The purpose of Ribozyme Protocols is to provide a helpful compilation of protocols that will be of use- DEGREESnot only to those with some experience of ribozymes- DEGREESbut also to those wishing to use ribozymes for the first time. Although it is usually impossible to cover every aspect of a scientific field, I believe this book approaches that ideal and should help all readers perform meaningful experiments using ribozymes. To design ribozymes, one must consider whether the target site will be accessible; this task can be facilitated by using computer programs that pre- dict the folding of...
The purpose of Ribozyme Protocols is to provide a helpful compilation of protocols that will be of use- DEGREESnot only to those with some experience ...
After 20 years of intensive effort, novel neuropeptides continue to be discovered, and the field of neuropeptide research is still expanding. As new analytical techniques become available, their applicability to the study of neu- ropeptides brings fresh insights into the properties and functions of these ubiq- uitous chemical messengers. Presented in this single volume, Neuropeptide Protocols, are 33 chapters covering these new techniques, together with more established methods. Each contributor is actively engaged in neuropeptide research and so brings to his or her description an awareness...
After 20 years of intensive effort, novel neuropeptides continue to be discovered, and the field of neuropeptide research is still expanding. As new a...
It is hard to think of a protein in eukaryotic cells that does not undergo some type of posttranslational modification. The covalent attachment of l- ids to proteins, protein lipidation, occurs for a few thousand proteins. Several functions for protein lipidation are known. Protein lipids may target proteins to specific cellular membranes, they may serve as molecular switches that allow cytosol-to-membrane transfer, they may direct protein-protein compl- ation, and they may stabilize protein structure. In cases such as the fatty a- lation of intracellular loops of transmembrane proteins, the...
It is hard to think of a protein in eukaryotic cells that does not undergo some type of posttranslational modification. The covalent attachment of l- ...
Computers have revolutionized the analysis of sequencing data. It is unlikely that any sequencing projects have been performed in the last few years without the aid of computers. Recently their role has taken a further major step forward. Computers have become smaller and more powerful and the software has become simpler to use as it has grown in sophistication. This book reflects that change since the majority of packages described here are designed to be used on desktop computers. Computer software is now available that can run gels, collect data, and assess its accuracy. It can assemble,...
Computers have revolutionized the analysis of sequencing data. It is unlikely that any sequencing projects have been performed in the last few years w...
It is now widely accepted that the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a key determinant of tissue-specific gene expression. Signals provided by ECM are transduced by integrins, a large and growing superfamily of transmembrane heterodimeric cell surface receptors that link the ECM to structural and fu- tional elements within the cell. A wide range of cellular phenotypes have been shown to be regulated by integrins, including growth, differentiation, mig- tion, invasion, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. Furthermore, abnormalities of integrin expression and function have been implicated in the etiology...
It is now widely accepted that the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a key determinant of tissue-specific gene expression. Signals provided by ECM are tra...
For many years I performed tissue culture in large scientific insti- tions that had a great deal of infrastructure. When I set up a tissue l- oratory outside such an infrastructure, however, I found there was a shortage of easily accessible information about the basic needs, reagents, and techniques for establishing such a facility. Much had to be done by trial and error or gleaned from originalpapers. Consequently, I felt that a methods book covering a wide variety of techniques from basic culture to the most sophisticated cell analysis would be a very valuable addition to the scientific...
For many years I performed tissue culture in large scientific insti- tions that had a great deal of infrastructure. When I set up a tissue l- oratory ...
e1ectr0ph0re515 (PF6E) wa51nvented 6are1y 10 year5 a90, 6ut ha5 a1ready 6ec0me a maj0r techn14ue m01ecu- 610109y, 1ar w1th hundred5 0f 0ften the ca5e w1th new techn14ue5 the1r 5ta9e5, m05t pu611cat10n5 are 0- dated 6y the t1me they reach pr1nt. F0r rea50n, a num6er 0fthe auth0r5 0f 600k have effect1ve1y 5erved ph0ne c0n5u1tant5 0n PF6E app11cat10n5 f0r 5evera1 year5. 8y n0w, many 0f the maj0r meth0d5 have 6een te5ted and 1mpr0ved that we fee1 a 600k 0f techn14ue5 W0ve Dur1n9 the prepara- Meth0d5, and 7, tw0 0ther 600k5 rev1ew1n9 PF6E were pu6115hed. H0wever, the pre5ent w0rk the f1r5t t0...
Philip H. Howe and a group of well-versed experimentalists present the first major volume a collection of indispensable classic and cutting-edge TGF assays. Described in great detail to ensure robust and successful results, these readily reproducible techniques range from the growth inhibition assay for TGF to methods for monitoring its interactions with the mediating proteins. Extensive notes discuss potential pitfalls and provide tips on how to avoid failures, and throughout, emphasis is given to detailing those technical steps critical for experimental success that are often omitted in the...
Philip H. Howe and a group of well-versed experimentalists present the first major volume a collection of indispensable classic and cutting-edge TGF a...
Biology is the study of living things. The classical approach might be described as holistic and descriptive, whereas the modern molecular - proach aims to be investigative, reductionist, and mechanistic . Genes contain all the information for the structure of all living things; thus, the understanding of how genes are regulated is an important step toward understanding the nature of living things. The study of gene regulation has been made more tractable by the design of simple expe- mental models in which a single gene can be isolated from the milieu of the organism. The new science of...
Biology is the study of living things. The classical approach might be described as holistic and descriptive, whereas the modern molecular - proach ai...