This book brings together in one convenient volume eight articles by Professor Nicholas Williams on the Cornish Revival. They range from his "A Problem in Cornish Phonology" (1990) in which he shows that the "phonemes" /dj/ and /tj/ of Kernowek Kemyn were unwarranted, to his review "'A Modern and Scholarly Cornish-English Dictionary': a Review of Ken George's Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn" of 2001 in which he demonstrates how at least 370 entries in George's dictionary are mistaken. "Writings on Revived Cornish" concludes with a short note on George's incon-sis-tent lexicographical practice with...
This book brings together in one convenient volume eight articles by Professor Nicholas Williams on the Cornish Revival. They range from his "A Proble...
"Towards Authentic Cornish" is in the first place a rebuttal of the defence of Kernowek Kemyn attempted by Paul Dunbar and Ken George in "Kernewek Kemmyn: Cornish for the Twenty-First Century." In the present work, Professor Williams demonstrates with examples from the Cornish texts just how unconvincing is George's defence of Kernowek Kemyn. The latter portions of the book offer a detailed critique of George's "Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn" and of Wella Brown's "Grammar of Modern Cornish." As companion volumes to "Towards Authentic Cornish," two further works by Professor Williams have been...
"Towards Authentic Cornish" is in the first place a rebuttal of the defence of Kernowek Kemyn attempted by Paul Dunbar and Ken George in "Kernewek Kem...
Kernowek Kemyn, a form of spelling currently promoted by the Cornish Language Board, has been subject to sustained criticism for nearly two decades since its inception. The form and content of the Cornish Language Board's publications continue to invite criticism and have inspired this volume. The essays begin with Michael Everson's review of recent Cornish Language Board typography, including the second edition of Ken George's "Gerlyver Kres," the New Testament in Kernowek Kemyn, George's "Gerlyvrik," and the recent and controversial "preliminary edition" called in Kernowek Kemyn "Bywnans...
Kernowek Kemyn, a form of spelling currently promoted by the Cornish Language Board, has been subject to sustained criticism for nearly two decades si...
This coursebook has been produced by Agan Tavas to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK Depart ment for Children, Schools and Families. Unlike some other coursebooks this book teaches Cornish in a "can-do" way, and does not expect students to know the finer points of Cornish grammar from the beginning. The course starts with the basics -- which are all presented in a friendly and accessible way. This course is aimed at the Breakthrough level of the Languages Ladder. This consists of three stages and Skeul an Tavas is divided into...
This coursebook has been produced by Agan Tavas to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK De...
This coursebook has been produced by Agan Tavas to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK Depart ment for Children, Schools and Families. Unlike some other coursebooks this book teaches Cornish in a "can-do" way, and does not expect students to know the finer points of Cornish grammar from the beginning. The course starts with the basics -- which are all presented in a friendly and accessible way. This course is aimed at the Breakthrough level of the Languages Ladder. This consists of three stages and Skeul an Tavas is divided into...
This coursebook has been produced by Agan Tavas to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK De...
Y feu screfys "Enys Tresour" gans Robert Louis Stevenson i'n bledhynyow 1880 hag 1881. Dalethys veu in Braemar in Scotlond, le may whrug y das gwil gweres dhodho gans y brevyans y honen a vewnans in gorholyon. Gorfednys veu an novel pan esa Stevenson in Davos rag an secund treveth in gwav an vledhen 1881-1882. "Enys Tresour," neb a dheuth in mes pan o an auctour udnek bledhen warn ugans bloodh, o y kensa romans hir, ha pan veu an lyver dyllys avell lyver, Stevenson a recevas dredho rag an kensa pres sowena in lagasow an bobel. An whedhel-ma a dhalathas apperya in mis Hedra 1881 i'n lyver...
Y feu screfys "Enys Tresour" gans Robert Louis Stevenson i'n bledhynyow 1880 hag 1881. Dalethys veu in Braemar in Scotlond, le may whrug y das gwil gw...
Hem yw an kensa trailyans a'n Beybel Sans dhe vos dyllys in Kernowek. An Beybel yw trailys gans an Pendescador Nicholas Williams, an trailyor Kernowek moyha y hanow i'n present termyn. An kenscrif a'y drailyans a veu grondys war an yethow gwredhek hag y feu comparys gans versyons erel. Wosa hedna an scrif a veu res dhe Gernowegoryon dha, neb a gomendyas amendyansow hag indella gwil an trailyans moy esy dhe redya. Nena an trailyor a sarchyas oll an textow in Kernowek Cres hag in Kernowek Adhewedhes -- gwariow merkyl, homylys ha darnow mes a'n scryptour -- rag cafos devydnow a'n Beybel in...
Hem yw an kensa trailyans a'n Beybel Sans dhe vos dyllys in Kernowek. An Beybel yw trailys gans an Pendescador Nicholas Williams, an trailyor Kernowek...
Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth yw Viaj aberth i'n mystery henwhedhlow agan pow ny. I'n folednow-ma why a gav romauns ha pystry; anethow ha traitury; sens ha pehadoryon; gorwer ha tebelwesyon. I'n lyver-ma yma kewry meur aga mEstry ow qwandra i'n menydhyow; carrygy kevrInek ow chaunjya dhe dus vew ha tus cales aga fedn ow trailya de Sul dhe ven yeyn; yma drog-spyryjyon ow ledya tus wAr stray; knoukoryon darosvanus ow trobla an balyow; yma vertu a sawment in fentydnyow sans; ha morvoronyon, meur aga thenvos, ow qwil dhe dus dywith aga sewya aberth in morow Keltek. Nigel Robert re wrug...
Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth yw Viaj aberth i'n mystery henwhedhlow agan pow ny. I'n folednow-ma why a gav romauns ha pystry; anethow ha trait...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Note: 1,0, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg (Ev. Theologie), Veranstaltung: Tugenden - Werte - Pflichten: Eine Einfuhrung in die Ethik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Wenn man 330 Jahre nach Thomas Hobbes' Tod von seiner Staatstheorie spricht, so gibt es laut Wolfgang Kersting im Grunde zwei Rezeptionen von Hobbes: eine schwarze und eine weisse Rezeption. Die schwarze Rezeption steht dabei fur Hobbes' Souveranitats- und Letztinstanzlichkeitsargument, wahrend die weisse Rezeption die...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Note: 1,0, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelber...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Globalisierung, pol. Okonomie, Note: 2,0, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg (Institut fur Politische Wissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Einfuhrung in die internationale Wirtschaftspolitik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Kaum eine Debatte uber den wirtschaftlichen Zustand Deutschlands kommt mehr ohne den Begriff Globalisierung aus. In den Wahlprogrammen von CDU und SPD zur Bundestagswahl im September diesen Jahres wird der Begriff jeweils in den ersten paar Zeilen verwendet: Bei der SPD auf Seite vier und bei...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Thema: Globalisierung, pol. Okonomie, Note: 2,0, Ruprecht-Karls-Univ...