The study of the structure of Lie algebras over arbitrary fields is now a little more than thirty years old. The first papers, to my know ledge, which undertook this study as an end in itself were those of JACOBSON (" Rational methods in the theory of Lie algebras ") in the Annals, and of LANDHERR ("Uber einfache Liesche Ringe") in the Hamburg Abhandlungen, both in 1935. Over fields of characteristic zero, these thirty years have seen the ideas and results inherited from LIE, KILLING, E. CARTAN and WEYL developed and given new depth, meaning and elegance by many contributors. Much of this...
The study of the structure of Lie algebras over arbitrary fields is now a little more than thirty years old. The first papers, to my know ledge, which...
Recent research has produced a large number of results concerning the Stone-Cech compactification or involving it in a central manner. The goal of this volume is to make many of these results easily accessible by collecting them in a single source together with the necessary introductory material. The author's interest in this area had its origin in his fascination with the classic text Rings of Continuous Functions by Leonard Gillman and Meyer Jerison. This excellent synthesis of algebra and topology appeared in 1960 and did much to draw attention to the Stone-Cech compactification {3X as a...
Recent research has produced a large number of results concerning the Stone-Cech compactification or involving it in a central manner. The goal of thi...
In the theory of partial differential equations, the study of elliptic equations occupies a preeminent position, both because of the importance which it assumes for various questions in mathematical physics, and because of the completeness of the results obtained up to the present time. In spite of this, even in the more classical treatises on analysis the theory of elliptic equations has been considered and illustrated only from particular points of view, while the only expositions of the whole theory, the extremely valuable ones by LICHTENSTEIN and AscoLI, have the charac ter of...
In the theory of partial differential equations, the study of elliptic equations occupies a preeminent position, both because of the importance which ...
From the reviews: "This book presents an important and novel approach to Jordan algebras. Jordan algebras have come to play a role in many areas of mathematics, including Lie algebras and the geometry of Chevalley groups. Springer's work will be of service to research workers familiar with linear algebraic groups who find they need to know something about Jordan algebras and will provide Jordan algebraists with new techniques and a new approach to finite-dimensional algebras over fields." (American Scientist) "By placing the classification of Jordan algebras in the perspective of...
From the reviews: "This book presents an important and novel approach to Jordan algebras. Jordan algebras have come to play a role in many areas of ma...
Algebraic geometry has always been an ec1ectic science, with its roots in algebra, function-theory and topology. Apart from early resear ches, now about a century old, this beautiful branch of mathematics has for many years been investigated chiefly by the Italian school which, by its pioneer work, based on algebro-geometric methods, has succeeded in building up an imposing body of knowledge. Quite apart from its intrinsic interest, this possesses high heuristic value since it represents an essential step towards the modern achievements. A certain lack of rigour in the c1assical methods,...
Algebraic geometry has always been an ec1ectic science, with its roots in algebra, function-theory and topology. Apart from early resear ches, now abo...
Die grundlegende Arbeit von A. M. LJAPUNOV (1857 bis 1918) uber die Stabilitat der Bewegung, die 1892 in russischer Sprache, 1907 in franzosischer Ubersetzung erschien, hat ursprunglich nur wenig Beach tung gefunden und war lange Zeit hindurch nahezu vergessen. Erst vor etwa 25 Jahren wurden diese Untersuchungen von einigen sowjetischen Mathematikern wieder aufgegriffen. Man bemerkte dabei, dass sich die Ljapunovschen Ansatze zur Bewaltigung konkreter Probleme der Physik und Technik eigneten, und seitdem befasst man sich, wie die wachsende Zahl der Veroffentlichungen erkennen lasst, in...
Die grundlegende Arbeit von A. M. LJAPUNOV (1857 bis 1918) uber die Stabilitat der Bewegung, die 1892 in russischer Sprache, 1907 in franzosischer Ube...
Since the elassie work on inequalities by HARDY, LITTLEWOOD, and P6LYA in 1934, an enonnous amount of effort has been devoted to the sharpening and extension of the elassieal inequalities, to the discovery of new types of inequalities, and to the application of inqualities in many parts of analysis. As examples, let us eite the fields of ordinary and partial differential equations, whieh are dominated by inequalities and variational prineiples involving functions and their derivatives; the many applications of linear inequalities to game theory and mathe- matieal economics, which have...
Since the elassie work on inequalities by HARDY, LITTLEWOOD, and P6LYA in 1934, an enonnous amount of effort has been devoted to the sharpening and ex...
In 1964 the author's mono graph "Differential- und Integral-Un gleichungen," with the subtitle "und ihre Anwendung bei Abschatzungs und Eindeutigkeitsproblemen" was published. The present volume grew out of the response to the demand for an English translation of this book. In the meantime the literature on differential and integral in equalities increased greatly. We have tried to incorporate new results as far as possible. As a matter of fact, the Bibliography has been almost doubled in size. The most substantial additions are in the field of existence theory. In Chapter I we have included...
In 1964 the author's mono graph "Differential- und Integral-Un gleichungen," with the subtitle "und ihre Anwendung bei Abschatzungs und Eindeutigkeits...
By a linear group we mean essentially a group of invertible matrices with entries in some commutative field. A phenomenon of the last twenty years or so has been the increasing use of properties of infinite linear groups in the theory of (abstract) groups, although the story of infinite linear groups as such goes back to the early years of this century with the work of Burnside and Schur particularly. Infinite linear groups arise in group theory in a number of contexts. One of the most common is via the automorphism groups of certain types of abelian groups, such as free abelian groups of...
By a linear group we mean essentially a group of invertible matrices with entries in some commutative field. A phenomenon of the last twenty years or ...