Large, diversified firms face unique challenges as they compete worldwide, and corporate restructuring is one way multinationals strive for competitive advantage. Weighing the pros and cons of a variety of approaches to restructuring, Downscoping offers executives a clear, strategic path through the maze.
The authors show that when a multinational conglomerate fails to compete effectively, too much diversification may be the culprit. Whether the result of weak corporate governance or poor corporate strategy, over-diversification can make managers, unfamiliar with some of the...
Large, diversified firms face unique challenges as they compete worldwide, and corporate restructuring is one way multinationals strive for competitiv...
In 1999, MCI WorldComm and Sprint agreed to merge. Valued at $129 billion, this expected transaction was the largest in history. However, it fell victim to regulators in Europe concerned with the potential monopoly power of the merged firm. This M&A action was merely the latest in a growing trend of "blockbuster" mergers over the past several years. Once a phenomenon seen primarily in the United States, mergers and acquisitions are increasingly being pursued across national boundaries. In short, acquisition strategies are among the most important corporate-level strategies in the new...
In 1999, MCI WorldComm and Sprint agreed to merge. Valued at $129 billion, this expected transaction was the largest in history. However, it fell vict...
In Great Minds in Management, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt have brought together some of the most influential and original thinkers in management. Their contributions to this volume not only outline their landmark contributions to management theory, but also reflect on the process of theory development, presenting their own personal accounts of the gestation of these theories. The result is not only an ambitious and original panorama of the key ideas in management theory presented by their originators, but also a unique collection of reflections on the process of theory development,...
In Great Minds in Management, Ken G. Smith and Michael A. Hitt have brought together some of the most influential and original thinkers in management....
This volume is the eighth in the highly respected series representing the Strategic Management Society's annual conferences. The SMS is a nonprofit professional society composed of nearly 2,000 academic, business, and consultant members from over 45 countries. Papers and panel discussions presented at these conferences address not just the conference themes but also, live issues - those currently confronting the Society and its members. This edition incorporates fresh ideas from the field of strategy, along with their practical applications.
This volume is the eighth in the highly respected series representing the Strategic Management Society's annual conferences. The SMS is a nonprofit pr...
Michael A. Hitt Michael A. Hitt Joan E. Ricart I. Costa
Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World Edited by Michael A. Hitt, Texas A & M University, USA Joan E. Ricart i Costa, IESE, Spain Robert D. Nixon, Tulane University, USA Published in association with the Strategic Management Society, The Wiley Strategic Management Series aims to illustrate the 'best in global strategic management' for academics, business practitioners and consultants.
Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World Edited by Michael A. Hitt, Texas A & M University, USA Joan E. Ricart i Costa, IESE, Spain Robert D....
Managers face an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. The globalization of business has shifted the emphasis from highly protected state-owned enterprises to free markets and privatization, leading to a competitive landscape. Firms can face uncertainty, ambiguity and an increasing number of strategic discontinuities, while markets become more competitive.
Managers face an increasingly interdependent and interconnected world. The globalization of business has shifted the emphasis from highly protected st...
Michael A. Hitt R. Edward Freeman Jeffrey S. Harrison
In this major reference work, top scholars in the field of strategic management present major ideas and theories in the field drawing on their own research and special expertise.
Offers complete coverage of the field of strategic management.
Incorporates new ideas on strategy topics from leading scholars in the field.
Edited by three of the World's leading management academics.
In this major reference work, top scholars in the field of strategic management present major ideas and theories in the field drawing on their own res...
In this volume, Bartlett and Ghoshal examine the transnational firm, its development and future. Ending their chapter is a debate about the future of international management research involving several individual scholars including Julian Birkinshaw (London Business School), Yves Doz (INSEAD), and Eleanore Westney (MIT).
In this volume, Bartlett and Ghoshal examine the transnational firm, its development and future. Ending their chapter is a debate about the future of ...
This new volume in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management volume set: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, especially commissioned for the second edition from editors Michael A. Hitt and R. Duane Ireland, charts the key concepts and frameworks in the expanding field of Entrepreneurship.
A brand new, state-of-the-art volume in the growing field of Entrepreneurship;
Features 90 important entrepreneurship concepts written by 110 international contributors;
Charts the key concepts and frameworks of the field,...
This new volume in the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management volume set: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, especially commi...
Research-based investigations of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship have the potential to inform each other and enrich our knowledge of each of these areas, particularly with regard to cognitive processes and effective behaviors. Yet, while these research streams have increasingly received a great deal of attention, they have developed largely independently of one another. The Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship addresses the critical need to integrate these three interrelated literatures.
The handbook features contributions from the leading...
Research-based investigations of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship have the potential to inform each other and enrich our knowledge of each...