Derivation or Representation? Hubert Haider & Klaus Netter 1 The Issue Derivation and Representation - these keywords refer both to a conceptual as well as to an empirical issue. Transformational grammar was in its outset (Chomsky 1957, 1975) a derivational theory which characterized a well-formed sentence by its derivation, i.e. a set of syntactic representations defined by a set of rules that map one representation into another. The set of mapping rules, the transformations, eventually became more and more abstract and were trivialized into a single one, namely "move a," a general...
Derivation or Representation? Hubert Haider & Klaus Netter 1 The Issue Derivation and Representation - these keywords refer both to a conceptual as we...
This volume in essence continues my recent contributions towards building up a better understanding of the wide range of obstacles besetting the transitions away from administrative planning in the former communist regimes in the eastern part of Europe. It is self-contained, however. As such, it specifically addresses issues revolving around how best to govern economies, and indeed societies more generally, that are undergoing fundamental structural transfor mation, and whether industrial policy can facilitate progressing with the vexing transformations that will have to be enacted over a...
This volume in essence continues my recent contributions towards building up a better understanding of the wide range of obstacles besetting the trans...
This volume contains the proceedings of the First Ukrainian-French Romanian School "Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics," held in Kaciveli, Crimea (Ukraine) from 1 September ti1114 September 1993. The School was organized by the generous support of the Ministry of Research and Space of France (MRE), the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ANU), the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the State Committee for Science and Technologies of Ukraine (GKNT). Members of the International Scientific Committee were: J.-M. Bony (paris), A. Boutet de Monvel-Berthier...
This volume contains the proceedings of the First Ukrainian-French Romanian School "Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics," held in ...
This volume contains papers presented at the meeting DeformationTheory, Symplectic Geometry and Applications, held in Ascona, June 17-21, 1996. The contents touch upon many frontier domains of modern mathematics, mathematical physics and theoretical physics and include authoritative, state-of-the-art contributions by leading scientists. New and important developments in the fields of symplectic geometry, deformation quantization, noncommutative geometry (NCG) and Lie theory are presented. Among the subjects treated are: quantization of general Poisson manifolds; new...
This volume contains papers presented at the meeting DeformationTheory, Symplectic Geometry and Applications, held in Ascona, June ...
On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Brousseau are known through texts referring to them or mentioning their existence, the original texts are unknown, or known only with difficulty, in the non-Fren- speaking world. With very few exceptions, what has been available until now have been interpretations of the works of Brousseau rather than the works themselves. It was in response to this need that two of us, in the euphoria of an unforgettable Mexican evening at the time of the 1990...
On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Br...
These two volumes constitute the Proceedings of the Conference Moshe Flato, 1999'. Their spectrum is wide but the various areas covered are, in fact, strongly interwoven by a common denominator, the unique personality and creativity of the scientist in whose honor the Conference was held, and the far-reaching vision that underlies his scientific activity. With these two volumes, the reader will be able to take stock of the present state of the art in a number of subjects at the frontier of current research in mathematics, mathematical physics, and physics. Volume I is prefaced by...
These two volumes constitute the Proceedings of the Conference Moshe Flato, 1999'. Their spectrum is wide but the various areas covered are, in fact, ...
These two volumes constitute the Proceedings of the Conference Moshe Flato, 1999'. Their spectrum is wide but the various areas covered are, in fact, strongly interwoven by a common denominator, the unique personality and creativity of the scientist in whose honor the Conference was held, and the far-reaching vision that underlies his scientific activity. With these two volumes, the reader will be able to take stock of the present state of the art in a number of subjects at the frontier of current research in mathematics, mathematical physics, and physics. Volume I is prefaced by...
These two volumes constitute the Proceedings of the Conference Moshe Flato, 1999'. Their spectrum is wide but the various areas covered are, in fact, ...
The problem of deriving irreversible thermodynamics from the re- versible microscopic dynamics has been on the agenda of theoreti- cal physics for a century and has produced more papers than can be digested by any single scientist. Why add to this too long list with yet another work? The goal is definitely not to give a gen- eral review of previous work in this field. My ambition is rather to present an approach differing in some key aspects from the stan- dard treatments, and to develop it as far as possible using rather simple mathematical tools (mainly inequalities of various kinds)....
The problem of deriving irreversible thermodynamics from the re- versible microscopic dynamics has been on the agenda of theoreti- cal physics for a c...
The following pages represent the Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics which was held in Jerusalem from August 5 through 11, 1982 under the auspices of the Tel Aviv University and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In addition to the above mentioned institutions, partial financial support was received form the Bank Leumi Lelsrael Fund for International Conferences, the American Friends of the Tel Aviv Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Mathematics and Physics Branch of the United States Army Research, Development...
The following pages represent the Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics which was held in ...
JeanVaillant L'oeuvre de Jean Leray est originale et profonde; ses theoremes et ses theories sont au coeur des recherches mathematiques actuelles: la beaute de chacun de ses travaux ne se divise pas. Son cours de Princeton, sous forme de notes en anglais (et d'une traduction en russe) en est une belle illustration: ce cours presente les equations aux derivees partielles a partir de la transformation de Laplace et du theoreme de Cauchy-Kowaleska et contient l'essentiel de nombreusesrecherchesmodernes. Lerayavaitpourbutderesoudreunprobleme, souvent d'origine mecanique ou physique - qui se pose,...
JeanVaillant L'oeuvre de Jean Leray est originale et profonde; ses theoremes et ses theories sont au coeur des recherches mathematiques actuelles: la ...