In many areas of science a basic task is to assess the influence of several factors on a quantity of interest. If this quantity is binary logistic, regression models provide a powerful tool for this purpose. This monograph presents an account of the use of logistic regression in the case where missing values in the variables prevent the use of standard techniques. Such situations occur frequently across a wide range of statistical applications. The emphasis of this book is on methods related to the classical maximum likelihood principle. The author reviews the essentials of logistic...
In many areas of science a basic task is to assess the influence of several factors on a quantity of interest. If this quantity is binary logistic, re...
The main idea of this book is to present a good portion of the standard material on functions of a complex variable, as well as some new material, from the point of view of functional analysis. The main object of study is the algebra H(G) of all holomorphic functions on the open set G, with the topology on H(G) of uniform convergence on compact subsets of G. From this point of vie, the main theorem of the theory is Theorem 9.5, which concretely identifies the dual of H(G) with the space of germs of holomorphic functions on the complement of G. From this result, for example, Runge's...
The main idea of this book is to present a good portion of the standard material on functions of a complex variable, as well as some new material, fro...
The statistics profession is at a unique point in history. The need for valid statistical tools is greater than ever; data sets are massive, often measuring hundreds of thousands of measurements for a single subject. The field is ready to move towards clear objective benchmarks under which tools can be evaluated. Targeted learning allows (1) the full generalization and utilization of cross-validation as an estimator selection tool so that the subjective choices made by humans are now made by the machine, and (2) targeting the fitting of the probability distribution of the data toward the...
The statistics profession is at a unique point in history. The need for valid statistical tools is greater than ever; data sets are massive, often ...
Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression, Second Edition, presents methods for analyzing data using parametric nonlinear regression models. The new edition has been expanded to include binomial, multinomial and Poisson non-linear models. Using examples from experiments in agronomy and biochemistry, it shows how to apply these methods. It concentrates on presenting the methods in an intuitive way rather than developing the theoretical backgrounds. The examples are analyzed with the free software nls2 updated to deal with the new models included in the second edition. The...
Statistical Tools for Nonlinear Regression, Second Edition, presents methods for analyzing data using parametric nonlinear regressio...
This is a revised and extended version of the French book. The main changes are in Chapter 1 where the former Section 1. 3 is removed and the rest of the material is substantially revised. Sections 1. 2. 4, 1. 3, 1. 9, and 2. 7. 3 are new. Each chapter now has the bibliographic notes and contains the exercises section. I would like to thank Cristina Butucea, Alexander Goldenshluger, Stephan Huckenmann, Yuri Ingster, Iain Johnstone, Vladimir Koltchinskii, Alexander Korostelev, Oleg Lepski, Karim Lounici, Axel Munk, Boaz Nadler, AlexanderNazin, PhilippeRigollet, AngelikaRohde,...
This is a revised and extended version of the French book. The main changes are in Chapter 1 where the former Section 1. 3 is removed and the rest of ...
This text is intended to provide a strong theoretical background in testing hypotheses and decision theory for those who will be practicing in the real worldorwhowillbeparticipatinginthetrainingofreal-worldstatisticiansand biostatisticians. In previous editions of this text, my rhetoric was somewhat tentative. I was saying, in e?ect, "Gee guys, permutation methods provide a practical real-world alternative to asymptotic parametric approximations. Why not give them a try?" But today, the theory, the software, and the hardware have come together. Distribution-free permutation procedures are the...
This text is intended to provide a strong theoretical background in testing hypotheses and decision theory for those who will be practicing in the rea...
Multidimensionalscaling(MDS)isatechniquefortheanalysisofsimilarity or dissimilarity data on a set of objects. Such data may be intercorrelations of test items, ratings of similarity on political candidates, or trade indices forasetofcountries.MDSattemptstomodelsuchdataasdistancesamong pointsinageometricspace.Themainreasonfordoingthisisthatonewants a graphical display of the structure of the data, one that is much easier to understand than an array of numbers and, moreover, one that displays the essential information in the data, smoothing out noise. There are numerous varieties of MDS. Some...
Multidimensionalscaling(MDS)isatechniquefortheanalysisofsimilarity or dissimilarity data on a set of objects. Such data may be intercorrelations of te...
This book presents knowledge gained by the authors along with methods they developed, over more than 30 years of experience measuring, mod- ing, and mapping environmental space time ?elds. That experience embraces both large (continentwide) spatial domains and small. In part it comes from their research, working with students as well as coinvestigators. But much was gained from all sorts of interactions with many individuals who have had to contend with the challenges these ?elds present. They include statistical as well as subject area scientists, in areas as diverse as analytical chemistry,...
This book presents knowledge gained by the authors along with methods they developed, over more than 30 years of experience measuring, mod- ing, and m...
Copulas are functions that join multivariate distribution functions to their one-dimensional margins. The study of copulas and their role in statistics is a new but vigorously growing field. In this book the student or practitioner of statistics and probability will find discussions of the fundamental properties of copulas and some of their primary applications. The applications include the study of dependence and measures of association, and the construction of families of bivariate distributions. With nearly a hundred examples and over 150 exercises, this book is suitable as a text or for...
Copulas are functions that join multivariate distribution functions to their one-dimensional margins. The study of copulas and their role in statistic...
Over the last few decades, important progresses in the methods of sampling have been achieved. This book draws up an inventory of new methods that can be useful for selecting samples. Forty-six sampling methods are described in the framework of general theory. The algorithms are described rigorously, which allows implementing directly the described methods. This book is aimed at experienced statisticians who are familiar with the theory of survey sampling.
Over the last few decades, important progresses in the methods of sampling have been achieved. This book draws up an inventory of new methods that ...