Pere Danielou speaks about the relationship between the first Christian community and the Jewish society of this community. The studies of this subject were reanimated by the discovery of the Dead Sea-scrolIs and the gnostic scripts in Nag' Hammadi which throw light on a heterodox Christianity strongly influenced by Jewish institutions. Therefore the sub ject of this lecture is the specific type of Christianity fashioned by J ewish culture. The members of the Christian Community were obliged to observe Jewish customs with a strictness depending upon the intensity of the conflict between...
Pere Danielou speaks about the relationship between the first Christian community and the Jewish society of this community. The studies of this subjec...
Diese Untersuchungen waren nicht moglich gewesen ohne die liberale Unterstutzung der Museumsdirektoren, die mir das Studium und das Photo graphieren der fur diese Arbeit notwendigen Antiken in grosszugigster Weise ermoglicht haben. Ihnen allen, vor allem den Direktoren Prof. Dr. Necati Dolounay, Nesih Firatli, Haki Gultekin Bey, Musa Baran und meinen Kol legen Prof. Arif Mufid Bey, laIe Inan, Yusuf Boysal Bey und dem Burger meister von Foca-Phokaia Seldschuk Dirim Bey, sage ich meinen aufrichtigen Dank. Nicht minderen Dank aber schulde ich den Direktoren der europa ischen Museen, die mir seit...
Diese Untersuchungen waren nicht moglich gewesen ohne die liberale Unterstutzung der Museumsdirektoren, die mir das Studium und das Photo graphieren d...
The development of music in Western civilization shows a constant inter action between the structural and the elements in musical composition. The emphasis on sonority, on harmony, contrasts with the em phasis on counterpoint, of which the construction is the extreme development. Canonic technique in 15th century music, with its manifold structural possibilities, is the ultimate development of the constructional principle in early polyphony. But within this frame-work the harmonie element gains importance and gradually becomes the center of gravity; tonality and text...
The development of music in Western civilization shows a constant inter action between the structural and the elements in musical...
Die hierab gedruckten Erwagungen gingen aus einer Vorlesung im Sommersemester 1953 hervor. Sie dienten zusammengefaBt als Thema von Vortragen in Kopenhagen und Bonn. Es fehlt ihnen viel daran, daB man sie als endgultige Formulierungen ansprechen konnte. Ein groBer Nachteil ist auch, daB es die erste meiner Arbeiten ist, die nicht unter den Augen meiner Frau entstanden ist; so muBte ich auf ihren Rat und ihre stets fordemde Kritik verzichten. Deshalb wird die Abhandlung noch mehr Mangel auf weisen, als unvermeidlich der Fall gewesen ware. Wenn ich trotz alledem mich zum Druck entschlossen...
Die hierab gedruckten Erwagungen gingen aus einer Vorlesung im Sommersemester 1953 hervor. Sie dienten zusammengefaBt als Thema von Vortragen in Kopen...
The history of the councils permits the recognition of four traditional types of Oecumenical Council - the Old-christian Bishops' Council, which was convened by the Emperor and decided questions of dogma and disci pline; the Papal General Council of the middle ages, which was convened, guided and confirmed by the Pope and which, both by reason of the sub jects to be dealt with and the personal constitution thereof, represented Christendom; the councils of the 15th century claimed to act as Church Par liaments; the Council of Trient, which again reverted to the twO first types and to which the...
The history of the councils permits the recognition of four traditional types of Oecumenical Council - the Old-christian Bishops' Council, which was c...
The comparison of the two Councils is caused by the observation of the fact that the Second Vatican Counci1 has widely been regarded as arevision of the Counci1 of Trent. It is a reality that Vaticanum II, conforming to the objective given to it by Pope John XXIII, avoided condemning divergent views in its doctrinal decrees. The Tridentinum had very strict1y marked the doctrinal differences separating Protestantism from Catholicism - and it had been obliged to do so - in order to overcome the uncertainty that had arisen in matters of faith. In the decree that deals with oecumenism Vaticanum...
The comparison of the two Councils is caused by the observation of the fact that the Second Vatican Counci1 has widely been regarded as arevision of t...