In der reichhaltigen Wirkungsgeschichte der Schriften des Dionysius Areopagita (um 500 n.Chr.) ist die Schrift Uber die kirchliche Hierarchie die einzige, die bisher philosophisch kaum Beachtung gefunden hat. Die vorliegende Arbeit entdeckt die Schrift als Werk, in dem zentrale Konzepte der neuplatonischen Tradition in christlicher Transformation kreativ weiterentwickelt werden. Mit dem philosophiegeschichtlichen Gewinn dieser Untersuchung verbinden sich neue systematische Aspekte im Bereich der politischen Philosophie, Ethik, Religionsphilosophie, Asthetik, Anthropologie,...
In der reichhaltigen Wirkungsgeschichte der Schriften des Dionysius Areopagita (um 500 n.Chr.) ist die Schrift Uber die kirchliche Hierarchie...
Der Latinist Manfred Fuhrmann (1925-2005) verstand Ubersetzen als Teil der Vermittlung der Antike. Anhand des exemplarischen Zugriffs auf seine Reflexionen und Ubertragungen (vor allem von Cicero) diskutiert Nina Mindt Theorie und Praxis des Ubersetzens: Auf welche Weise sollen welche antiken Texte fuuuml;r die Gegenwart ubersetzt und transformiert werden? Schwerpunkte bilden ein Ruckblick in die Geschichte der Ubersetzungstheorie sowie vor allem die Verortung von Fuhrmanns Positionen im Ubersetzungsdiskurs ab der zweiten Haauml;lfte des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Der Latinist Manfred Fuhrmann (1925-2005) verstand Ubersetzen als Teil der Vermittlung der Antike. Anhand des exemplarischen Zugriffs auf seine Reflex...
Although Antiquity itself has been intensively researched, together with its reception, to date this has largely happened in a compartmentalized fashion. This series presents for the first time an interdisciplinary contextualization of the productive acquisitions and transformations of the arts and sciences of Antiquity in the slow process of the European societies constructing a scientific system and their own cultural identity, a process which started in the Middle Ages and has continued up to the Modern Age.
The series is a product of work in the Collaborative Research Centre...
Although Antiquity itself has been intensively researched, together with its reception, to date this has largely happened in a compartmentalized fa...
Die interdisziplinare Debatte uber die Genese des autonomen Subjekts hat bisher unter weitgehender Ausblendung der Vormoderne stattgefunden. Auf diesen Mangel reagiert der vorliegende Band: In zum Teil eng miteinander vernetzten Beitragen wird die Geschichtsschreibung der Subjekts- und Selbstvorstellungen an antiken wie nachantiken Texten prazisiert und in mancher Hinsicht revidiert. Zur Debatte stehen Konzepte von Selbst und Subjekt, von Individuum, Person- und Sprecheridentitat in Rhetorik, Poetik, Philosophie und Theologie; dazu gehoren im besonderen Erscheinungsformen des "lyrischen...
Die interdisziplinare Debatte uber die Genese des autonomen Subjekts hat bisher unter weitgehender Ausblendung der Vormoderne stattgefunden. Auf di...
Although Antiquity itself has been intensively researched, together with its reception, to date this has largely happened in a compartmentalized fashion. This series presents for the first time an interdisciplinary contextualization of the productive acquisitions and transformations of the arts and sciences of Antiquity in the slow process of the European societies constructing a scientific system and their own cultural identity, a process which started in the Middle Ages and has continued up to the Modern Age.
The series is a product of work in the Collaborative Research Centre...
Although Antiquity itself has been intensively researched, together with its reception, to date this has largely happened in a compartmentalized fa...
Drawing on the Collection of Classical Antiquities in Berlin as an example, Astrid Fendt examines the collection, restoration and presentation of Greek and Roman sculptures in the 19th century. The focus is on the relationship between restoration and science: what images of antiquity (antiquities) are shaped by or derived from the restoration? Based on a detailed catalogue, the restoration history of the classical sculptures in Berlin will be written for the first time ever with a comparative look at other relevant European collections. The result is a fundamental approach to the history...
Drawing on the Collection of Classical Antiquities in Berlin as an example, Astrid Fendt examines the collection, restoration and presentation of G...
J. H. Voss is primarily remembered as a translator and his landmark translation of Homer. Yet scholarly opinion of Voss has always been divided. Critics marveled at his linguistics virtuosity, but they reproached him for his pedantry. This volume brings together essays on the creationof histranslations and their effects, and the problem of imitating ancient verse, offering a fuller picture of Voss.
J. H. Voss is primarily remembered as a translator and his landmark translation of Homer. Yet scholarly opinion of Voss has always been divided. Cr...
There is little doubt that sympathy plays a pivotal role in aesthetic as well as moral experience, yet also little agreement on how to describe this connection and its long history. This volume investigates the changes in the concept of sympathy as well as its rhetorical, poetical and ethical functions from antiquity to the threshold of Romanticism. The focus is on sympathy's development from a cosmological principle expressing the coherence, correspondence, and unity of all things into a theoretical key concept of intersubjectivity informing moral philosophy, criticism and literature. Thus,...
There is little doubt that sympathy plays a pivotal role in aesthetic as well as moral experience, yet also little agreement on how to describe this c...
How is it that we feel with fictional characters and so approve or disapprove of their actions? For many British Enlightenment thinkers writing at a time when sympathy was the pivot of ethics as well as poetics, this question was crucial. Asserting that the notion of the sympathetic imagination prominent in Romantic criticism and poetry originates in Moral Sentimentalism, this study traces the emergence of what became a key concept of intersubjectivity. It shows how, contrary to earlier traditions, Francis Hutcheson and his disciples successively established the imagination rather than reason...
How is it that we feel with fictional characters and so approve or disapprove of their actions? For many British Enlightenment thinkers writing at a t...
Der in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts an der römischen Kurie ausgetragene Streit zwischen den beiden Humanisten Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457) und Poggio Bracciolini (1380-1459) gehört zu den bedeutendsten Literaturdebatten der Vormoderne. Insgesamt acht Invektiven richteten beide Gelehrte gegeneinander und forderten jeweils die soziale Ächtung des anderen. Primärer Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung bildeten ihre unterschiedlichen Auffassungen der lateinischen Sprache, was in der sich noch in der Experimentierphase befindlichen humanistischen Bewegung auf große Resonanz stieß. Ihre...
Der in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts an der römischen Kurie ausgetragene Streit zwischen den beiden Humanisten Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457) und Pogg...