Research on aplastic anaemia has until recently been limited to clinical description, morphology and epidemiology. New methods to culture haemopoietic cells, and advances in our knowledge of proliferation and differentiation in the haemopoietic cell system .opened a new area of scientific interest for this "prototype" of haemopoietic failure. In addition, bone marrow transplantation became not only a clinical method of treatment, but also a source of data useful for the discussion of pathophysiological models of aplastic anaemia. This situation prompted us to arrange an international con...
Research on aplastic anaemia has until recently been limited to clinical description, morphology and epidemiology. New methods to culture haemopoietic...
Die lahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Hiimatologie fand im Oktober 1976 nach 21 lahren zum erstenmal wieder in Freiburg statt. 1955 war der KongreBprasident unser unvergessener Ludwig Heitmeyer, der besonders auf dem Gebiete des Eisenstoffwechsels maBgebliche methodische und klinische Pionierarbeit geleistet hat. Die 3 Hauptthemen dieser Tagung sind daher teilweise durch den "genius loci" mitbestimmt (Abb. 1). Abb.1. Ludwig Heilmeyer, 1899-1969 Der Eisenstoffwechsel ist schon seit der Frtihgeschichte ein Problem der Menschheit, dessen Storungen die haufigste Ursache fUr...
Die lahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr Hiimatologie fand im Oktober 1976 nach 21 lahren zum erstenmal wieder in Freiburg statt. 1955 war der ...
The origin and function of normal monocytes and macrophages have been clearly defined by extensive investigations in human and in animal models. The central importance ofthis cell system for the biological defense mecha- nisms is well established: phagocytosis, inactivation and destruction of organic and inorganic materials, an important role in the initiation ofhumo- ral and cell mediated immunological responses, and the secretion of a varie- ty of chemical mediator and effector substances are the most important fea- tures of this ontogenetically ancient cell system. However, the data on...
The origin and function of normal monocytes and macrophages have been clearly defined by extensive investigations in human and in animal models. The c...
Ideo autem omnes ad consilium vocari diximus, quia saepe iuniori Dominus revelat quod melius est. * Benedictus de Nursia Regula Benedicti, ca. 550 A. c. Caput III,3 The Wilsede Meetings were initiated in 1973 as an unusual experiment, and in the meantime this biennial symposium has already come to constitute an established and successful tradition. In June 1986 scientists and physicians met for the seventh time in the 3- year-old Emmenhof in Wilsede, in the heart of the Liineburg Heath, to dis- cuss modern trends in human leukemia. It was Pappenheim who in 1910 prepared the first...
Ideo autem omnes ad consilium vocari diximus, quia saepe iuniori Dominus revelat quod melius est. * Benedictus de Nursia Regula Benedicti, ca. 550 A. ...
Die toxische Knochenmarkschadigung, insbesondere die Panmye lophthise stellt ein ernsthaftes und therapeutisch schwer zu beeinflussendes Problem dar. Bei den Chloramphenicol- und Gold-Aplasien ist eine der graBten Schwierigkeiten, daB wir keine Parameter haben, die voraussagen, welche Patienten nach Exposition das Krankheitsbild entwickeln werden. Butazone stellen im Zusammenhang mit der Knochenmark aplasie ein neues ernsthaftes Problem dar, und solI ten nur bei strenger Indikation gegeben werden. Auf Verunreinigungen von Treibstoffen, Lasungsmitteln und Lei men mit Benzol muB geachtet...
Die toxische Knochenmarkschadigung, insbesondere die Panmye lophthise stellt ein ernsthaftes und therapeutisch schwer zu beeinflussendes Problem dar. ...
This two-and-a-half-day symposium has concentrated on main aspects of the rapidly expanding field ofleukocyte markers in hematology. While leukemias are already being 'phenotyped' routinely in clinical centers, continued research on the developmental sta ge of cells and cell membranes, expanding into a malignant clone, permits new snap shots on hemopoietic differentiation. Thus the discovery of leukemia-associated anti gens, which so far have not been found on subpopulations of normal cells, has greatly stimulated the discussion on 'differentiation antigens versus tumor antigens'. The...
This two-and-a-half-day symposium has concentrated on main aspects of the rapidly expanding field ofleukocyte markers in hematology. While leukemias a...
mene Stil in jeglicher Kunst, daft er die spezijischen Schranken derselben zu entfernen weip, ohne doch ihre spezijischen Vorzuge mit aufzuhe- ben, und durch eine weise Benut- zung ihrer Eigentumlichkeit ihr einen mehr allgemeinen Charakter erteilt. Friedrich Schiller - Ober die as the- tische Erziehung des Menschen. In den Horen, 22. Brief (1795) We are glad that you have all come to this small village and I hope that you will feel at home here for the next few days. The special atmosphere of the surround- ings will probably have a good influence on our discussions, and you will perhaps...
mene Stil in jeglicher Kunst, daft er die spezijischen Schranken derselben zu entfernen weip, ohne doch ihre spezijischen Vorzuge mit aufzuhe- ben, un...
Lange Zeit stellte der Monozyt das schwarze Schaf, la b te noire (PAPPENHEIM) des Blutes dar, uber dessen Herkunft lediglich Hypothesen erstellt werden konnten (Ubersicht bei LEDER 104J). 1m letzten Jahrzehnt gelang es jedoch, den Lebenszyklus dieser Zelle in Tierversuchen weitgehend klar zustellen. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Monozytopoese des Menschen einer systematischen Analyse zu unterziehen. Grundlage war das heutige Wissen uber die Physiologie ha matopoetischer Zellerneuerungssysteme. Angewandt wurden Kom binationen von alteren und neueren Untersuchungsverfahren, wobei...
Lange Zeit stellte der Monozyt das schwarze Schaf, la b te noire (PAPPENHEIM) des Blutes dar, uber dessen Herkunft lediglich Hypothesen erstellt werde...
This volume provides a comprehensive account of the most recent trends in human leukemia, as presented at the Ninth Wilsede Meeting. The internationally renowned contributors deal with all different aspects of these diseases: As well as discussing important clinical aspects of leukemia, new information on the biological basis of leukemia gained using the methods of molecular genetics, cell and molecular biology, virology, and immunology is covered. The book shows both the complexity of leukemia research, as well as the value of basic scientific research in furthering clinical medicine and...
This volume provides a comprehensive account of the most recent trends in human leukemia, as presented at the Ninth Wilsede Meeting. The international...
Following the major breakthroughs in the and frequent and thorough exchange of treatment of acute leukemias in the seven- information. Hence, it was felt that a spe- ties by the introduction of intensive combi- cial series of symposia should be devoted to nation regimens, therapeutic progress has "Pharmacokinetics and Management of slowed down and the impression of stagna- Relapsed and Refractory Disease" comple- menting the established meetings on "Prog- tion may even have occured. In contrast, the knowledge about the biology of leu- nostic Factors and Treatment Strategies" kemias is rapidly...
Following the major breakthroughs in the and frequent and thorough exchange of treatment of acute leukemias in the seven- information. Hence, it was f...