In 1966, a paper entitled "On the formation of a novel adenylylic compound by enzymatic extracts of liver nuclei" from Paul Mandel's laboratory in Strasbourg, France, planted the seed for a rapidly growing new field of biological research focusing on ADP-ribosylation reactions. The development of this field over the past 2 decades reflects very much a modern trend of biological research. As more detailed knowledge accumulates, enigmatic phenomena turn into concepts which create their own enigmata. This process tends to favor the development of multiple, seemingly disconnected, research lines...
In 1966, a paper entitled "On the formation of a novel adenylylic compound by enzymatic extracts of liver nuclei" from Paul Mandel's laboratory in Str...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich VWL - Industrieokonomik, Note: 2,0, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Kiel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Automobile werden heute nicht mehr von Unternehmen wie Porsche, BMW oder Mercedes-Benz produziert, sondern grotenteils von deren Zulieferfirmen. Die Automobilhersteller haben noch einen durchschnittlichen Anteil an der Fertigung ihrer Produkte von etwa einem Drittel. Der Groteil eines Fahrzeugs wird von externen Unternehmen hergestellt. In einem BMW X3 beispielsweise steckt mehr vom oster-reichischen Zulieferer Steyr als vom bayerischen Autobauer,...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich VWL - Industrieokonomik, Note: 2,0, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Kiel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Au...
Christoph Richter Daniel Lincot Christian A. Gueymard
Gathering some 30 entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, this book presents fundamental principles and technologies for sustainably harnessing solar energy. Covers photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar radiation and more.
Gathering some 30 entries from the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, this book presents fundamental principles and technologi...
Das 20. Jahrhundert fand seinen Widerhall in unzahligen Deutungs- und Therapieversuchen innerhalb der europaischen Geistesgeschichte. Beispielgebend dafur und Mittelpunkt dieses Buches ist die 1925 bzw. 1956/57 publizierte zweibandige Soziologie der Raume und Zeiten des Philologen, Juristen, Historikers und Soziologen Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973). Auf den Punkt gebracht handelt sein Werk von Raumen, welche Wirklichkeit bilden, und einem Raumverstandnis, das sich zugleich immer auch in einem bestimmten Verhaltnis zum Zeitbewusstsein positioniert, es oft sogar dominiert. Ziel ist,...
Das 20. Jahrhundert fand seinen Widerhall in unzahligen Deutungs- und Therapieversuchen innerhalb der europaischen Geistesgeschichte. Beispielgebend d...
This book offers a broad range of options for technically adapting, handling and processing wood with specific wood characteristics. It starts by discussing wood anatomy and the general factors leading to the formation of wood characteristics. The individual characteristics are then categorized into four groups: 1. Wood characteristics inherent in a tree's natural growth. 2. Biotically-induced wood characteristics. 3. Abiotically-induced wood characteristics. 4. Types and causes of cracks.
New to this English edition is a comparison of wood characteristics found in trees from the...
This book offers a broad range of options for technically adapting, handling and processing wood with specific wood characteristics. It starts by d...
This book offers a broad range of options for technically adapting, handling and processing wood with specific wood characteristics. It starts by discussing wood anatomy and the general factors leading to the formation of wood characteristics. The individual characteristics are then categorized into four groups: 1. Wood characteristics inherent in a tree's natural growth. 2. Biotically-induced wood characteristics. 3. Abiotically-induced wood characteristics. 4. Types and causes of cracks.
New to this English edition is a comparison of wood characteristics found in trees from the...
This book offers a broad range of options for technically adapting, handling and processing wood with specific wood characteristics. It starts by d...