The role of marketing in the economy - is to increase its business and operational efficiency. At present, marketing is understood as a market-oriented expression of a style of thinking, capable not only of responding to the changing market situation, but also of changing the parameters of the environment, market access, market expansion, ensuring market security. One of the marketing concept (the concept of socio-ethical marketing) declares its principle on achieving business goals and its ability to provide customer satisfaction and long-term well-being of consumers and society in general....
The role of marketing in the economy - is to increase its business and operational efficiency. At present, marketing is understood as a market-oriente...
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) entering the market face the problem of the "tightness" of the information space due to the presence of large competitors. They need to quickly inform consumers about their products, but unlike large companies, SMEs lack the resources to conduct marketing activities. On the other hand, these organizations have the advantage of speeding up decision-making. SMEs are resilient businesses, able in a short time to adapt to the changing conditions of the marketing environment.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) entering the market face the problem of the "tightness" of the information space due to the presence of larg...
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is a very attractive area for marketing activities: the absence of bureaucracy, the ability to adapt quickly, the ability to use tailor-made marketing solutions and in the absence of major investments in this area, a narrow view of the target audience, the speed to get the result (check efficiency). There are many ways and tools required to conduct an effective SME marketing strategy, it is important to determine the combination that will most effectively present your particular business. The teacher should accompany this guide with their own...
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is a very attractive area for marketing activities: the absence of bureaucracy, the ability to adapt quickl...
The starting point is the fact that underdevelopment in Africa is not a retardation of growth but the "product of a specific historical situation", the latter thus referring to the colonization of Africa by the States of Europe and under the conditions of the birth of industrial capitalism. In my opinion, this historical rooting finds its continuations in the modern functioning of the world economy and in the modalities of international integration. Here we find the criticism of the theory of the dependence of the States of the South on the States of the North.
The starting point is the fact that underdevelopment in Africa is not a retardation of growth but the "product of a specific historical situation", th...
The fundamental lesson in individual decision-making is that people are faced with trade-offs between alternative goals, that the cost of any action is measured in terms of the opportunities that flow from it, that rational people make decisions by comparing them. marginal costs and benefits, and that people change their behavior, responding to the incentives they encounter. The fundamental lessons about interactions between people mean that trade can be mutually beneficial, that markets are generally a good way to coordinate trade between people, and that government can potentially improve...
The fundamental lesson in individual decision-making is that people are faced with trade-offs between alternative goals, that the cost of any action i...
Political marketing and commercial marketing are similar, but cannot be overlooked, and one difference: political parties that are part of a marketing approach, are treated as a commodity, albeit made up of real people who are (or rather should be) their visions of the political world, their positions and their fundamental values. In my opinion, marketing techniques can be applied in political life. The mechanical transfer of the method of marketing into politics, especially in party building, a foolish and dangerous thing. Political communication has given way to political propaganda;...
Political marketing and commercial marketing are similar, but cannot be overlooked, and one difference: political parties that are part of a marketing...
The theory and practice of political influence technology in modern Africa confirms the establishment of market rules in the political realm, proclaiming it a democratic continent with a form of republican governments, thus laying the foundations for a new structure. social. In this context, the manipulative component of African governments, as the cultural, technological and educational heritage of colonial African society, its political sub-system, determines the model of socio-economic development of the continent. It is about deliberately ignoring the opinions and interests of the...
The theory and practice of political influence technology in modern Africa confirms the establishment of market rules in the political realm, proclaim...
Analysis of scientific and technological development processes shows that human capital is emerging as the most important factor for sustainable development and economic growth. If GDP growth is not invested in the creation of human capital, in improving the quality of life, in education and health, then it will be impossible to increase productivity, to move to an economy innovative.Therefore, five "i" (5i - innovation, investment, infrastructure, institutions, intelligence) and five "e" (5 e - economy, education, employment, energy, trade) are absolutely necessary for the development of...
Analysis of scientific and technological development processes shows that human capital is emerging as the most important factor for sustainable devel...