Programmiersprachen gehoren seit den Anfangen der Entwicklung des Fachgebietes Informatik zu dessen inner stem Kern. Dabei faBt der Begriff "Programmiersprachen" eine Reihe von Gegenstanden der In formatik zusammen, die insgesamt auf das Ziel gerichtet sind, den Benutzern von Rechenanlagen die Programmierung wesentlich zu erleichtern. Unter diesen Gegenstanden finden sich vor allem: Prinzipien ftir Entwur.f und Entwicklung von Programmiersprachen, Definition von Programmiersprachen, Techniken des Ubersetzerbaus ftir Programmier sprachen. Wurden Programmiersprachen zu Beginn der Entwicklung...
Programmiersprachen gehoren seit den Anfangen der Entwicklung des Fachgebietes Informatik zu dessen inner stem Kern. Dabei faBt der Begriff "Programmi...
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist aus der Mitschrift einer Vorlesung und eines Seminars entstanden, das der erste Autor im Sommersemester 1974 und im Wintersemester 1974/75 an der Universit!t Bonn gehalten hat. Der auBere AnlaB war der Wunsch der H6rerschaft, ein Skriptum zu erhal ten, aus dem es m6glich ist, die neueren Entwicklungen der Produktions theorie zu verstehen. Tatsachlich liegt die Ver6ffentlichung der fUr den deutschsprachigen Leser wichtigsten LehrbUcher von Krelle und Wittmann einige Jahre zurUck. Wie auf anderen Gebieten der Wirtschaftstheorie ist auch in der Produktionstheorie der...
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist aus der Mitschrift einer Vorlesung und eines Seminars entstanden, das der erste Autor im Sommersemester 1974 und im Winters...
The purpose of this study is in keeping with the shift in concern over the eco- nomic problems of growth to those of income distribution in recent years. Income distribution problems may be analyzed by not only the traditional procedures, but also by some extensions of the input-output technique as I shall demonstrate in this volume of the Lecture Notes. Some fruitful results are obtained by applying the extended input-output technique to income analysis as well as to output analysis. This volume consists of three parts. These parts may be viewed along two veins, with some overlapping...
The purpose of this study is in keeping with the shift in concern over the eco- nomic problems of growth to those of income distribution in recent yea...
Integer Prograw~ing is one of the most fascinating and difficult areas in the field of Mathematical Optimization. Due to this fact notable research contributions to Integer Programming have been made in very different branches of mathematics and its applications. Since these publications are scattered over many journals, proceedings volumes, monographs, and working papers, a comprehensive bibliography of all these sources is a helpful tool even for specialists in this field. I initiated this compilation of literature in 1970 at the Institut fur ~konometrie und Operations Research, University...
Integer Prograw~ing is one of the most fascinating and difficult areas in the field of Mathematical Optimization. Due to this fact notable research co...
This volume is the record of lectures delivered at the Conference on Mathematical System Theory during the summer of 1975. The conference was held at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine, Italy, and was supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche of Italy and the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. The aim of the conference was to encourage fruitful and active collaboration between researchers working in the diverse areas of system theory. It was also the hope of the organizers that mathematicians participating in the conference might become interested...
This volume is the record of lectures delivered at the Conference on Mathematical System Theory during the summer of 1975. The conference was held at ...
We wish to thank Georg Hasenkamp for valuable comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript and Steven Diamond for his kindness in reading the manu script and providing advice regarding the style of the exposition. We are also grateful to Miss Ingeborg Kasper for her careful typing of the manu script. Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Price Indices Depending only on Prices 2. 1 Definition, Examples, Implications 4 2. 2 Characterizations of Pri e Indices 15 3. Price Indices Depending on Prices and Quantities 22 3. 1 Definition, Examples 23 3. 2 Fisher's System of Tests 29 3. 3 Implications and...
We wish to thank Georg Hasenkamp for valuable comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript and Steven Diamond for his kindness in reading the manu s...
Since 1973, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in Brussels has organized regular workshops in the area of management science. The aim of these workshops is to organize a European network of research in the area in order to improve the jOint research on an international basis. Some of these workshops were directed towards the development of certain specialities. The meeting in November 1974 was arranged around the theme "Production Theory and its Applications." It was divided into two sub-sections. One sub-section concerned "Industrial Production Problems" while the...
Since 1973, the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management in Brussels has organized regular workshops in the area of management science. T...