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Analyse Experimentale Du Coup de Vent Lateral
ISBN: 9786131544330 / Francuski / Miękka / 304 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Depuis quelques annA(c)es la sA(c)curitA(c) est devenue un enjeu capital pour les constructeurs d'automobiles. L'A(c)tude du comportement aA(c)rodynamique des vA(c)hicules terrestres il y a peu de temps se limitait A des essais statiques en soufflerie. Ce type d'approche ne prend pas en compte le caractA]re instationnaire et dynamique du phA(c)nomA]ne associA(c) au coup de vent latA(c)ral. Les rA(c)sultats expA(c)rimentaux et numA(c)riques prA(c)sentA(c)s dans ce rapport ont portA(c) essentiellement sur des essais opA(c)rA(c)s sur une maquette profilA(c)e lisse, A gA(c)omA(c)trie...
Depuis quelques annA(c)es la sA(c)curitA(c) est devenue un enjeu capital pour les constructeurs d'automobiles. L'A(c)tude du comportement aA(c)rodynam...
393,42 zł |
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Real-Time Driver's Fatigue Detection
ISBN: 9783639361926 / Angielski / Miękka / 108 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In this book, the methods of driver's fatigue detection have been studied. Furthermore, we explain the process of designing an analysis method based on fuzzy logic theory using three types of factors to detect the driver's fatigue: Driver crucial factors, Environmental factors and Conditional factors. In the proposed method using tactile and environmental sensors, the system predicts driver's fatigue before s/he falls asleep and concentrates the driver attention by alarming. This system helps the driver to keep his/her alertness during driving. An advantage of the proposed fatigue detection...
In this book, the methods of driver's fatigue detection have been studied. Furthermore, we explain the process of designing an analysis method based o...
216,60 zł |
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US-amerikanische Muscle Cars von 1964 bis 1974
ISBN: 9783639362855 / Niemiecki / Miękka / 132 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Muscle Cars - an ihnen schieden sich bereits damals die Geister. Freilich waren die ubermotorisierten Kraftpakete alles andere als Spritverachter, doch lassen sich Spass und Adrenalinschube rational berechnen? Aus heutiger Sicht fur viele politisch vollig unkorrekt, doch stand das Thema Umweltschutz zu jener Zeit gerade in den Startlochern. Diese Abhandlung gibt Auskunft uber Technik, Kundenwunsche, Fahrer und die zeitlichen Begleitumstande, vom raketenhaften Start bis zum unruhmlichen Ende auf Raten. Auch die Auswirkungen der Budget-Boliden auf den europaischen Automarkt werden...
Muscle Cars - an ihnen schieden sich bereits damals die Geister. Freilich waren die ubermotorisierten Kraftpakete alles andere als Spritverachter, doc...
260,81 zł |
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Wunibald i. e. Kamm - Wegbereiter Der Modernen Kraftfahrtechnik
ISBN: 9783642203022 / Niemiecki / Twarda / 379 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Die Kammsche Regel zur Verbesserung der Richtungsstabilitat oder das K-Heck, das sich in der Form vieler moderner Pkws verbirgt diese und viele andere innovativen Konzepte gehen auf Professor Kamm (1893 1966) zuruck, den Begrunder der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Kfz-Technik. Leben und Wirken des deutschen Automobil-Wissenschaftlers werden in dieser Monografie analysiert und seine Rolle wahrend des Nationalsozialismus neu beleuchtet. 2009 wurde WunibaldI.E.Kamm posthum mit der Aufnahme in die Automotive Hall of Fame der USA geehrt."
Die Kammsche Regel zur Verbesserung der Richtungsstabilitat oder das K-Heck, das sich in der Form vieler moderner Pkws verbirgt diese und viele andere...
520,50 zł |
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Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2011: Smart Systems for Electric, Safe and Networked Mobility
ISBN: 9783642213809 / Angielski / Twarda / 357 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Fundamental transformations are imminent for the automobile today: propulsion technologies are going to shift from combustion engines to electric motors; cars and roads will soon be as safe and convenient as never before; and traffic will flow increasingly efficient. Many of these advancements are due to innovative information and communication technologies, controls and smart systems, both in the vehicle and at its interfaces with the systems for power supply, mobility and data communication. The papers published in this book are selected from the submissions to the 15th... Fundamental transformations are imminent for the automobile today: propulsion technologies are going to shift from combustion engines to electric m... |
817,97 zł |
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OT Titanika Do Costa Concordia
ISBN: 9783659445248 / Rosyjski / Miękka / 156 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Krupneyshie morskie avarii, nachinaya s gibeli Titanika vsegda vyzyvali zhivoy interes mirovoy obshchestvennosti. Odnako, do sikh por ne bylo professionalnogo analiza neispolzovannykh vozmozhnostey po spaseniyu sudna i lyudey pri etikh morskikh katastrofakh. Takoy analiz mozhet pozvolit ne sovershat oshibok v analogichnykh situatsiyakh i ispolzovat dopolnitelnye vozmozhnosti dlya spaseniya sudov, ikh passazhirov i ekipazhey pri podobnykh avariyakh. Opyt i nauchnye issledovaniya avtora okazyvayut, chto prakticheski u kazhdoy morskoy i rechnoy avarii byli sposoby ee predotvrashcheniya, libo...
Krupneyshie morskie avarii, nachinaya s gibeli Titanika vsegda vyzyvali zhivoy interes mirovoy obshchestvennosti. Odnako, do sikh por ne bylo professi...
273,63 zł |
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Modeling Traffic Flow Problem
ISBN: 9783659388095 / Angielski / Miękka / 84 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The vehicular traffic is controlled by a self-organized scheme in which traffic lights are absent at traffic junctions. This controlling method incorporates a yield-at-entry strategy for the vehicles approaching to the circulating traffic flow in the roundabout. Vehicular dynamics are simulated within the framework of the probabilistic cellular automata and the throughputs experienced at each individual street are evaluated for specified time intervals to determine the performance of the roundabout. We used Multi-stream Minimum Acceptable Space (MMAS) Cellular Automata (CA) model for...
The vehicular traffic is controlled by a self-organized scheme in which traffic lights are absent at traffic junctions. This controlling method incor...
176,38 zł |
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Razvitie Diagnostirovaniya Mashin. Traktory I Avtomobili
ISBN: 9783659453922 / Rosyjski / Miękka / 316 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. |
211,74 zł |
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Racecar: Searching for the Limit in Formula SAE
ISBN: 9780984719310 / Angielski / Miękka / 226 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. In 2006, a small unavailing university auto racing team began building a racecar that would challenge the best engineering schools in the world. With fewer people and resources than any of the top competitors, the only way they were going to win was to push the limit, go for broke, and hope for more than a little luck. By the time they got to the racetrack, they knew: In the fog of fierce competition, whether you win or lose, you learn the hardest lessons about engineering, teamwork, friendship, and yourself.
In 2006, a small unavailing university auto racing team began building a racecar that would challenge the best engineering schools in the world. With ...
42,74 zł |
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Redesign of a Multi-Deck Rotary Mower for Wider Cutting Width
ISBN: 9783847329282 / Angielski / Miękka / 80 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Jacobsen is the one of the high-quality turf-equipment providers with powerful brand such as walking greens, riding greens and fairway mowers, as well as utility vehicles, sprayers and aerators. In the competitive market, existing rotary multi deck mower productivity is lower because of lesser cutting width. Competitors tend to lead this market segment because of their large cutting width mowers. It is required to evaluate the possibility of redesigning the blade diameter to increase width of cut. A new layout is generated for the deck assembly locations. Static structural analysis is done...
Jacobsen is the one of the high-quality turf-equipment providers with powerful brand such as walking greens, riding greens and fairway mowers, as well...
216,60 zł |
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Unified Display System For Automotives
ISBN: 9783847319436 / Angielski / Miękka / 100 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Vehicle parameters are monitored to know the performance of the vehicle for driver asistance. Previously mechanical units are used on the dashboard to measure the performance of the vehicle and it has been improved to electromechanical units. Now a days, it is further improved to the fully electronics system with the various display technology to avoid unwanted ambient light and remove reflections, glare, back scattering and the contrast requirements in daylight to display the vehicle performance parameters . In this thesis, fully electronic driver information system with CAN communication is...
Vehicle parameters are monitored to know the performance of the vehicle for driver asistance. Previously mechanical units are used on the dashboard to...
216,60 zł |
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Ship Route Optimization
ISBN: 9783847373766 / Angielski / Miękka / 216 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Optimization of ship routes is an important consideration in maritime industry. By application of optimal control theory in conjunction with hydrodynamics and weather forecasting tools, most economical and safe route can be charted. Although a large volume of work is available addressing the ship-weather-routing problem. But most of them appear to concentrate on theoretical development related to the algorithm rather than the algorithm itself. The possible reason for limited detail on the actual algorithm that is used by ship navigators may be the commercial and proprietary nature of such...
Optimization of ship routes is an important consideration in maritime industry. By application of optimal control theory in conjunction with hydrodyna...
349,22 zł |
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Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Power Systems
ISBN: 9783846584552 / Angielski / Miękka / 104 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Regarding limitation of fossil fuels and the high consumption rate of their energy for transportation, inclination of vehicle industry toward other sources of energy is inevitable. Electric and hybrid vehicles could be a viable solution. This paper presents quasi-state modeling of hybrid power train components including representations of vehicular dynamics, power-electronic drive, electric motors, energy storage, and other mechanical components. A series hybrid transit bus is developed as a case study. The model is validated using fuel consumption data obtained from tests on an actual...
Regarding limitation of fossil fuels and the high consumption rate of their energy for transportation, inclination of vehicle industry toward other so...
216,60 zł |
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Design of Personal Water Craft Focusing on Aesthetics and Ergonomics
ISBN: 9783847320500 / Angielski / Miękka / 92 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The external aesthetics of a product is a critical factor that attracts customers and forces them to own the product. The exterior style can communicate the category and type of the product with the customers and it can create a feel on them to own it. Usability of a product is another factor which satisfies the customer over the product. Thus the external aesthetics as well as usability have a strong influence on the success of a product. In this project an attempt is made to enhance the exterior style as well as usability of Personal Water Craft or else called as Water Bike. Manufacturers...
The external aesthetics of a product is a critical factor that attracts customers and forces them to own the product. The exterior style can communica...
216,60 zł |
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Dynamic Simulation of a 3 Cylinder Valve train Mechanism
ISBN: 9783847333937 / Angielski / Miękka / 60 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. A valve train is an important part of both diesel and petrol engines as they control the opening and closing of valves and greatly impact engine performance. These mechanical systems operate at very high speeds. Different design concepts can virtually be assembled and simulated according to the requirements and based on the simulation results, a final configuration can be determined that meets the design criteria. In the current work an existing 3 cylinder SOHC type valve train was modeled using CAD software and the simulation was carried out by using the commercially available MSC.ADAMS...
A valve train is an important part of both diesel and petrol engines as they control the opening and closing of valves and greatly impact engine perfo...
216,60 zł |
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Statistical Analysis of Crash Data
ISBN: 9783846535929 / Angielski / Miękka / 180 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. While motorized travel provides many benefits, it can also do serious harm in the form of road-related crashes. The problem could be addressed thorough several approaches with engineering initiatives being recognized as the most sustainable and cost effective. Still, the success of the engineering approaches in reducing crash occurrences hinges upon the existence of reliable statistical methods that can provide accurate estimates of safety. However, it was not until recently that advances in statistical modeling techniques have facilitated the fitting of more advanced models to accurately...
While motorized travel provides many benefits, it can also do serious harm in the form of road-related crashes. The problem could be addressed thoroug...
300,59 zł |
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Motorcycle Trailer for Rural India
ISBN: 9783847323853 / Angielski / Miękka / 76 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Indian economy though one of the fastest growing economies in the world, a large percentage of Indian population lives in rural areas and depends on agrarian economy. Rural India needs affordable and simple transport system for small scale (125 kg) and short distance (up to 10kms) transportation of fodder, fertilizers, seeds and many house hold items. Motorcycles (two-wheelers) are a popular mode of transport in rural areas. Commercial designs of motorcycles have a limitation to use them for small scale and short distance transport of goods. A trailer to a motorcycle would solve such...
Indian economy though one of the fastest growing economies in the world, a large percentage of Indian population lives in rural areas and depends on a...
216,60 zł |
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Nuclear Propulsion Techniques for Spacecraft
ISBN: 9783847322696 / Angielski / Miękka / 144 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The two of the largest developments in the 20th century have been the invention of spacecraft, and the invention of nuclear power as a source of long lasting energy. Now, both technological fields have grown immensely to structure the technology of our world. These two fields are intertwined, as the future of space exploration depends on the availability of nuclear power. One of the most important requirements of a space flight mission is to be able to fly to furthest reaches of the universe. In fact, flying anywhere in our Solar System besides the moon will pose a considerable challenge as...
The two of the largest developments in the 20th century have been the invention of spacecraft, and the invention of nuclear power as a source of long ...
260,81 zł |
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Design and Simualtion of Yaw Control System for Car
ISBN: 9783847333654 / Angielski / Miękka / 112 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. Automobiles play an important mobility role in present day context. Automobiles population is growing so also their speeds and occupant casualties. Automobiles safety is a major subject area and many governments have drawn safety norms and regulations. Electronic Stability Program (ESP) is one such advanced technology that is being adopted by many car manufacturers. The study conducted in the book presented here proposes a new way of implementing yaw stability control based on the concept of differential braking using a combination of Finite State Machine (FSM) theory and traditional PID...
Automobiles play an important mobility role in present day context. Automobiles population is growing so also their speeds and occupant casualties. Au...
216,60 zł |
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Femtotechnologies and Revolutionary Projects
ISBN: 9783847322290 / Angielski / Miękka / 536 str. Termin realizacji zamówienia: ok. 5-8 dni roboczych. The author has researched and described many new concepts, ideas, researches, theories, macro-projects in space, technology and environment change. These all hold the promise for a true revolution in the lives of humans. Here, the author includes and reviews new methods for converting of any matter into energy, getting of super strong materials, travel in outer space without space suit, magnetic space launchers, magnetic space towers, motionless satellites and suspended structures, domes for cities, polar regions and space stations, control of local and global weather, wireless transfer of...
The author has researched and described many new concepts, ideas, researches, theories, macro-projects in space, technology and environment change. Th...
349,22 zł |