The monograph is concerned with the modulus of families of curves on Riemann surfaces and its applications to extremal problems for conformal, quasiconformal mappings, and the extension of the modulus onto Teichmuller spaces. The main part of the monograph deals with extremal problems for compact classes of univalent conformal and quasiconformal mappings. Many of them are grouped around two-point distortion theorems. Montel's functions and functions with fixed angular derivatives are also considered. The last portion of problems is directed to the extension of the modulus varying the complex...
The monograph is concerned with the modulus of families of curves on Riemann surfaces and its applications to extremal problems for conformal, quasico...
This volume highlights the main results of the research performed within the network "Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications" (HCAA), which was a five-year (2007-2012) European Science Foundation Programme intended to explore and to strengthen the bridge between two scientific communities: analysts with broad backgrounds in complex and harmonic analysis and mathematical physics, and specialists in physics and applied sciences. It coordinated actions for advancing harmonic and complex analysis and for expanding its application to challenging scientific problems. Particular...
This volume highlights the main results of the research performed within the network "Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications" (HCAA), w...