There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor (~p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi- crDprDceSSDrs intO' prDducts Dr systems in their Dwn disciplines. There- fDre, well-designed flexible interfaoes will be required to' ensure CDm- patibility with Dther equipments and to' extend design DptiDns. AlthDugh there are several bDDks Dn micrDcDmputers and micrDprDcessDrs, Dnly few Df thDse devDte but a small part Dn the impDrtant aspects Df interfaces. It was with this in mind that the present bDDk was written as a selfcDn- tained vDlume...
There is nO' dDubt that the mioroprooessor (~p) revDlutiDn will cDntinue intO' the future and many will be required to' specify and integrate mi- crDp...