The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical physics in the last century, a century characterizedbyindependent developments of the main ideas in both disciplines, physics and mathematics, which has concluded with two decades of strong interaction between them, where physics, as in previous centuries, has acted as a source of new mat- matics. Topological quantum ?eld theories constitute the core of these p- nomena, although the main drivingforce behind it has been the enormous e?ort made in...
The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical p...
GU Chaohao The soliton theory is an important branch of nonlinear science. On one hand, it describes various kinds of stable motions appearing in - ture, such as solitary water wave, solitary signals in optical ?bre etc., and has many applications in science and technology (like optical signal communication). On the other hand, it gives many e?ective methods ofgetting explicit solutions of nonlinear partial di?erential equations. Therefore, it has attracted much attention from physicists as well as mathematicians. Nonlinearpartialdi?erentialequationsappearinmanyscienti?cpr- lems. Getting...
GU Chaohao The soliton theory is an important branch of nonlinear science. On one hand, it describes various kinds of stable motions appearing in - tu...
Eclipsing Variables - What They can Tell Us and What We can do with Them The aim of the present book will be to provide an introduction to the inter- pretation of the observed light changes of eclipsing binary stars and their analysis for the elements of the respective systems. Whenever we study the properties of any celestial body - be it a planet or a star - all information we wish to gain can reach us through two different channels: their gravitational attraction, and their light. Gravitational interaction between our Earth and its celestial neighbours is, however, measurable only at...
Eclipsing Variables - What They can Tell Us and What We can do with Them The aim of the present book will be to provide an introduction to the inter- ...
The bulk of known results in spectral and scattering theory for Schrodinger operators has been derived by time-independent (also called stationary) methods, which make extensive use of re solvent estimates and the spectral theorem. In very recent years there has been a partial shift of emphasis from the time-indepen dent to the time-dependent theory, due to the discovery of new, essentially time-dependent proofs of a fair number of the principal results such as asymptotic completeness, absence of singularly con tinuous spectrum and properties of scattering cross sections. These new...
The bulk of known results in spectral and scattering theory for Schrodinger operators has been derived by time-independent (also called stationary) me...
This volume contains the text of the lectures which were given at the Differential Geometry Meeting held at Liege in 1980 and at the Differential Geometry Meeting held at Leuven in 1981. The first of these meetings was more orientated toward mathematical physics; the second has a stronger flavour of analysis. The Editors are pleased to thank the lectures who contributed scientifically to these two meetings. They are also grateful to Professor M. F1ato who has encouraged publication of these contributions in the Mathematical Physics Studies Series. We also thank the F.N.R.S. who supported...
This volume contains the text of the lectures which were given at the Differential Geometry Meeting held at Liege in 1980 and at the Differential Geom...
Symmetry and Dynamics have played, sometimes dualistic, sometimes complimentary, but always a very essential role in the physicist's description and conception of Nature. These are again the basic underlying themes of the present volume. It collects self-contained introductory contributions on some of the recent developments both in mathematical concepts and in physical applications which are becoming very important in current research. So we see in this volume, on the one hand, differential geometry, group representations, topology and algebras and on the other hand, particle equations,...
Symmetry and Dynamics have played, sometimes dualistic, sometimes complimentary, but always a very essential role in the physicist's description and c...
The following pages represent the Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics which was held in Jerusalem from August 5 through 11, 1982 under the auspices of the Tel Aviv University and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In addition to the above mentioned institutions, partial financial support was received form the Bank Leumi Lelsrael Fund for International Conferences, the American Friends of the Tel Aviv Institute of Mathematical Sciences and the Mathematics and Physics Branch of the United States Army Research, Development...
The following pages represent the Proceedings of the XI Annual Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics which was held in ...
Non-commutative integration has its origin in the classical papers of Murray and von Neumann on rings of operators, and was introduced because of unsolved problems in unitary group representations and the elucidation of various aspects of quantum-mechanical formalism, together with formal calculus in such operator rings. These papers emphasized the interest in 1I -factors and pOinted out the remarkable behavior and 1 algebraic structure of the set of all unbounded closed operators a. ffiliated to such rings. The absence of power tools in functional analysis - mainly settled in their...
Non-commutative integration has its origin in the classical papers of Murray and von Neumann on rings of operators, and was introduced because of unso...
Material particles, electrons, atoms, molecules, interact with one another by means of electromagnetic forces. That is, these forces are the cause of their being combined into condensed (liquid or solid) states. In these condensed states, the motion of the particles relative to one another proceeds in orderly fashion; their individual properties as well as the electric and magnetic dipole moments and the radiation and absorption spectra, ordinarily vary little by comparison with their properties in the free state. Exceptiotls are the special so-called collective states of condensed media that...
Material particles, electrons, atoms, molecules, interact with one another by means of electromagnetic forces. That is, these forces are the cause of ...
This book presents the text of most of the lectures which were de- livered at the Meeting Quantum Theories and Geometry which was held at the Fondation Les Treilles from March 23 to March 27, 1987. The general aim of this meeting was to bring together mathemati- cians and physicists who have worked in this growing field of contact between the two disciplines, namely this region where geometry and physics interact creatively in both directions. It 1S the strong belief of the organizers that these written con- tributions will be a useful document for research people workin~ 1n geometry or...
This book presents the text of most of the lectures which were de- livered at the Meeting Quantum Theories and Geometry which was held at the Fondatio...