This book provides an approach to the study of perturbation and discretization effects on the long-time behavior of dynamical and control systems. It analyzes the impact of time and space discretizations on asymptotically stable attracting sets, attractors, asumptotically controllable sets and their respective domains of attractions and reachable sets. Combining robust stability concepts from nonlinear control theory, techniques from optimal control and differential games and methods from nonsmooth analysis, both qualitative and quantitative results are obtained and new algorithms are...
This book provides an approach to the study of perturbation and discretization effects on the long-time behavior of dynamical and control systems. It ...
This research monograph introduces some new aspects to the theory of harmonic functions and related topics. The authors study the analytic algebraic structures of the space of bounded harmonic functions on locally compact groups and its non-commutative analogue, the space of harmonic functionals on Fourier algebras. Both spaces are shown to be the range of a contractive projection on a von Neumann algebra and therefore admit Jordan algebraic structures. This provides a natural setting to apply recent results from non-associative analysis, semigroups and Fourier algebras. Topics discussed...
This research monograph introduces some new aspects to the theory of harmonic functions and related topics. The authors study the analytic algebraic s...
Doi-Koppinen Hopf modules and entwined modules unify various kinds of modules that have been intensively studied over the past decades, such as Hopf modules, graded modules, Yetter-Drinfeld modules. The book presents a unified theory, with focus on categorical concepts generalizing the notions of separable and Frobenius algebras, and discussing relations with smash products, Galois theory and descent theory. Each chapter of Part II is devoted to a particular nonlinear equation. The expose is organized in such a way that the analogies between the four are clear: the quantum Yang-Baxter...
Doi-Koppinen Hopf modules and entwined modules unify various kinds of modules that have been intensively studied over the past decades, such as Hopf m...
The main purpose of this monograph is to report on recent developments in the field of matrix inequalities, with emphasis on useful techniques and ingenious ideas. Among other results this book contains the affirmative solutions of eight conjectures. Many theorems unify or sharpen previous inequalities. The author's aim is to streamline the ideas in the literature. The book can be read by research workers, graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
The main purpose of this monograph is to report on recent developments in the field of matrix inequalities, with emphasis on useful techniques and ing...
Being the first monograph devoted to this subject, the book addresses the classification problem for semisimple Hopf algebras, a field that has attracted considerable attention in the last years. The special approach to this problem taken here is via semidirect product decompositions into Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf algebras and group rings of cyclic groups of prime order. One of the main features of the book is a complete treatment of the structure theory for such Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf algebras.
Being the first monograph devoted to this subject, the book addresses the classification problem for semisimple Hopf algebras, a field that has attrac...
The monograph is concerned with the modulus of families of curves on Riemann surfaces and its applications to extremal problems for conformal, quasiconformal mappings, and the extension of the modulus onto Teichmuller spaces. The main part of the monograph deals with extremal problems for compact classes of univalent conformal and quasiconformal mappings. Many of them are grouped around two-point distortion theorems. Montel's functions and functions with fixed angular derivatives are also considered. The last portion of problems is directed to the extension of the modulus varying the complex...
The monograph is concerned with the modulus of families of curves on Riemann surfaces and its applications to extremal problems for conformal, quasico...
The present book is devoted to a study of relative Prufer rings and Manis valuations, with an eye to application in real and p-adic geometry. If one wants to expand on the usual algebraic geometry over a non-algebraically closed base field, e.g. a real closed field or p-adically closed field, one typically meets lots of valuation domains. Usually they are not discrete and hence not noetherian. Thus, for a further develomemt of real algebraic and real analytic geometry in particular, and certainly also rigid analytic and p-adic geometry, new chapters of commutative algebra are needed, often of...
The present book is devoted to a study of relative Prufer rings and Manis valuations, with an eye to application in real and p-adic geometry. If one w...
This self-contained monograph is the first to feature the intersection of the structure theory of noncommutative associative algebras and the algorithmic aspect of Groebner basis theory. A double filtered-graded transfer of data in using noncommutative Groebner bases leads to effective exploitation of the solutions to several structural-computational problems, e.g., an algorithmic recognition of quadric solvable polynomial algebras, computation of GK-dimension and multiplicity for modules, and elimination of variables in noncommutative setting. All topics included deal with algebras of...
This self-contained monograph is the first to feature the intersection of the structure theory of noncommutative associative algebras and the algorith...
In recent years topology has firmly established itself as an important part of the physicist's mathematical arsenal. It has many applications, first of all in quantum field theory, but increasingly also in other areas of physics. The main focus of this book is on the results of quantum field theory that are obtained by topological methods. Some aspects of the theory of condensed matter are also discussed. Part I is an introduction to quantum field theory: it discusses the basic Lagrangians used in the theory of elementary particles. Part II is devoted to the applications of topology to...
In recent years topology has firmly established itself as an important part of the physicist's mathematical arsenal. It has many applications, first o...
"This book surveys an elegant new subject which has developed out of the cohomological treatment of class field theory by E. Artin and J. Tate. The bulk of the early contributions were by Tate, and we are greatly indebted to the author for publishing them in his very lucid style. Many others have made impressive discoveries in the field science. ...] An Appendix by J.-L. Verier covers duality in profinite groups." M. Greenberg in Mathematical Reviews, 1966
The current edition includes a survey (mostly without proofs) of the main...
From the reviews:
"This book surveys an elegant new subject which has developed out of the cohomological treatment of class field ...