Reflexology is a complementary healing technique, in which the feet and hands are a map of the organs of the body. Reflexology can be used to relieve symptoms and as a preventive health measure. It involves applying pressure to reflex points on the hands or feet, each point relating to a part of the body. The book explains how easy it is use reflexology techniques every day at home, without a practitioner, to enhance health and well-being.
Reflexology is a complementary healing technique, in which the feet and hands are a map of the organs of the body. Reflexology can be used to relieve ...
Most doctors now accept that diet has a profound effect on overall health and wellbeing. Gudrun Jonsson takes this one step further with her belief that the best diet in the world counts for nothing if you don't digest your food properly.
Most doctors now accept that diet has a profound effect on overall health and wellbeing. Gudrun Jonsson takes this one step further with her belief th...