This book describes the latest methods of oncological and hematological diagnostics such as immunological, molecular genetic and histological essays. All methods are described in principle in their different variations and compared in their effectiveness and cost. At the end of each chapter a detailed description of the "how-to-do" is given. The book is written for scientists, clinicians and personnel from research laboratories, specialised laboratories and routine diagnostic laboratories in hospitals. It satisfies the increased demand for information on new methods in hematology and oncology.
This book describes the latest methods of oncological and hematological diagnostics such as immunological, molecular genetic and histological essays. ...
The origin and function of normal monocytes and macrophages have been clearly defined by extensive investigations in human and in animal models. The central importance ofthis cell system for the biological defense mecha- nisms is well established: phagocytosis, inactivation and destruction of organic and inorganic materials, an important role in the initiation ofhumo- ral and cell mediated immunological responses, and the secretion of a varie- ty of chemical mediator and effector substances are the most important fea- tures of this ontogenetically ancient cell system. However, the data on...
The origin and function of normal monocytes and macrophages have been clearly defined by extensive investigations in human and in animal models. The c...
Invasive Aspergillose und systemisch verlaufende Cryptococcose sind die beiden gegenw{rtig h{ufigsten aerogenen invasiven Pilzinfektionen bei Immunsuppression oder anderweitig disponierenden Immundefekten. Aus mykologisch-diagnostischer und -epidemiologischer Sicht wird in diesem Band }ber den au erordentlich raschen und zeitlich definierbaren Verlauf der invasiven Aspergillose bei hchster Infektionsbereitschaft informiert mit dem Ziel, die zur Verf}gung stehende medizinisch-mykologische Diagnostik (Erreger- und Antigennachweis) bei relevantem klinischem Untersuchungsmaterial zum richtigen...
Invasive Aspergillose und systemisch verlaufende Cryptococcose sind die beiden gegenw{rtig h{ufigsten aerogenen invasiven Pilzinfektionen bei Immunsup...