The objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis of the exchange rate pass-through relationship, using Australian imports of manufactures as a case study. The study begins by piecing together the theoretical literature on exchange rate pass-through, to provide the basis for the development of models for the empirical analysis. To place the empirical analysis m comparative context, a critical survey of the existing empirical literature on exchange rate pass-through is then undertaken. This is followed by a review of aspects of the structure and performance of Australian...
The objective of this study is to provide an in-depth analysis of the exchange rate pass-through relationship, using Australian imports of manufacture...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Euro-Par Conference, held in Passau, Germany, in August 1997. The 178 revised papers presented were selected from more than 300 submissions on the basis of 1101 reviews. The papers are organized in accordance with the conference workshop structure in tracks on support tools and environments, routing and communication, automatic parallelization, parallel and distributed algorithms, programming languages, programming models and methods, numerical algorithms, parallel architectures, HPC applications, scheduling and load...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Euro-Par Conference, held in Passau, Germany, in August 1997. The 178 rev...
This text is taken from a course held in Les Houches and includes information on: the preparation of industrial catalysts; the electronic structure of metals and alloys; and the characterization of metallic catalysts by X-ray and electron microscopy techniques.
This text is taken from a course held in Les Houches and includes information on: the preparation of industrial catalysts; the electronic structure of...
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand wahrend meiner Tatigkeit am Institut fur Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement der Universitat Stuttgart (IAT) und am Fraunhofer-Institut fur Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO). Die Anregung zur wissenschaftlichen Erarbeitung des Themas geht zuruck auf ein IAO-internes Projekt zur Realisierung eines Montageintranets. Meinem Hauptberichter, Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. H.-I. Bullinger, geschaftsfuhrender Direktor des Instituts fur Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement der Universitat Stuttgart (lAT) und Leiter des Fraunhofer-Instituts fur...
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand wahrend meiner Tatigkeit am Institut fur Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement der Universitat Stuttgart (IAT)...
In Deutschland wie auch in anderen westlichen Industrienationen stellen Herz Kreislauferkrankungen mit Abstand die haufigste Todesursache dar. Ihr Anteil betragt etwa 50070 aller Todesursachen, davon entrallt etwa ein Drittel auf Korona re Herzkrankheiten und Herzinfarkt 58]. Nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamtes kam es im Jahr 1987 allein in der Bundesrepublik zu ca. 137000 Todesfallen durch ischamische Herzkrankheiten, dies entspricht einer Mortalitatsrate von 224 pro 100000 Einwohner. In der glei chen GroBenordnung liegt die Zahl der zusatzlichen nichttOdlichen Herzinfarkte, die in...
In Deutschland wie auch in anderen westlichen Industrienationen stellen Herz Kreislauferkrankungen mit Abstand die haufigste Todesursache dar. Ihr Ant...
This volume contains selected papers from the First European Conference on Health Economics, held in Barcelona on 19-21 September 1989. The meeting was organized by the Spanish Health Economics Association (AES) and chaired by L. Bohigas. The following groups participated: the English Health Economists' Study Group, the Associa
This volume contains selected papers from the First European Conference on Health Economics, held in Barcelona on 19-21 September 1989. The meeting wa...
Reiner Anderl The Advanced Modelling part of the CAD*I project aimed at the development of a new generation of modelling techniques as a basic functionality of future CAD/CAM systems. The methodology and concepts for advanced modelling techniques, their availability in the communication interface of a CAD/CAM system and their influence on internal interfaces in the software architecture of a CAD/CAM system are fundamental results of advanced modelling work. These results form the basis for the development of a new generation of CAD/CAM systems which are called product modelling systems....
Reiner Anderl The Advanced Modelling part of the CAD*I project aimed at the development of a new generation of modelling techniques as a basic functio...
Gustav Jahoda University of Strathclyde Ever since psychology emerged as a separate discipline about a century ago, there have been differing views as to what it is or ought to be. Some, like Ebbinghaus, saw it as a budding natural science, experimental and quantitative. Others, like Dilthey, regarded psychology in the main as a humane field of study, historical and interpretative in character. The dichotomy of "explaining" versus "understanding" has been a subject of debate ever since. Regrettably, most of the protagonists of these respec tive positions tend to view them as mutually...
Gustav Jahoda University of Strathclyde Ever since psychology emerged as a separate discipline about a century ago, there have been differing views as...
The last volume in the series Fibrin Sealing in Surgical andNonsurgical Fields discusses various uses of fibrin glue in endoscopic surgery. During the last years fibrin sealant has been established in the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers and esophageal fistulae.
The last volume in the series Fibrin Sealing in Surgical andNonsurgical Fields discusses various uses of fibrin glue in endoscopic surg...