In developed countries, the food superstore or hypermarket has become the dominant mode of food distribution; and their success has transformed the retail sector. But each new store has changed the employment regime of the stores they replace. For retailers, labour is a major cost; with opening hours being extended, and consumer demand patterns changing, one solution has been the use of part-time labour. Extensive use of such labour characterises British food retailing for example whereas it is less common in France. This book examines the reasons for such differences, and the potential which...
In developed countries, the food superstore or hypermarket has become the dominant mode of food distribution; and their success has transformed the re...
The rise to prominence of the service sector - heralded over half a century ago as the great hope for the twenty-first century - has come to fruition. In many cases, employment in the service sector now outnumbers that in manufacturing sectors, and it is accepted that in all developed countries, the service sector is the only one in which employment will grow in future. The reasons for this is the subject of much controversy and debate, the outcomes of which are not merely of academic interest but of decisive importance for economic policy and the quality of working and living conditions...
The rise to prominence of the service sector - heralded over half a century ago as the great hope for the twenty-first century - has come to fruiti...
Can the service sector grow without an expanding manufacturing sector? How much need is there for a low-skill, low-wage workforce providing services to households? These and other related questions are answered in an unassuming and readable style in this collection of essays.
Can the service sector grow without an expanding manufacturing sector? How much need is there for a low-skill, low-wage workforce providing services t...
Der Band bilanziert in 30 Beitragen das wissenschaftliche Werk des geschaftsfuhrenden Direktors des Instituts Arbeit und Qualifikation, Gerhard Bosch. Autorinnen und Autoren aus politischer Praxis und Wissenschaft kommen gleichberechtigt zu Wort. Das Buch ist in die Kapitel "Zukunft der Arbeit," "Arbeitszeit," "Arbeitsbeziehungen," "Arbeitsmarktordnung" und "Arbeitsmarktpolitik" gegliedert und schliesst mit einer Ubersicht uber die zentralen Publikationen von Gerhard Bosch ab.
Der Band bilanziert in 30 Beitragen das wissenschaftliche Werk des geschaftsfuhrenden Direktors des Instituts Arbeit und Qualifikation, Gerhard Bosch....
Die Suche nach dem Ausweg aus der Corona-Krise droht, den Kampf gegen die Klimakatastrophe zu verdrängen. Was können wir vom New Deal der 1930er Jahre für den grundlegenden sozial-ökologischen Umbau lernen, den wir heute dringend brauchen?
Die Suche nach dem Ausweg aus der Corona-Krise droht, den Kampf gegen die Klimakatastrophe zu verdrängen. Was können wir vom New Deal der 1930er Jah...