On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Brousseau are known through texts referring to them or mentioning their existence, the original texts are unknown, or known only with difficulty, in the non-Fren- speaking world. With very few exceptions, what has been available until now have been interpretations of the works of Brousseau rather than the works themselves. It was in response to this need that two of us, in the euphoria of an unforgettable Mexican evening at the time of the 1990...
On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Br...
On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Brousseau are known through texts referring to them or mentioning their existence, the original texts are unknown, or known only with difficulty, in the non-Fren- speaking world. With very few exceptions, what has been available until now have been interpretations of the works of Brousseau rather than the works themselves. It was in response to this need that two of us, in the euphoria of an unforgettable Mexican evening at the time of the 1990...
On the occasion of the celebration of Twenty Years of Didactique of Ma- ematics in France, Jeremy Kilpatrick commented that though the works of Guy Br...
Technology-enhanced learning is a timely topic, the importance of which is recognized by educational researchers, practitioners, software designers, and policy makers. This volume presents and discusses current trends and issues in technology-enhanced learning from a European research and development perspective. This multifaceted and multidisciplinary topic is considered from four different viewpoints, each of which constitutes a separate section in the book. The sections include general as well as domain-specific principles of learning that have been found to play a significant role in...
Technology-enhanced learning is a timely topic, the importance of which is recognized by educational researchers, practitioners, software designers...