Vehicle/pedestrian deviations occur due to many factors, such as the driver's knowledge or airport layout, required communications, and other operational procedures.
Vehicle/pedestrian deviations occur due to many factors, such as the driver's knowledge or airport layout, required communications, and other operatio...
Crashes at rural thru-stop intersections arise primarily from a driver attempting to cross or enter the mainline traffic stream after failing to recognize an unsafe gap condition. Because the primary cause of these crashes is not failure to stop, but failure to recognize an unsafe condition, the US DOT FHWA, Mn/DOT, and the University of Minnesota ITS Institute undertook the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System - Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) program. CICAS-SSA uses roadside radar sensors, a computer processor and algorithms to determine unsafe conditions, and an active LED icon...
Crashes at rural thru-stop intersections arise primarily from a driver attempting to cross or enter the mainline traffic stream after failing to recog...
The CICAS-SSA sign is a roadside driver support system that is intended to improve gap rejection at rural stop-controlled intersections. The CICAS-SSA system tracks vehicle locations on a major roadway and then displays a message to a driver on the minor road via an active LED icon-based sign. The basis of this sign is a "Divided Highway" sign that is commonly presented in traffic environments. Overlaid on the roadways of the sign are yellow or red icons that represent approaching vehicles that are at a distance at which the driver on the minor road should proceed with cautionor at a distance...
The CICAS-SSA sign is a roadside driver support system that is intended to improve gap rejection at rural stop-controlled intersections. The CICAS-SSA...
The deployment of a Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System - Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) can save lives by addressing the causal factor of crashes at rural thru-Stop intersection: drivers who stop on the minor leg of the intersection, improperly assess the gaps in the traffic on the major leg, proceed, and are then hit.
The deployment of a Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System - Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) can save lives by addressing the causal factor ...
Crashes at rural thru-stop intersections arise primarily from a driver attempting to cross or enter the mainline traffic stream after failing to recognize an unsafe gap condition. Because the primary cause of these crashes is not failure to stop, but failure to recognize an unsafe condition, the US DOT FHWA, Mn/DOT, and the University of Minnesota ITS Institute undertook the CICAS-SSA program. CICAS-SSA uses roadside radar sensors, a computer processor and algorithms to determine unsafe conditions, and an active LED icon based sign to provide timely alerts and warnings which are designed to...
Crashes at rural thru-stop intersections arise primarily from a driver attempting to cross or enter the mainline traffic stream after failing to recog...
The deployment of a Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System - Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) can save lives by addressing the causal factor of crashes at rural thru-Stop intersection: drivers who stop on the minor leg of the intersection, improperly assess the gaps in the traffic on the major leg, proceed, and are then hit.
The deployment of a Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System - Stop Sign Assist (CICAS-SSA) can save lives by addressing the causal factor ...
The objective of the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System for Violations (CICAS-V) Project is to develop and field-test a comprehensive system to reduce the number of crashes at intersections due to violations of traffic control devices (TCDs; i.e., traffic lights and stop signs). The CICAS-V system provides a salient and timely in-vehicle warning to drivers who are predicted to violate a TCD, with the aim of compelling the driver to stop. Thisreport presents the final summary report of the CICAS-VProject.
The objective of the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System for Violations (CICAS-V) Project is to develop and field-test a comprehensive...
In support of the U.S Department of Transportation's (DOT) National Strategy to Reduce Congestion on America's Transportation Network, the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Office of Natural and Human Environment (HEPN) and Office of Transportation Management (HOTM) sought assistance from The Volpe National Transportation Systems Center to explore attitudes about congestion pricing.For this exploratory study, focus groups were convened in Northern Virginia and Philadelphia among the general public, business owners and managers, and owners and managers of shipping and transportation...
In support of the U.S Department of Transportation's (DOT) National Strategy to Reduce Congestion on America's Transportation Network, the Federal Hig...
In FY 2008, Federal and State enforcement personnel conducted 14,906 compliance reviews (CRs) on individual motor carriers. It is intended that through education, heightened safety regulation awareness, and the enforcement effects of the CR, carriers will improve thesafety of their commercial vehicle operations and, ultimately, reduce the number and severity of crashes in which they are involved
In FY 2008, Federal and State enforcement personnel conducted 14,906 compliance reviews (CRs) on individual motor carriers. It is intended that throug...
This document contains an updated and expanded version of the Automation chapter of the Human Factors Design Guide. A research team of human factors experts evaluated the existing guidelines for relevance, clarity, and usability. The research team drafted new guidelines as necessary based on relevant sources and reorganized the document to increase usability. This resulted in extensive changes to the original document, including the addition of more than 100 new guidelines and 126 new sources. This report contains a brief introduction along with the modified guidelines.
This document contains an updated and expanded version of the Automation chapter of the Human Factors Design Guide. A research team of human factors e...