e1ectr0ph0re515 (PF6E) wa51nvented 6are1y 10 year5 a90, 6ut ha5 a1ready 6ec0me a maj0r techn14ue m01ecu- 610109y, 1ar w1th hundred5 0f 0ften the ca5e w1th new techn14ue5 the1r 5ta9e5, m05t pu611cat10n5 are 0- dated 6y the t1me they reach pr1nt. F0r rea50n, a num6er 0fthe auth0r5 0f 600k have effect1ve1y 5erved ph0ne c0n5u1tant5 0n PF6E app11cat10n5 f0r 5evera1 year5. 8y n0w, many 0f the maj0r meth0d5 have 6een te5ted and 1mpr0ved that we fee1 a 600k 0f techn14ue5 W0ve Dur1n9 the prepara- Meth0d5, and 7, tw0 0ther 600k5 rev1ew1n9 PF6E were pu6115hed. H0wever, the pre5ent w0rk the f1r5t t0...