Studies of chemical recognition in biology were initiated about half a century ago with the flrst kinetic data obtained on enzyme catalysis and inhibition. They led to a rather static representation of the recognition process illustrated by the lock and key model that still continues to influence our overall image of recognition and its specificity. In several cases, crystallographic studies of enzyme-substrate complexes have supported this model. Indeed, in a crystallized ligand-enzyme complex, a close fltting is observed between the active center of the enzyme and the functional groups of...
Studies of chemical recognition in biology were initiated about half a century ago with the flrst kinetic data obtained on enzyme catalysis and inhibi...
The last 10 years have seen an enormous growth in our understanding of the molecular organisation of biological membranes. Experimental methods have been devised to meas ure the translational and rotational mobility of lipids and proteins, thereby furnishing a quantitative basis for the concept of membrane fluidity. Likewise, the asymmetry of bi layer membranes as evidenced by the asymmetric insertion of proteins and lipids has been put on firm experimental ground. At higher molecular resolution it has been possible to provide a detailed pi2ture of the molecular conformation and dynamics of...
The last 10 years have seen an enormous growth in our understanding of the molecular organisation of biological membranes. Experimental methods have b...
The material of this volume was originally planned to be incorporated in the preceding monograph Mechanics and Energetics of Biological Transport. A separate and coherent treatment ofthe variety of bioelectrical phenomena was considered preferable, mainly for didactic reasons. Usually, the biologist has to gather the principles of bioelectricity he needs from different sources and on different levels. The present book intends to provide these principles in a more uniform context and in a form adjusted to the problems of a biol ogist, rather than of a physicist or electrical engineer. The main...
The material of this volume was originally planned to be incorporated in the preceding monograph Mechanics and Energetics of Biological Transport. A s...
This monograph deals with the light reaction pathway in photosynthesis. The photophysico-chemical events are presented in the order of their occurrence, beginning with the collection of sunlight by antenna systems, ending with the reduction of CO to carbohydrates. Relationships between the structural 2 properties and kinetic effects of primary and secondary events spanning time 12 domains in the range 1O- _ls are explored. Photosynthesis is examined in terms of a light-induced redistribution of reaction intermediates common to the biosynthesis and metabolic degradation of carbohydrates. The...
This monograph deals with the light reaction pathway in photosynthesis. The photophysico-chemical events are presented in the order of their occurrenc...
In 1966, a paper entitled "On the formation of a novel adenylylic compound by enzymatic extracts of liver nuclei" from Paul Mandel's laboratory in Strasbourg, France, planted the seed for a rapidly growing new field of biological research focusing on ADP-ribosylation reactions. The development of this field over the past 2 decades reflects very much a modern trend of biological research. As more detailed knowledge accumulates, enigmatic phenomena turn into concepts which create their own enigmata. This process tends to favor the development of multiple, seemingly disconnected, research lines...
In 1966, a paper entitled "On the formation of a novel adenylylic compound by enzymatic extracts of liver nuclei" from Paul Mandel's laboratory in Str...
The alkaloids were of great importance to mankind for centuries, long before they were recognized . as a chemical class. The influence they have had on literature is hinted at by some of the quotations I have used as chapter headings. Their influence on folklore and on medicine has been even greater. The scientific study of alkaloids may be said to have begun with the isolation of morphine by Sertiirner in 1804. Since that time they have remained of great interest to chemists, and now in any month there appear dozens of publications dealing with the isolation of new alkaloids or the...
The alkaloids were of great importance to mankind for centuries, long before they were recognized . as a chemical class. The influence they have had o...
stimulating introduction to a school of thinking and a body of research that is not widely known or easily accessible to us. His attempt to provide a unify ing theory of sensory receptor mechanisms based on evolutionary principles is unique and imaginative. Among the joys of a career in science is the opportunity to rub shoulders with people of outstanding intellectual power and, with luck, to have the privilege of their friendship. In May of 1979 I visited the U.S.S.R. as a guest lecturer in chemical senses. During the 8 days that I spent in the beautiful city of Leningrad I had the great...
stimulating introduction to a school of thinking and a body of research that is not widely known or easily accessible to us. His attempt to provide a ...
In 1965 I was asked by Dr. Konrad Springer whether I would consider writing a monograph on "Lampbrush chromosomes and their physiological meaning," and although I accepted in principle I refused to write there and then, or to meet a deadline. I wanted to continue with my own research, and I had other responsibilities that left me with little free time, but a much more important consideration was that in the 1960s the subject was beset by a host of unresolved questions. I felt that to write a review then would be premature, full of speculations many of which would be refuted, and indeed were...
In 1965 I was asked by Dr. Konrad Springer whether I would consider writing a monograph on "Lampbrush chromosomes and their physiological meaning," an...