Host defense is based on an interdependence of ceIlular and of humoral factors. The cellular component is in large parts identical with the phenome non of phagocytosis. However, phagocytosis is effective only when the corresponding parasite previously is "prepared" by the subsequent action of antibody and complement. The antigen-antibody-complement reaction is identical with a complicated sequence of more than ten re action steps involv ing more than ten distinct factors. The memical basis of some of the reac ti on steps is weIl known, whereas for some other steps the memical nature of the...
Host defense is based on an interdependence of ceIlular and of humoral factors. The cellular component is in large parts identical with the phenome no...
Seit einem Jahrzehnt habe ich mich dem irischen Volkstum zugewandt. Es interessierten Fragenbereiche, die das kultische Nachleben und die von Gemeinschaften besorgte Verehrung der Iren auf dem europaischen Fest land betreffen, vor allem im deutschen Sakralraum 1. Das geschah auch in Fuhlungnahme mit Ludwig Bieler (Dublin), mit Bernhard Bischoff (Mun chen-Planegg), Rudolf Kriss (Munchen-Berchtesgaden), Julius Pokomy (Zurich) und Leo Weisgerber (Bonn), ebenso mit meinen deutsch-irischen Verwandten, mit dem Wirtschaftshistoriker Ministerialrat Dr. Othmar Fessler (Dalkey, Co. Dublin). Die...
Seit einem Jahrzehnt habe ich mich dem irischen Volkstum zugewandt. Es interessierten Fragenbereiche, die das kultische Nachleben und die von Gemeinsc...
In their race through the his tory of science, psychiatry and psychology have run long stretches neck and neck without any mutual germination. It was only a hundred years ago that the first contact was established between psychology and psychopathology, when Griesinger (1845) began to view psychopathological phenomena in the light of psychology, basing his study on Herbart' s psychology. The greater the subsequent necessity for psychiatry to meet practical requirements - for instance in the case of forensic questioning -, the more the psychiatrist found himself compelled to bring the...
In their race through the his tory of science, psychiatry and psychology have run long stretches neck and neck without any mutual germination. It was ...
Following a prelirninary reference to the scientific and economic signifi cance of oceanographic research, the various technological methods of subaqueous research are being dealt with. The limits imposed on diving depth and diving time respectively can be considerably increased by under water vehicles and underwater houses. This provides for the "deepening" of oceanic research and an expansion of the possibilities of oceanic ex ploitation. The buoyancy and ballast systems as weH as the design principles are discussed on the strength of existing bathyscaphes. The crucial point of the...
Following a prelirninary reference to the scientific and economic signifi cance of oceanographic research, the various technological methods of subaqu...
Today military potential depends so strongly on scientific and technical capacity that cooperation in these matters within NATO is a necessity. It is equally important that full use is made of our scientific knowledge in reach ing strategie and political decisions. National policy and science interact in both directions: the rapid development of atomic energy is a consequence of its military usefulness and conversely advances in the biological sciences, such as birth control and the development of mental drugs, may weIl have major impacts on future political situations. NATO has no monopoly...
Today military potential depends so strongly on scientific and technical capacity that cooperation in these matters within NATO is a necessity. It is ...