The purpose of this volume is to investigate the languages of dubbing. The plural evokes the complex interplay of different codes as well as the numerous levels of analysis involved. The volume focuses on the languages of Anglophone films and television series and their dubbing into Italian while broadening the perspective to the general debate on audiovisual translation. Dubbing offers itself as a privileged place where languages interact in simulating, creating and recreating fictive orality and where influential linguistic and pragmatic conventions are generated and developed. The chapters...
The purpose of this volume is to investigate the languages of dubbing. The plural evokes the complex interplay of different codes as well as the numer...
Pragmatic competence plays a key role in intercultural communication, particularly for students studying in a target community. This book investigates the effect of study abroad on second language learners productive and receptive pragmatic competences, as well as their cognitive processes during speech act production. It employs a variety of research instruments, both quantitative and qualitative, to explore learners pragmatic development over one year. The inclusion of a control group is a methodological strength of the longitudinal study, many such studies often not including a control...
Pragmatic competence plays a key role in intercultural communication, particularly for students studying in a target community. This book investigates...
Um dem subjektiven Erleben von Patienten in Bezug auf Krankheit mehr Beachtung zu schenken, benotigt man wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Methoden, welche diesen vornehmlich kognitiven Aspekt von Krankheit uberhaupt greifbar und somit letztlich analysierbar machen. Zugang zu komplexen kognitiven Konstrukten wie dem Krankheitserleben von Patienten eroffnet die verbale Darstellung von Beschwerden im arztlichen Gesprach. Der Beitrag linguistisch-gesprachsanalytischer Forschung in diesem Zusammenhang besteht darin, mittels der Analyse arztlicher Gesprache aufzuzeigen, auf welche sprachlichen Mittel...
Um dem subjektiven Erleben von Patienten in Bezug auf Krankheit mehr Beachtung zu schenken, benotigt man wissenschaftliche Konzepte und Methoden, welc...
This volume brings together a number of corpus- based studies dealing with language varieties. These contributions focus on contemporary lines of research interests, and include language teaching and learning, translation, domain-specific grammatical and textual phenomena, linguistic variation and gender, among others. Corpora used in these studies range from highly specialized texts, including earlier scientific texts, to regional varieties. Under the umbrella of corpus linguistics, scholars also apply other distinct methodological approaches to their data in order to offer new insights into...
This volume brings together a number of corpus- based studies dealing with language varieties. These contributions focus on contemporary lines of rese...
Qu est-ce qu une explication ? Quelles sont les ressources mobilisees pour demander ou donner une explication ? Quelles sont les difficultes que rencontrent les apprenants du francais langue seconde (L2) lorsqu ils demandent ou donnent une explication ? Quelles opportunites peuvent emerger de la participation a des interactions en classe pour developper la competence d explication ? Cet ouvrage vise a repondre a ces questions a travers l etude approfondie de sequences d explication prenant place en classe de francais L2. Il propose une description systematique de la maniere dont ces...
Qu est-ce qu une explication ? Quelles sont les ressources mobilisees pour demander ou donner une explication ? Quelles sont les difficultes que renco...
Catorce investigadores de diferentes paises y nacionalidades, especialistas en diferentes campos de estudio sobre la lengua espanola Didactica del ELE y del EFE, lengua de especialidad, lexicologia, linguistica aplicada, terminologia, traduccion, resaltan, al enfocar el lexico dentro de un contexto profesional y cultural especificos, la permeabilidad y renovacion de la lengua espanola. Sus investigaciones ineditas que se enmarcan dentro de diversas perspectivas y areas de investigacion como la cibernetica, la cognitiva, la didactica, la estructuralista y la linguistica aplicada, abordan temas...
Catorce investigadores de diferentes paises y nacionalidades, especialistas en diferentes campos de estudio sobre la lengua espanola Didactica del ELE...
La traduccion audiovisual (TAV) es una disciplina reciente que ha alcanzado su maximo desarrollo durante el siglo XXI. Esta modalidad traductora se hace, si cabe, mas necesaria en un contexto como el espanol, dado el considerable aumento de la produccion audiovisual en los los ultimos anos: la afluencia de materiales audiovisuales dedicados al doblaje y el incremento de estos productos para un publico que cada vez consume mas television y cine en version original (fundamentalmente en lengua inglesa) con subtitulos en castellano. A este auge se une la concienciacion de las autoridades...
La traduccion audiovisual (TAV) es una disciplina reciente que ha alcanzado su maximo desarrollo durante el siglo XXI. Esta modalidad traductora se ha...
This volume clearly documenting research into CLIL and EMI settings is welcome and timely. A range of researchers rise to the challenge of providing deeper understanding and interpretations of key issues in ways which enable readers to adapt the approaches and ideas to inform their own practices. The nature of integration underpins each chapter and each study in creative, relevant ways at different levels. Bringing together educationalists, linguists and subject specialists provides a shared context for surfacing deeply held beliefs and providing clearer pathways for closer understanding and...
This volume clearly documenting research into CLIL and EMI settings is welcome and timely. A range of researchers rise to the challenge of providing d...
Par quels moyens parvient-on a prendre la parole et a rebondir sur les propos d'autrui ? Comment peut-on obtenir et garder l'attention des autres participants dans un echange competitif ? Comment manifeste-t-on une opinion divergente face a son interlocuteur ? Participer a une conversation requiert de prendre la parole au bon moment, tout en enchainant de facon coherente sur le fil de la discussion. Cet ouvrage examine ce phenomene aupres d'apprenants de langue seconde dans le contexte du travail en groupe. La recherche se base sur un corpus d'interactions authentiques enregistrees en classe...
Par quels moyens parvient-on a prendre la parole et a rebondir sur les propos d'autrui ? Comment peut-on obtenir et garder l'attention des autres part...
The question whether bilingualism is linked to benefits in cognitive control (executive functions) is intensely debated among linguists. While some studies come to the conclusion that bilingual individuals consistently outperform their monolingual counterparts on tasks involving cognitive control, other studies argue that there is no coherent evidence showing that bilingual advantages actually exist. This opposing view results from two inadequately investigated perspectives, namely the complexities of bilingualism and the multifaceted nature of cognitive control. This publication...
The question whether bilingualism is linked to benefits in cognitive control (executive functions) is intensely debated among linguists. While some st...