In many areas of science a basic task is to assess the influence of several factors on a quantity of interest. If this quantity is binary logistic, regression models provide a powerful tool for this purpose. This monograph presents an account of the use of logistic regression in the case where missing values in the variables prevent the use of standard techniques. Such situations occur frequently across a wide range of statistical applications. The emphasis of this book is on methods related to the classical maximum likelihood principle. The author reviews the essentials of logistic...
In many areas of science a basic task is to assess the influence of several factors on a quantity of interest. If this quantity is binary logistic, re...
While regression models have become standard tools in medical research, understanding how to properly apply the models and interpret the results is often challenging for beginners. Regression Models as a Tool in Medical Research presents the fundamental concepts and important aspects of regression models most commonly used in medical research, including the classical regression model for continuous outcomes, the logistic regression model for binary outcomes, and the Cox proportional hazards model for survival data. The text emphasizes adequate use, correct interpretation...
While regression models have become standard tools in medical research, understanding how to properly apply the models and interpret the results is...