In this fully revised and extended edition, Tony Edwards and David Westgate continue to examine methods of investigation for use in classrooms and ways in which researchers and teachers may advance their knowledge of classroom talk. They have taken the opportunity to add material on oracy and the importance of spoken language in the curriculum.
In this fully revised and extended edition, Tony Edwards and David Westgate continue to examine methods of investigation for use in classrooms and way...
This text is topical internationally in studying the role, functions and effectiveness of the university/college supervisor in the over-seeing and training of the beginner teacher for the classroom. This is particularly significant for those countries introducing teacher-mentor schemes which automatically reduce the job of the HEI supervisor. This book starts to make some headway by defining the role of the external supervisor more clearly. Using case studies of actual supervisors, this text identifies the different roles of the supervisor and co-operating teacher in preparing the student.
This text is topical internationally in studying the role, functions and effectiveness of the university/college supervisor in the over-seeing and tra...
An in-depth investigation into career-related programmes in American secondary schools and two-year (further education) colleges is given in this book. In addition to reviewing evidence on the effectiveness of vocational coursework, the authors analyse programmes involving students who study and work simultaneously, including co-operative education, youth apprenticeship and school-based enterprise. the preparation necessary not only for this transition but for changes encountered when jobs end abruptly, and issues covered include combining school-based and work-based learning and teaching and...
An in-depth investigation into career-related programmes in American secondary schools and two-year (further education) colleges is given in this book...
The late-1990s sees a substantial exchange and communication between countries as researchers attempt to find out why so many children fail at a subject deemed crucial for economic survival. This text charts current thinking and trends in maths teacher education around the world, and looks critically at the inservice education of maths teachers. Divided into two parts, the first has contributors present the processes, practices and issues in teacher education projects in ten countries: Israel; Portugal; South Africa; US; Lebanon; Austria; New Zealand; UK; Australia and Canada. The second part...
The late-1990s sees a substantial exchange and communication between countries as researchers attempt to find out why so many children fail at a subje...
The late-1990s sees a substantial exchange and communication between countries as researchers attempt to find out why so many children fail at a subject deemed crucial for economic survival. This text charts current thinking and trends in maths teacher education around the world, and looks critically at the inservice education of maths teachers. Divided into two parts, the first has contributors present the processes, practices and issues in teacher education projects in ten countries: Israel; Portugal; South Africa; US; Lebanon; Austria; New Zealand; UK; Australia and Canada. The second part...
The late-1990s sees a substantial exchange and communication between countries as researchers attempt to find out why so many children fail at a subje...
Current school mathematics curricula internationally tend to emphasize problem-solving and have led to the development of opportunities for children to do maths in a more open, creative way. This has led to increased interest in performance-based assessment, which involves children in substantial production of written language to serve as evidence of their mathematical activity and achievement. However, this raises two important questions. Firstly, does this writing accurately present children's mathematical activity and ability? Secondly, do maths teachers have sufficient linguistic...
Current school mathematics curricula internationally tend to emphasize problem-solving and have led to the development of opportunities for children t...
This text explores international comparisons in mathematics education. It highlights strengths and weaknesses in various systems world-wide, allowing teachers, researchers and academics to compare and contrast different approaches, and find solutions to their own problems.
This text explores international comparisons in mathematics education. It highlights strengths and weaknesses in various systems world-wide, allowing ...
The crisis around teaching and learning of mathematics, and its use in everyday life and work, relate to a number of issues, including: the doubtful transferability of school maths to real life contexts; the declining participation in A level and higher education maths courses; the apparent exclusion of some groups, such as females; and the aversion of many people to maths. This book addresses these issues by considering a number of key problems in maths education and numeracy: differences among social groups, especially those related to gender and social class; the inseparability of...
The crisis around teaching and learning of mathematics, and its use in everyday life and work, relate to a number of issues, including: the doubtful t...
The crisis around teaching and learning of mathematics and its use in everyday life and work relate to a number of issues. These include: The doubtful transferability of school maths to real life contexts, the declining participation in A level and higher education maths courses, the apparent exclusion of some groups, such as women and the aversion of many people to maths. This book addresses these issues by considering a number of key problems in maths education and numeracy: *differences among social groups, especially those related to gender and social class *the inseparability of...
The crisis around teaching and learning of mathematics and its use in everyday life and work relate to a number of issues. These include: The doubtful...
Rethinking the Mathematics Curriculum explores maths curricula around the world, and the differences in expectation, culture and politics that form them.
Rethinking the Mathematics Curriculum explores maths curricula around the world, and the differences in expectation, culture and politics that form th...