robots are becoming more and more sophisticated the interest in robot dynamics is increasing. Within this field, contact problems are among the mos...
Several consistent solutions for cooperative system control have recently been identified by the authors of the current monograph. This was achieved by solving three separate tasks that are essential for solving the problem of cooperative manipulation as a whole. The first task is related to the understanding of the physical nature of cooperative manipulation and finding a way for a sufficiently exact characterization of cooperative system statics, kinematics and dynamics. After successfully completing this task, in the frame of the second task, the problem of coordinated motion of the...
Several consistent solutions for cooperative system control have recently been identified by the authors of the current monograph. This was achieve...
There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor (~p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi- crDprDceSSDrs intO' prDducts Dr systems in their Dwn disciplines. There- fDre, well-designed flexible interfaoes will be required to' ensure CDm- patibility with Dther equipments and to' extend design DptiDns. AlthDugh there are several bDDks Dn micrDcDmputers and micrDprDcessDrs, Dnly few Df thDse devDte but a small part Dn the impDrtant aspects Df interfaces. It was with this in mind that the present bDDk was written as a selfcDn- tained vDlume...
There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor (~p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi- crDp...
Human-Like Biomechanics is a comprehensive introduction into modern geometrical methods to be used as a unified research approach in two apparently separate and rapidly growing fields: mathematical biomechanics and humanoid robotics. The term human-like biomechanics is used to denote this unified modelling and control approach to humanoid robotics and mathematical biomechanics, based on theoretical mechanics, differential geometry and topology, nonlinear dynamics and control, and path-integral methods. From this geometry-mechanics-control modelling perspective, "human" and...
Human-Like Biomechanics is a comprehensive introduction into modern geometrical methods to be used as a unified research approach ...
Geometrical Dynamics of Complex Systems is a graduate-level monographic textbook. Itrepresentsacomprehensiveintroductionintorigorousgeometrical dynamicsofcomplexsystemsofvariousnatures. By'complexsystems', inthis book are meant high-dimensional nonlinear systems, which can be (but not necessarily are) adaptive. This monograph proposes a uni?ed geometrical - proachtodynamicsofcomplexsystemsofvariouskinds: engineering, physical, biophysical, psychophysical, sociophysical, econophysical, etc. As their names suggest, all these multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems have something in common: the...
Geometrical Dynamics of Complex Systems is a graduate-level monographic textbook. Itrepresentsacomprehensiveintroductionintorigorousgeometrical dynami...
Fuzzy logic is a relatively new concept in science applications. Hitherto, fuzzy logic has been a conceptual process applied in the field of risk management. Its potential applicability is much wider than that, however, and its particular suitability for expanding our understanding of processes and information in science and engineering in our post-modern world is only just beginning to be appreciated.
Written as a companion text to the author's earlier volume "An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Applications," the book is aimed at professional engineers and students and those...
Fuzzy logic is a relatively new concept in science applications. Hitherto, fuzzy logic has been a conceptual process applied in the field of risk m...
Intelligent systems of the natural kind are adaptive and robust: they learn over time and degrade gracefully under stress. If artificial systems are to display a similar level of sophistication, an organizing framework and operating principles are required to manage the resulting complexity of design and behavior. This book presents a general framework for adaptive systems. The utility of the comprehensive framework is demonstrated by tailoring it to particular models of computational learning, ranging from neural networks to declarative logic. The key to robustness lies in...
Intelligent systems of the natural kind are adaptive and robust: they learn over time and degrade gracefully under stress. If artificial systems are t...
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded enormously during the last years, and solid theoretical and application results are now available. Researchers and practitioners are building AI-based systems that face real-world and industrial problems.
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded enormously during the last years, and solid theoretical and application results are now availab...