Reflexology is a complementary healing technique, in which the feet and hands are a map of the organs of the body. Reflexology can be used to relieve symptoms and as a preventive health measure. It involves applying pressure to reflex points on the hands or feet, each point relating to a part of the body. The book explains how easy it is use reflexology techniques every day at home, without a practitioner, to enhance health and well-being.
Reflexology is a complementary healing technique, in which the feet and hands are a map of the organs of the body. Reflexology can be used to relieve ...
A fresh and accessible guide exploring the fascinating science of numerology, revealing what the term means, providing an intriguing behind-the-scenes tour of the power of numbers, and showing the immense potential they have to enhance our lives in all kinds of amazing ways.
A fresh and accessible guide exploring the fascinating science of numerology, revealing what the term means, providing an intriguing behind-the-scenes...