This is a graduate level monographic textbook in the field of Computational Intelligence. It presents a modern dynamical theory of the computational mind, combining cognitive psychology, artificial and computational intelligence, and chaos theory with quantum consciousness and computation. The book introduces to human and computational mind, comparing and contrasting main themes of cognitive psychology, artificial and computational intelligence."
This is a graduate level monographic textbook in the field of Computational Intelligence. It presents a modern dynamical theory of the computationa...
This comprehensive volume is a graduate-level text in human biodynamics, written in the unified categorical language of modern differential geometry and topology. Combining mathematics, physics and robotics with human physiology, this is the first book that describes all levels of human biodynamics, from musculo-skeletal mechanics to the higher brain functions. The book develops and uses a variety of research methods, ranging from chaos theory and Haken's synergetics, through quantum mechanics, to nonlinear control and artificial intelligence, to provide the means to understand, predict and...
This comprehensive volume is a graduate-level text in human biodynamics, written in the unified categorical language of modern differential geometry a...
Vladimir G. Ivancevic Tijana T. Ivancevic Vladimir G. Ivancevic
This graduate-level monographic textbook treats applied differential geometry from a modern scientific perspective. Co-authored by the originator of the world's leading human motion simulator -- "Human Biodynamics Engine," a complex, 264-DOF bio-mechanical system, modeled by differential-geometric tools -- this is the first book that combines modern differential geometry with a wide spectrum of applications, from modern mechanics and physics, via nonlinear control, to biology and human sciences. The book is designed for a two-semester course, which gives mathematicians a variety of...
This graduate-level monographic textbook treats applied differential geometry from a modern scientific perspective. Co-authored by the originator of t...
Human-Like Biomechanics is a comprehensive introduction into modern geometrical methods to be used as a unified research approach in two apparently separate and rapidly growing fields: mathematical biomechanics and humanoid robotics. The term human-like biomechanics is used to denote this unified modelling and control approach to humanoid robotics and mathematical biomechanics, based on theoretical mechanics, differential geometry and topology, nonlinear dynamics and control, and path-integral methods. From this geometry-mechanics-control modelling perspective, "human" and...
Human-Like Biomechanics is a comprehensive introduction into modern geometrical methods to be used as a unified research approach ...
Neuroa "Fuzzy Associative Machinery for Comprehensive Brain and Cognition Modelling" is a graduatea "level monographic textbook. It represents a comprehensive introduction into both conceptual and rigorous brain and cognition modelling. It is devoted to understanding, prediction and control of the fundamental mechanisms of brain functioning. The reader will be provided with a scientific tool enabling him to perform a competitive research in brain and cognition modelling.
Neuroa "Fuzzy Associative Machinery for Comprehensive Brain and Cognition Modelling" is a graduatea "level monographic textbook. It represents a co...
If we try to describe real world in mathematical terms, we will see that real life is very often a high-dimensional chaos. Sometimes, by 'pushing hard', we manage to make order out of it; yet sometimes, we need simply to accept our life as it is. To be able to still live successfully, we need tounderstand, predict, and ultimately control this high-dimensional chaotic dynamics of life. This is the main theme of the present book. In our previous book, Geometrical - namics of Complex Systems, Vol. 31 in Springer book series Microprocessor- Based and Intelligent Systems Engineering, we developed...
If we try to describe real world in mathematical terms, we will see that real life is very often a high-dimensional chaos. Sometimes, by 'pushing hard...
Geometrical Dynamics of Complex Systems is a graduate-level monographic textbook. Itrepresentsacomprehensiveintroductionintorigorousgeometrical dynamicsofcomplexsystemsofvariousnatures. By'complexsystems', inthis book are meant high-dimensional nonlinear systems, which can be (but not necessarily are) adaptive. This monograph proposes a uni?ed geometrical - proachtodynamicsofcomplexsystemsofvariouskinds: engineering, physical, biophysical, psychophysical, sociophysical, econophysical, etc. As their names suggest, all these multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems have something in common: the...
Geometrical Dynamics of Complex Systems is a graduate-level monographic textbook. Itrepresentsacomprehensiveintroductionintorigorousgeometrical dynami...
Quantum Neural Computation is a graduate level monographic textbook. It presents a comprehensive introduction, both non-technical and technical, into modern quantum neural computation, the science behind the fiction movie Stealth. Classical computing systems perform classical computations (i.e., Boolean operations, such as AND, OR, NOT gates) using devices that can be described classically (e.g., MOSFETs). On the other hand, quantum computing systems perform classical computations using quantum devices (quantum dots), that is devices that can be described only using quantum mechanics. Any...
Quantum Neural Computation is a graduate level monographic textbook. It presents a comprehensive introduction, both non-technical and technical, in...
This book represents a comprehensive introduction into both conceptual and rigorous brain and cognition modelling. It is devoted to understanding, prediction and control of the fundamental mechanisms of brain functioning. The reader will be provided with a scientific tool enabling him or her to perform a competitive research in brain and cognition modelling. This is a graduate level monographic textbook."
This book represents a comprehensive introduction into both conceptual and rigorous brain and cognition modelling. It is devoted to understanding, ...
This graduate-level textbook is devoted to understanding, prediction and control of high-dimensional chaotic and attractor systems of real life. The objective is to provide the serious reader with a serious scientific tool that will enable the actual performance of competitive research in high-dimensional chaotic and attractor dynamics. From introductory material on low-dimensional attractors and chaos, the text explores concepts including Poincare's 3-body problem, high-tech Josephson junctions, and more.
This graduate-level textbook is devoted to understanding, prediction and control of high-dimensional chaotic and attractor systems of real life. Th...