1m Wintersemester 1974/75 hielt der letztgenannte Autor an der Universitat Gottingen eine Vorlesung uber Optimierung. Diese horte der erstgenannte Autor als Student, der zweitgenannte betreute als Assistent die Ubungen. 1m AnschluB an die nachfolgenden Diskussio nen untereinander entstand der Plan, die vorliegende Arbeit zu schreiben. An Vorkenntnissen sollten dabei nur die einfachsten Grundbegriffe der linearen Funktionalanalysis vorausgesetzt werden. Herrn Professor Dr. K. Ritter mochten wir fur die Ermutigung danken, uberhaupt mit der Arbeit zu beginnen. Fraulein R. -M. Wedekind gilt unser...
1m Wintersemester 1974/75 hielt der letztgenannte Autor an der Universitat Gottingen eine Vorlesung uber Optimierung. Diese horte der erstgenannte Aut...
Every two years the members of GIRET (= Centre for International Re search on Economic Tendency Surveys) meet at conferences in order to promote the scientific discussion and to encourage the exchange of ideas. CIRET is an international study group for research in the field of business cycle surveys. CIRET was founded in 1960 and has at present about 350 full and corresponding members in 35 different coun tries. The members either carry out business, investment or consumer 1 surveys or are working on a practical or methodological level with the results of such surveys. The most important...
Every two years the members of GIRET (= Centre for International Re search on Economic Tendency Surveys) meet at conferences in order to promote the s...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the workshop "Optimierung und Operations Research", held at the Elly Holterhoff Backing Stift (Bad Honnef) of the University of Bonn, October 2-8, 1977. This conference was devoted to recent advances in the field of mathe- matical programming, optimization techniques, and operations research. It was attended by about 50 invited participants. Furthermore many scholars in these areas showed a great interest in this workshop, despite several other conferences and activities on similar topics in the year 1977. The organizers regret that considerations of...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of the workshop "Optimierung und Operations Research", held at the Elly Holterhoff Backing Stift (Bad Honnef) ...
The purpose of this monograph is to illuminate the central issues of dynamic analysis applied to economic models, using a generally accepted language of the study of dynamical systems at a level of sophistication likely to be understood by an economist versed in elementary topology. Whether an economic system is governed by a first order difference equation or several simultaneous multivalued partial differential equations, its solution is a flow that determines the state of the system given an initial condition and elapsed time. Thus the flow of a system is the central concept from which the...
The purpose of this monograph is to illuminate the central issues of dynamic analysis applied to economic models, using a generally accepted language ...
A number of different problems of interest to the operational researcher and the mathematical economist - for example, certain problems of optimization on graphs and networks, of machine-scheduling, of convex analysis and of approx imation theory - can be formulated in a convenient way using the algebraic structure (R, $, @) where we may think of R as the (extended) real-number system with the binary combining operations x$y, x(r)y defined to be max(x, y), (x+y) respectively. The use of this algebraic structure gives these problems the character of problems of linear algebra, or linear...
A number of different problems of interest to the operational researcher and the mathematical economist - for example, certain problems of optimizatio...
................................................................. The performance of a nonlinear programming algorithm can only be ascertained by numerical experiments requiring the collection and implementation of test examples in dependence upon the desired performance criterium. This book should be considered as an assis tance for a test designer since it presents an extensive collec tion of nonlinear programming problems which have been used in the past to test or compare optimization programs. He will be in formed about the optimal solution, about the structure of the problem in the...
................................................................. The performance of a nonlinear programming algorithm can only be ascertained by nume...
The Fourth International MCDM Conference follows a tradition that began with an exploratory gathering at the University of South Carolina in 1973. The First International Conference was held in Jouy-en-Josas in 1975. The second and third were held in Buffalo (1977) and KOnigswinter (1979). We are grateful to the Office of Naval Research for years of advice and funding, and to Springer-Verlag for providing a widely dispersed series of proceedings volumes. In the case of the Delaware Conference we gratefully acknowledge new support from the corporate sector, coordinated by the University of...
The Fourth International MCDM Conference follows a tradition that began with an exploratory gathering at the University of South Carolina in 1973. The...
This Lecture Note deals with asymptotic properties, i.e. weak and strong consistency and asymptotic normality, of parameter estimators of nonlinear regression models and nonlinear structural equations under various assumptions on the distribution of the data. The estimation methods involved are nonlinear least squares estimation (NLLSE), nonlinear robust M-estimation (NLRME) and non- linear weighted robust M-estimation (NLWRME) for the regression case and nonlinear two-stage least squares estimation (NL2SLSE) and a new method called minimum information estimation (MIE) for the case of...
This Lecture Note deals with asymptotic properties, i.e. weak and strong consistency and asymptotic normality, of parameter estimators of nonlinear re...