Modern statistics deals with large and complex data sets, and consequently with models containing a large number of parameters. This book presents a detailed account of recently developed approaches, including the Lasso and versions of it for various models, boosting methods, undirected graphical modeling, and procedures controlling false positive selections. A special characteristic of the book is that it contains comprehensive mathematical theory on high-dimensional statistics combined with methodology, algorithms and illustrations with real data examples. This in-depth approach...
Modern statistics deals with large and complex data sets, and consequently with models containing a large number of parameters. This book presents ...
This is the second volume of a text on the theory and practice of maximum penalized likelihood estimation. It is intended for graduate students in s- tistics, operationsresearch, andappliedmathematics, aswellasresearchers and practitioners in the ?eld. The present volume was supposed to have a short chapter on nonparametric regression but was intended to deal mainly with inverse problems. However, the chapter on nonparametric regression kept growing to the point where it is now the only topic covered. Perhaps there will be a Volume III. It might even deal with inverse problems. But for now we...
This is the second volume of a text on the theory and practice of maximum penalized likelihood estimation. It is intended for graduate students in s- ...
Algebraic statistics is a rapidly developing field, where ideas from statistics and algebra meet and stimulate new research directions. One of the origins of algebraic statistics is the work by Diaconis and Sturmfels in 1998 on the use of Grobner bases for constructing a connected Markov chain for performing conditional tests of a discrete exponential family. In this book we take up this topic and present a detailed summary of developments following the seminal work of Diaconis and Sturmfels.
This book is intended for statisticians with minimal backgrounds in algebra. As we ourselves...
Algebraic statistics is a rapidly developing field, where ideas from statistics and algebra meet and stimulate new research directions. One of the ...
Spatial statistics are useful in subjects as diverse as climatology, ecology, economics, environmental and earth sciences, epidemiology, image analysis and more. This book covers the best-known spatial models for three types of spatial data: geostatistical data (stationarity, intrinsic models, variograms, spatial regression and space-time models), areal data (Gibbs-Markov fields and spatial auto-regression) and point pattern data (Poisson, Cox, Gibbs and Markov point processes). The level is relatively advanced, and the presentation concise but complete.
The most important...
Spatial statistics are useful in subjects as diverse as climatology, ecology, economics, environmental and earth sciences, epidemiology, image anal...
Standard methods for estimating empirical models in economics and many other fields rely on strong assumptions about functional forms and the distributions of unobserved random variables. Often, it is assumed that functions of interest are linear or that unobserved random variables are normally distributed. Such assumptions simplify estimation and statistical inference but are rarely justified by economic theory or other a priori considerations. Inference based on convenient but incorrect assumptions about functional forms and distributions can be highly misleading. Nonparametric and...
Standard methods for estimating empirical models in economics and many other fields rely on strong assumptions about functional forms and the distr...
An observational study is an empiric investigation of effects caused by treatments when randomized experimentation is unethical or infeasible. Observational studies are common in most fields that study the effects of treatments on people, including medicine, economics, epidemiology, education, psychology, political science and sociology. The quality and strength of evidence provided by an observational study is determined largely by its design. Design of Observational Studies is both an introduction to statistical inference in observational studies and a detailed discussion of the...
An observational study is an empiric investigation of effects caused by treatments when randomized experimentation is unethical or infeasible. Obse...
Comparing Distributions refers to the statistical data analysis that encompasses the traditional goodness-of-fit testing. Whereas the latter includes only formal statistical hypothesis tests for the one-sample and the K-sample problems, this book presents a more general and informative treatment by also considering graphical and estimation methods. A procedure is said to be informative when it provides information on the reason for rejecting the null hypothesis. Despite the historically seemingly different development of methods, this book emphasises the...
Comparing Distributions refers to the statistical data analysis that encompasses the traditional goodness-of-fit testing. Whereas the latt...
Classical Extreme Value Theory-the asymptotic distributional theory for maxima of independent, identically distributed random variables-may be regarded as roughly half a century old, even though its roots reach further back into mathematical antiquity. During this period of time it has found significant application-exemplified best perhaps by the book Statistics of Extremes by E. J. Gumbel-as well as a rather complete theoretical development. More recently, beginning with the work of G. S. Watson, S. M. Berman, R. M. Loynes, and H. Cramer, there has been a developing interest in the extension...
Classical Extreme Value Theory-the asymptotic distributional theory for maxima of independent, identically distributed random variables-may be regarde...
An English translation of my "Statistisahe Tafeln zur multivariaten Analysis - Ein Handbuah mit Hinweisen zur Anwendung" was planned already in 1975 when I prepared the German volume. The tables were immediately supplied with German and English headings for the inten ded photo-offset printing. In the meantime. new and important tables for multivariate statistiaal hypotheses and proaedures have been aompiled and published. Only four of them have been inaorporated in the present volume. The seleation of these tables must be on an individual basis for reasons of spaae. Let me mention only the...
An English translation of my "Statistisahe Tafeln zur multivariaten Analysis - Ein Handbuah mit Hinweisen zur Anwendung" was planned already in 1975 w...
A large number of papers have appeared in the last twenty years on estimating and predicting characteristics of finite populations. This monograph is designed to present this modern theory in a systematic and consistent manner. The authors' approach is that of superpopulation models in which values of the population elements are considered as random variables having joint distributions. Throughout, the emphasis is on the analysis of data rather than on the design of samples. Topics covered include: optimal predictors for various superpopulation models, Bayes, minimax, and maximum likelihood...
A large number of papers have appeared in the last twenty years on estimating and predicting characteristics of finite populations. This monograph is ...