"Serre's notes on groups acting on trees have appeared in various forms (all in French) over the past ten years and they have had a profound influence on the development of many areas, for example, the theory of ends of discrete groups. This fine translation is very welcome and I strongly recommend it as an introduction to an important subject. In Chapter I, which is self-contained, the pace is fairly gentle. The author proves the fundamental theorem for the special cases of free groups and tree products before dealing with the (rather difficult) proof of the...
From the reviews:
"Serre's notes on groups acting on trees have appeared in various forms (all in French) over the past ten years and they ...
"This book surveys an elegant new subject which has developed out of the cohomological treatment of class field theory by E. Artin and J. Tate. The bulk of the early contributions were by Tate, and we are greatly indebted to the author for publishing them in his very lucid style. Many others have made impressive discoveries in the field science. ...] An Appendix by J.-L. Verier covers duality in profinite groups." M. Greenberg in Mathematical Reviews, 1966
The current edition includes a survey (mostly without proofs) of the main...
From the reviews:
"This book surveys an elegant new subject which has developed out of the cohomological treatment of class field ...
This is a translation of "Auto ur du theoreme de Mordell-Weil," a course given by J . -P. Serre at the College de France in 1980 and 1981. These notes were originally written weekly by Michel Waldschmidt and have been reproduced by Publications Mathematiques de l'Universite de Paris VI, by photocopying the handwritten manuscript. The present translation follows roughly the French text, with many modi fications and rearrangements. We have not tried to give a detailed account of the new results due to Faltings, Raynaud, Gross-Zagier . . .; we have just mentioned them in notes at the appropriate...
This is a translation of "Auto ur du theoreme de Mordell-Weil," a course given by J . -P. Serre at the College de France in 1980 and 1981. These notes...