On principle, the law on the equality of rights leaves it to the spouses to come to an agreement on their proprietary relationship, and it establishes a subsidiary statutory regime only if no marriage settlement has been contracted. Contractual freedom is the sole appropriate basis to lead to adequate handling of property problems in the field of matrimonial property regime; statutory regime without contractual freedom would have to be considered as a strong burden. Thus the task of the legislator consisted in creating a statutory regime which in as many cases as possible does justice to both...
On principle, the law on the equality of rights leaves it to the spouses to come to an agreement on their proprietary relationship, and it establishes...
Ausgangspunkt der Erorterungen ist die vor etwa einem halben Jahr hundert entwickelte Townsendsche Theorie der Zundung elektrischer Ent ladungen in Gasen. Es werden die Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit dieser Theorie auf die Probleme des elektrischen Durchschlags erortert. Insbeson dere werden die Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen mitgeteilt, die sich mit dem Einfluss des Spannungsverlaufs bis zur Zundung auf die Hohe der Durch schlagspannung beschaftigen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass in Gasentladung strecken mit homogenen elektrischen Feldern eine Beanspruchung mit hochfrequenten Wechselspannungen zu...
Ausgangspunkt der Erorterungen ist die vor etwa einem halben Jahr hundert entwickelte Townsendsche Theorie der Zundung elektrischer Ent ladungen in Ga...
Am 16. Oktober 1957 konnte ich in dieser Arbeitsgemeinschaft einen Vortrag uber "Die geistigen Grundlagen des Allgemeinen Landrechts fur die l Preussischen Staaten von 1794" halten Damals war die Ausgabe der Vortrage des eigentlichen Verfassers des ALR von 1794, des Geheimen Ober-Justiz und Tribunalrates earl Gott/ieb Svarez (1746-1798), noch in der Vorberei tung. Diese Vortrage sind inzwischen in der Reihe der Wissenschaftlichen 2 Abhandlungen dieser Arbeitsgemeinschaft erschienen Sie vermitteln ein klares Bild der Rechts- und Staatsanschauung in Preussen am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts,...
Am 16. Oktober 1957 konnte ich in dieser Arbeitsgemeinschaft einen Vortrag uber "Die geistigen Grundlagen des Allgemeinen Landrechts fur die l Preussi...
Die Absicht der hier vorgelegten Abhandlung ist, einen der wesentlichsten Abschnitte der antiken Geschichte, den Aufstieg Roms zur Weltmacht, nach dem ihm angemessenen Massstabe historisch-kritisch zu untersuchen. Das bedeutet, die Vorgange nicht in erster Linie formaljuristisch, sondern poli tisch zu sehen und zu beurteilen, handelt es sich doch um ein eminent poli tisches Geschehen, nicht um einen Abschnitt der Rechtsgeschichte. Wenn die Ergebnisse, zu, denen der Verfasser gelangt ist, von der zur Zeit weithin geltenden Beurteilung abweichen, so war dafur nicht der Wunsch mass gebend, "der...
Die Absicht der hier vorgelegten Abhandlung ist, einen der wesentlichsten Abschnitte der antiken Geschichte, den Aufstieg Roms zur Weltmacht, nach dem...
The true appreciation of the Second Vaticanum requires an analysis of the action of various forces, distinguishing between inner forces (the Pope, the Roman Curia, the legislative assembly, the assembly of bishops, the Officials of the Church Council, informal groups, Council theologians etc.), and externat forces (political powers, means of communication etc.). The important event in the Second Vaticanum in Autumn 1962 was the fact that bishops from all parts of the world very quickly became conscious of their unity and fellow feeling. Thus it was made possible that the issue of the First...
The true appreciation of the Second Vaticanum requires an analysis of the action of various forces, distinguishing between inner forces (the Pope, the...
The report deals with the experiences of the author in respect of the structural analysis by means of X-rays of some molecules of medical and biochemical interest. In the first instance a general explanation is given of the development of structural X-ray analysis to its present-day importance. The systematic course of such a structural analysis has been demonstrated in its most important steps with penicillin and a few compounds of the vitamin B group as examples. 12 Resume L'expose traite des experiences de l'auteur dans la definition structurelle radioanalytique de quelques moIecules...
The report deals with the experiences of the author in respect of the structural analysis by means of X-rays of some molecules of medical and biochemi...
The lecture on "The Structure of the Auto Sacramental Los Encantos de la Culpa (The Enchantment of Guilt) by Calder6n" is subdivided into six parts. The introduction emphasizes, among other aspects, the importance of mystery plays within the scope of the Spanish author's work and the pres ent state of literary research. Before entering into a microanalysis, the re viewer gives a macroanalysis for better understanding, i. e. a subdivision of the work showing the chains of action. The following second part of the explanations shows that the nautical metaphors pervading the Auto form an...
The lecture on "The Structure of the Auto Sacramental Los Encantos de la Culpa (The Enchantment of Guilt) by Calder6n" is subdivided into six parts. T...
Since the 12th century the map of Germany began to cover itself with hundreds of cities, townships with a certain though limited degree of auto nomy. This meant a new aggravation of the dis integration of legal unity that was already under way. This phenomena was, however, modified by the formation of families of communallaw, where the law of a mother-city was simply transferred to a various number of daughter-cities. Simultane ously arose the obligation for the mother-city to inform in the future her daughter-cities about her practice in contentious matters. As a superior court she became a...
Since the 12th century the map of Germany began to cover itself with hundreds of cities, townships with a certain though limited degree of auto nomy. ...