Die peruanische Kultur ist eine reiche Mischung von Bräuchen und überlieferten Traditionen, darunter die Einnahme von Lehm: Machu Rumi, ch'aqo, ch'aqu, chaco, ch'ako, ch'aquo, chhacco, ch'akko, chachakko oder auch p'asa nach synonymen Bezeichnungen in der Quechua-Sprache. Diese Tradition ist in der Uru-Kultur (typisch für den Titicacasee) als qhiqhiche und in der Aymara-Kultur in Bolivien und Nordchile als upi bekannt. Sie werden zur Mineralstoffergänzung, zum Ausgleich von schädlichen Bestandteilen in der Nahrung (z. B. Phytotoxine) und/oder für bestimmte medizinische Behandlungen...
Die peruanische Kultur ist eine reiche Mischung von Bräuchen und überlieferten Traditionen, darunter die Einnahme von Lehm: Machu Rumi, ch'aqo, ch'a...
La culture péruvienne est un riche mélange de coutumes et de traditions ancestrales parmi lesquelles, l'ingestion d'argiles : machu rumi, ch'aqo, ch'aqu, chaco, ch'ako, ch'aquo, chhacco, ch'akko, chachakko, ou encore p'asa selon les dénominations synonymes en langue quechua. Cette tradition est connue dans la culture Uru (typique du lac Titicaca) sous le nom de qhiqhiche et dans la culture Aymara de Bolivie et du nord du Chili sous le nom d'upi. Ils sont utilisés pour fournir des compléments minéraux, pour lutter contre les composants nocifs de l'alimentation (comme les phytotoxines)...
La culture péruvienne est un riche mélange de coutumes et de traditions ancestrales parmi lesquelles, l'ingestion d'argiles : machu rumi, ch'aqo, ch...
However, when this does not occur, people will manifest various attitudes and behaviors related to stress factors and one of the consequences associated with psychosocial risks is Burnout syndrome, which could be understood as a response to chronic work stress that includes unpleasant feelings and negative attitudes towards the people with whom they interact and towards the work itself. It is therefore important for organizations to consider the psychosocial working conditions in which their personnel are working as a priority.
However, when this does not occur, people will manifest various attitudes and behaviors related to stress factors and one of the consequences associat...
Emotional intelligence has become a transcendental topic, even more so in atypical times such as living through a pandemic. If a person is able to control his emotions and has an adequate level, he can easily face the dimensions of Burnout Syndrome. High levels of stress, product of the simultaneous interrelation of activities that each individual assumes in their day to day life as university students, produce high levels of exhaustion that can affect their health, and above all the levels of response in university learning. It is important to be alert to the levels of burnout syndrome,...
Emotional intelligence has become a transcendental topic, even more so in atypical times such as living through a pandemic. If a person is able to con...